Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/703

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c0NvENTION.—-FRANGE—GLAILIS. Jmunmz 15, isso, 673 Conoentwn between the United States o America and the Fr ‘ V for the settlement of certain claims of the citizens of either eoeilbriglbrylzaclgdgglb ¥ the other. Ooncluded January 15, 1880; ratijication advised by the Senate March 29, 1880; ratijied by the President of the United States April 3, 1_880;_ratif:)ed by the President of the French Republic June 9 1880- ggtiitgétgions exchanged at Washington June 23, 1880; proclaimed Jn/nb

BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 01-* AMEEIOA. A PBOCLAMATION. Whereas, a Conyention between the United States of America and Preamble. the French Republic, for the settlement of certain claims of the citizens of either country against the other, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries, at the city of Washington, on the fifteenth day oi January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty, which Convention is word for word as follows: Convention between the United States Convention entre les Etats· Unis · of America and the French Repub- dbelmériqne et la République Fran- Conmmml lic,_ for the settlement of certain caise, pour le reglement de cerclaims o_f the citizens of either coun taines reelamations des citoycne try against the other. de chacun des deux pays contre l’autre. The United States of America and Les Etats-Unis d’Au1érique et la se ttiomeut .,;· the French Republic, animated by République Francaise, animés du claims. the desire to settle and adjust am- désir de regler par un arrangement lwbly the claims made by the citi- amical les réclamations élevées par Preamble_ ·zens of either country against the les citoyens de chacun des deuxpays government of the other, growing contre le Gouvernement de 1’autre outof acts committed by the civil or et resultant d’actes commis pendant mihtary authorities of either coun- un état de guerre ou ddnsurrection try as hereinafter defined, during a par les autorités civiles ou militaires state of war or insurrection, under de l’un ou l’autre pays dans les cirthecircumstances hereinafter speci- constances spécitiées ci-apres, ont fied, have agreed to make arrange- résolu de prendre des mesures a cet ments for that purpose, by means of eiiet au moyen d’une Convention, et a Convention, and have named as ont désigné comme leur Plénipothe1rPlenipotentiariestoconferand tentiaires pour conferer et établir

  • l8Tee thereupon, as follows: un accord, savoir: _

The President of the United Le President des Etats Unis, _C<>¤*¤¤>¤¤€ PM States, William Maxwell Evarts, Wilham Maxwell Evarts, Secré- ms' Secretary of State of the United taire d’Etat des Etats-Unis, et le States, and the President of the President de la Répubhque Fran- FV9D0h Republic, Georges Maxima gaise, Georges M3»XlID0 Ol1l3I`QYl ED· Outrey, Envoy Extraordinary and voyé Extraordinaire et Mmistre Minister Plenipotentiary of France Plénipotentiaire de France a Washat Washington, Commander of the ington, Commandeur de l’Ordre Na- National Order of the Legion of tional de la Legion d’Honneur,&c., Honor, &c., &c., &c.; &c., &c.; _ Who, after having communicated Lesquels, apres s’etre communi- Lo each other their respective full que leurs pleins pouvoirs respectifs powers, found in good and due form, et les avoir trouvés en bonne et_ due have agreed upon the following forme, sont convenus des articles Mtxcles : suivants : XX1—-43