.674 CONVENTION.—FBANCE—CLAIMS. JANUARY 15, 1880. Article I. A1z•rrcLE I. ARTICLE I. Claims of cor- All claims on the part of COI'- TOHDBS les Téolamaiions élevéeg P9Ym°¤§».°‘é?Pg‘ porations, companies, or private par des corporations, des compa,.
(QZé},'; of21hé iéidividuals. citicens} of the United gomes, mil de s$e»{Iparticuhc,;:, (ii.
United States. ‘ tad30S I1 011 ‘b 0 Overnmon 0 yells GS S- ms, COI] c Specified- France, amsing out of acts commit Gouvernement Francais et résul. ted against the persons or property tant d’actes commis en haute mer ou of citizens of the United States not sur le territoire de la France, de ses in the service of the enemies of colonies et dependances, pendant France, or voluntarily giving aid la derniere guerre entre la France and comfort to the same, by the et 1e Mexique ou pendant celle de French civil_or military authorities, 1870—’7 1 entre la France et l’Alleupon the high seas or within the magne et pendant les troubles civils territory of France, its colonies and subsequents connus sous le nom d' dependencies, during the late war “Insurrection de la Commune ”, par between France and Mexico, or les autorites civiles ou militaires diuing the war of 1870-’71 between irancaises au prejudice des per- France and Germany and the sub- sonnes ou de la proprieté de citesequent civil disturbances known yens des Etats·Unis, non au service as the "Insurrection of the Com- des ennemis de la France et qui ne Claims or cor- mune"; and on the other hand, all leur ont prete volontairement ni p9¤¤»ti<>¤¤, <¤¤}¤1>=>»- claims on the part of corporations, aide ni assistance, et, d’autre part, Qgegkvigg companies or private individuals, toutes les réclamations élevees par ,,,,,8 of F,,m,,_ citizencoffraénwégpgn the Govern- desdcorporzftions, desi compiagnies Specified. ment o the ni tates, arising ou e simp es particu iers ci yens out of acts committed against the francais, contre le Gouvernement persons or property of citizens of des Ftats-Unis et fondees sur des France not in the service of the actes commis en haute mer ou sur enemies of the United States, or le territoire des Etats—Unis pendant voluntarily giving aid and comfort la periode comprise entre le 13 to the same, by the civil or military avril 1861 et le 20 aout 1866 par authorities of the Government of les autorités civiles ou militaires du the United States, upon the high Gouvernement dos Etats·Unis au seas or within the territorial juris- prejudice des personnes ou de la diction of the United States, during propriete de citoyens francais, non the period comprised between the au service des ennemis du Gouthirteenth day of April, eighteen vernement des Etats-Unis et qui nc hundred and sixty-one, and the leur ont prete volontairement ni twentieth day of August, eighteen aide ni assistance, seront soumises _ hundred and sixty-six, be re- a trois Commissaires dont un sera ¤,,E;”1_:° C°”“m°· ferrcd to three Commissioners, one nomme par le President des Eta12S- Howhmgmtcl 9fWh0mSha1lbenamedby thePres- Unis, un autre par le Gouvcrlwident of the United States, and one ment Francais et le troisieme par by the French Government, and Sa Majesté l’Empereur du Bresil. the third by His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil. ‘ Am°1°H- Anrronn II. Anrromu II. C0·mf£§gE°¤ of _The said commission, thus con- Ladjte Commission ainsi c0I1Sl5l· · stituted, shall be competent and mee aura competence et devra obliged to examine and decide upon statuer sur toute les réclamations all claims of the aforesaid character, ayant le caractere ci-dessus indique, presented to them by the citizens of presentées `par les citoyens de ch a- either country, except such as have cun des deux pays, sauf sur celles bpm! already diplomatically, judi- que Pun ou Pautre g0l1V€I'll€IUGDt ciallyor otherwise by competent au- aura deja fait régler diplomatiq uethorrties, heretofore disposed ot by ment, judiciairement ou autrement either government; but no claim or pardes autorites competentes; mais may not enter- item ofdamage or injury based upon aucune reclamation ni article de tort $1*;;; Simipgccgg the emancipation or loss of slaves ou dommage tonalés sur la perm vu 0, lm of5mm_ Shall beentertained by the said 1*éma¤cipg,tio¤ dlesclaves ne seront Commission. examines par ladite Commission