894 INDEX. Hom —-C tin e0 Pm A ropriatimw for-—Continued Paget pprqpda on u . · A purchase of gre for Naval Observatory 65 lgliting and distributin£the laws and Statfor post-ofliee at Baltimore, Md . . 66 utes at Large of the Forty-sixth Conedditicnel clerks fc expedite settlement of _ gross .. _ .; Z .-,.216, 391 pension claims . 68 salaries and expenses of Jomt commission extension of public building at Cleveland, for settlement of claims with French Ohio. ..., . . . . .. 8]. Republic..:-- .. .. . . 297 construction of Marine Hospital at Mem- payment of retained percentages on conphis, Tenn . -. -. .. .- .. 109 tracts for paving, etc., in Capitol ‘ erection of fort at Mnsselshcllltiver, Mont- . 114 _ _ grounds, corrected . Z. . . . . 300 Indian supplies and transportation, whengg 501 printing for public lands commission; pro- 300 available . .. . . . . . . , visos .. . ... . . . . . . . . . Indian service, how umd_, ,,.,,_ , _,_.. ,-., 132 filling up grounds south of the Capitol 300 construction of public building at Pitts- 142 erection; 1g malitalgybstormhougetand depot bm-]; pa ____ ______ ,_,, a. ma a, e 1·.,expen nureo,an- Army, no? to be used for pay of Army as therized ...-.-- _ ----·- - -- -..- --- 301 police force at elections . 113 expenses of International fishery exhibierection, removal, and repair of lights on $1011 ------ ---- -- -----·------- - -·--- 301 pier-heads on the lakes, rivers, and Aqueduct, Washingion, D. G., seaboard of the United States . . .~.. 263 appropriation for maintenance and general building two steam-tenders for light-house repairs of . . . 157, 458 service; proviso __,, . ... .-.. 263 Aqueduct Bridge, Potomac River, Geocrgctmvn, care and custody of lands and other prop- D. C., erty of the United States .. . . ..266, 442 appropriation for purchase of . . . . . 1529 construction of public building at Toledo, Aransas Pass and Bay, Ohio . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 282 appropriation for improvement oi, to Rockbounties to Fifteenth and Sixteenth Mis- port and Corpus Christi, Tex.. .. ..186, 477 souri Cavalry . . . . . . . . .. 283 Arapahoe Indians, survey of Gettysburg battle-Held; proviso. 170 appropriations for installments, etc., to. ..117, 487 publishing the opinions of the Attorney, for subsistence and civilization of . ---67, 498 General .- . ..- . . 236 deficiency appropriation for care and snp— widows and children of surfmen who port of . ..-. . . . . . . 422 perished at Point Aux Barques, Lake Arapahoe and Norithern Cheyenne Indians, 2 92 umn .. . ...-.. 258 appropriation or insta ments etc to 12* ,4 purchase of site and construction of public pfgr £1bsistence, civilization, ,etc.; of .-... (17 . building at Charleston, W. Va .. 73 charged with payment to Amanda M. Cook . 64 at Paducah, Ky ,... . . . 73 Arbuthnot, James, purchase of sites and construction oi military payment to . . ...-.. . . . . . . . . . 98 posts for protection of Rio Grande A·rcher’a Hope River, Va., rontier .. . - 73 appro riation for im rovement of 481 erection of statue in bronze of Joseph Architecg) of the C.¤p·itol,p ?;1§‘y,tlate Secretary of Smithsonian 1 4 appropriation for salaries in office of . 231, 20 `t11i0u .. . ... . 5 for tcstin ms etequndcrsu crvision 0 . ‘ 2 expenses of boards of reapportionment for Architect of HE pdkeaaury, p legiptatplres of Montana, Wyoming, 154 A aplpropriatipn for salaries in oince of . .23. 217, 392 Hm 3 0.. .. . .-...-. . . ·rc ieee, Rebe etc. District of Columbia, to be deposited in appropriation for expenses, etc., of exami- . United States Trensuxy .. . . 162 nation of .. . . . 442 erection of monumental column at York- Arctic Seas, town, Va., in commemoration of the expedition to the, gutherizgd _ _____ _ _____ 82 surrender of Lord Cornwallis .. 163 appropriation for completing report of the erection _0f monument to the memory of late, under Capt. C. F. Hall 238 Brigadier-Qeneral Herkimer ... 163, 522 for continuing scientinc observations, expenses of Joint Select Committee to etc., in Lady Franklin Bav, in the .. 447 provide room for Congressional Li· 165 explorgg steamler Jeannette in, Secretary MY ------ ~ ----· -- ---------------- av authorized to dis atch vessels erection of naval wbarfat Key West, Fla- . 283 in sga1‘ch of ; proviso . .. . . 448 Great and Little Osage Indians, for sale of Arendale, Richard, trust lends ---- - ----· · ----- ---- . .-·. 292 payment to . ,,,,_,,_, , ,.. 559 rivers and harbors may be expended for Ariokaree Indiana, sites; proviso .--- . ..------.--»---- 193, 482 appropriations for subsistence etc-, of - .-128, 498 rivers and harbors, provisions concerning Arid and Waste Lands, ’ expenditure of, by contract and by appropriation for reclamation of- proviso.295,384 himd 10b0f ---· - ----------------- · 193, 482 Arizona, 1 removal of xvrecked vessels and cargoes ob appropriations for expenses of government S151pc15mg navigable watgrg of the of ____ _ _________ __ _____________ 23, 225, 400 _Uu1te<l tu/tes .. . 197 for cftice of surveyor-general of. .. ..23, 234,410 erection of light-honse and fog bell at en- postrcutes established in . 3*3 trance of Wickford Harbor, Narra- appropriation for incidental expenses of _g=mset Ba; --..- . . _ 199 Indian service .. . . 130, 500 carryipg mtode act agreement with Con- for survey of private land claims in ..-·- 401 éderatg fBands of Ute Indians m for support ofApache Indians in .. . 430 vpgpra 0 or sa e 0 reservation;1é>J·oéO4 20, d ig>r·intei·preters to Indian tribes in --·-- 487
.-.. . ... . ‘ 0 e c1enci·`-
—perpetnal trust iimd for the Ute Indians, ’ peiXs:£g;€1?Tla?,?? igr. i°-fi 410 A ctc ··---- ,- - · · - ; - ·- - . ·--- » - - - ---- 204 for salaries in office of surveyor-general ¤f 428 support of certain Ind1an tribes .. . . . . 67 for expense of land service in . .. 247