INDEX. goo Page. Pogo A·T76¢V/L80B, _ _ Arreqrg of Pay, ‘ post-routes estabhshed m ... 12, 21, 9i, 205, 353 **p¤,y to two and thmé yomr Volootoom/. ¤·d*l¤t10P&] Fights to h°!¤°¤"@°¤·d ¤¤tt}¤1'¤ 111, 4u1d " bounty to volunteers and then 1]-mus °f land grants lu ···-···· ·- ·· 46 Widows and leg;/;,]_ ];ej;·5," deiloionoy Arkansas River, _ appropriation for ___________________ 419 appropriation for improvement of, between A"·‘”·"WZ·‘h _ _ Fort Smith and Wichita, Kaus ._,__ 187, 477 epvroprmtxcns for. . . . 267, 443 for removal of obstructions from .,.,__ 190, 413 et Clnarleston, $. C., lease ci} to the Hony ‘ ibr improvement oi, at Pine Bluif .. 190, 477 Communion Church lnstitnte for Amammtao _ school purposes, anthonzed _ . .: -. 299 appropriation for ______ __ _ _ ____ _ _ U _____ _ loo, 468 Indmnggolis, Ind., deficiency appropuotion 419 AMW6s; _ _ Sam Anton -
- '·PI’1`°Pn“l”°“¤ fm' -· ---- -·-· -----·-- ·--—267»443 ized io piirchose land to enlarge
Armory at Naval Academy, grounds ot; and protect the . 314 appropriation for erection of .. . . . . 448 Watertown, N. Y., machine for testing iron Arnls, ond steel at, appropriation for . . 349 appmprmtion for mmmfactum of"`34’ 113349 Ayggolvision for the extradition of persons A'I`f;§’;gg% Q)“‘”'d P·» 571 cimgca with the crime of] with the ~ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ *‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘'‘···‘····‘‘·‘ Neth l ds.. .. . ... ---. 770 Armstrong, George Art, Br ml payment to admlulstrator of -. 581 appropriation for purchase of works of, for Armglrong, Sq i · Capitol . . ... l. . . . . . . . 26, 28l., payment to Dzwid C. Hammond, agent for. 620 Arma" W6!?, B¢{’"¢“W: WJ 1_ ‘ Army, · zippropréuttionlgoriogginuigg work on. . .267 appropriations for support of . 30, 110, 346 mst1g0n tgt c y mm °‘ms’ appmpllar 295 .ti3‘éE‘§‘L‘,€“,;,,;;,;;,;,;1;,;;;;.gn, ‘‘‘‘‘ ""‘;:1.€8*§€3 —»~-»»··¢- e `````` " ```` ```" ```" "` deficiency in pay, ordnance, expenses of Agzditllbajsfuuts °f‘‘ ‘’`‘ 243 _ recruiting etc., for the. . 430 ‘ ro Maticé for 2.,0 447 “°“°‘°”°?“ in °1“*m“ M P°?’“i°”S ““°‘"d $gEe1£¤¤,· spp»¤p£ié£1L}}L}i[fZ2ifZ Y][Z[f41e’ 42.0 P1-wr t0.Ja'uua'ry 25* 1879 '''''` 150 Anialesfor Government of Navy ’ for Commanding Genera.l’s office .. 30 am 016 19 amended _ _ __’ ______________ 3 Pay pepmltmem Of ''‘'``` 317 110346 Artillery School Forwess llloltroc Va. Subsistence Department of 31, 111, 347 al ro rmtioé for materials Ju {ol. __ 270 Mo Quairliormastefs Department of. .. 32,111,347 A7_gWm_IpE M mmm ’ "'’ Medica.] Department of ... 33, 112, 347 ul Y6] rigugu for ’ __ _34 113 349 Engineer Depmmm, of _. 33,113 349 ANEQWVHOMS ···· · ‘·‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ ’ Ordnance Department of .. 34, 113, 349 a N imnoé for ____ __32 112 348 miscellaneous oxponsog of __,,_,_. ,. _ . 33, 11]., 346 Argpsagmd °```````'````` ’ ’ contingent expenses of, under orders of the &’ mgmt to _ _ _ _____ _ ____ _ ______ _ _____ 571 Secretary of WM .--· -- --·-- ·- ··---- 112 43413 Fliza N numb" °f °DH“t°d mw i“ ······‘‘‘‘‘‘ 30* 110* BM) wiisicn to as widow of John P ... 588 sales of stores to oincers snd men . . 32 Aghley Rim] S_ C_ regulations and generu,1 orders of, to be cod- K a_mn_0pria{Ji0u for improvomoot of ____ ___ _19g, 475 md ·----· · ·--· · ··---· · ·-··· · **4 Ammo, om, l10h to be used to keep the peace at election. r appropriation for improvomoot of harbor polls .. . . . ---- - --3->» 113 at ______________ _ __________, , _ 182, 476 act relative to location of certain headquer- Ashworth GMM, tors of, ropooloql; éyroviso .. . -.. . 35 Puymcilttonlfu ______ _____ _ ________ _ ____ $25 promotions in Engineer orps .. . . . -;- · 45 Agkew R W omcers of Engineer Corps of} tc 0X2·m1¤¤ polyhloot to I _ _ _____ _ ______,_,. ... 615 practicnbility of bridging or tunnel- r Away Omega, ' . mg Detroit River ‘' . ’'‘'‘‘ . °' . Jl 3,p[`>1·0pria.ti011s for salaries, ctc., in. -23, 27, 223, 398 detail of officer oi, in connection with In- ‘ dohoioooy o Propriotious for ________,. 2, 240 . dmv ¤d¤<==»¤¤i<>¤ -- ---- -·-- · -—··· - *5 st New rmi bullion may be ported, ew., chicers, retired, may be detailed as pI0fo8E- _ ot. oxooosos ______ _ _ _ __________, 223 ors to institutions of learning ... ll3 at Saint Louis, oopropmmoo for oombhsh. may receive additional pay for such S<>1'\'· mg _ ________ __ _ ____ _ ___,, . ,.. . . 322 ices from institutions . - ll3 [18,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,, mcmmng fu ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 30’1l0‘§M§ in Distriét of Columbia., interest on a.rrca.r~ S§nn1 Service. . . .:..31, UO, $46 mos Of; ,,(,u·m1;ion of excessive. .--- 36 0 cers of, prohibited from permitting In- l uuImm°ou msmloo spirits Withdmwo for (Hans *° ¤`°m°"° t° Tcmsi P°”“1tY· · 132ogzport tax not to 1>cco11ectc<li@>r1oss, Army Medical Museum, lonkuoge. or casualty <¤=<>¤l'¤11g 1¤ F9 upiproprietion for expenses, ctc., 0i' 33, 118, 849 imnsit since_May l, 1878 ----—-· - --·· ° or books for library of. .. . -. . . ...-- 115, -*49 Agsiymaboipe :Z’lIdW/H8 M !¥07¢w'm» f 128 498
- "°*”“’"" ‘?`"“""·* ”“"""· ”‘·· · r ’“’5’“’§”3“°Z.‘2?§§’%EEP?t$?£€£ °“" °’`°‘ ’
”°¤¤d=<~¤¤¤ of changed --·· ·-·· · ····· · ·’”·’ ’“ mm foroay or .. m Houlton, designate ss the only port of 32r Asggggzjnjgwtgggogmml ' _I , . Arnold, $b%for `````` '`'A l` _ .'.. i - - _ O ¤,pproprio,ti0I1_ foI’ §¤»]¤·l'£Q$, OW-; g:’;m:;_°!‘230’ 406 psymm to .. . . ·----- - ---—· 57* AMW €;¢*‘¢"·**;** *;;{(‘,,;;;;{,°" 4 Awearages of Pensions, I tlimc zu < igonzi , s 0 ond;); kot U _ 251 provision for poyment of. . . .-··- - ·--·- 30,150 S°”“*°» de ‘”°“°·Y appr P '