Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/836

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806 INDEX. ‘ . — Auditor of Railroad Accounts. _ A127s5a;? Muamgem _ __ _ _ ____ _ 30 appropriations for salaries, etc., in the ogc;33 409 . "--"`-U ta -of_... -1--:--- ···- -··--j-··'s • “=T{»8;m$:;’6;§51¤6 °f ---- --·· ’“‘· 21* *1 "°“°*°§f3({‘L‘L*£§¥*2’§§§”,ZZ§’sTLSf?£ l£Z`Z.?€’?»i"i°} at Assistant Surgeons, Qwy, _ _ Auditors 0 Trmwmw némmmaglinftgggwéé. 176 appropriations fo; salaries in the office of ' rere United States , _ . ’ Azpspzolpriations for salaries, etc., in 0g03m 396 Auy¤6¢¢,Vg£i;tgg¢g;%;;8 5,0***6 fo" Dwabzed of · --··-- - ---· · ------ · ----- · - - · s • , .’ . · sha,]] redeem subsidiary coin. ----- - - - - 7 to be slléggglcd Wlth certain Public docu- 322 Associate Justice, . ‘‘‘‘‘'‘`' " `'`` "` ' appropriation for salary ofsadditional, of su- Aulta, Blwabeth, _ MMI d preme court, District of Columbia -. 41 pens1ogftg1?ll£(;1;<§`Imt;13{t; 611 M W1 0W 547 A°l$g:>£°da{¤r¢$;ddt>?{’ .. . ------- 276, 452 An Saw M;?'*·» for improvement of hmm, As lam or Insane, a·PPY°P¤”· 19** gppropnation for the .. . . .. . ..-·---- 275, 452 _ and UVM M ······ · ·‘··‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ 182* 471 deficiency appropriation for ..- - - - - ---- 426 Auwn, John G-: 565 land granted to Dakota for an -.---- · ----- 290 P6§’m°uF tv - ----· · 3 ·; · · ·· · ‘ ‘ :‘,‘ ‘ Asylum, pag], Tigmcwhm, 86 334 A;,)s;§1’z1,1(.g;i:a)beth, admtmstra Mm of a tame , 637 a. ropria on or .. . .--.------ --- » _ -—···· ·· ····‘ · ···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ Aeyldnte, Washington, D. 0., AMW", J H-» .625 appropriation for. . .. . - ·. . -.-- 156, 459 payment #0 ··--·· - ----- -- ----·------· deficiency appropriation for .. 426 Austin, Nathaniel, _ _ _ f 637 Agyluing Oymhan, D_ Q_, payment {30 gdmgnistrgtrix 0 ,,,,__ , ,._,,, released ·from certain taxes, exempt hom Austin., Sandy, 561 taxation ; proviso . . . .. .. . .. 513 payment to ------ -- - - ------ - -- - -·~· -- ---· Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé Railroad Cont- Auetm, Tea}.? for completion of court house pany, . appropma ion — authorized to purchase land in Fort Dodge _ and post-oifice atr. ._ ... Z . . .:259, 435 - military reservation, Kansas ..-. 311 time fixed for holding Lnited States district Atchley, Noah H., and circuit courts for western district payuwnt to, as executor of Joshua H .. 565 _ of Texas at .. - . · . - - . 326 Atkinson, W. C., . Australia, _ _ _ payment to . - . . .. . . . . 618 approprgation expenses of United States 49 `iilamta, Ga., a exposi i on in .. . . . . . . declared a port of entry; privilege of immo- , diate transportation of dutiable goods 373 B- to authorized . . . . . - surveyor of customs authorized to be ap- Babb, Benjamin, and others, pointed for ; salary of . . 373 PUYIDBD6 to ---- - - -- ---· - -·---·- - ------- ·· 587 Atlantic Coast, Surrey of, Bachelder, John B., appropriation for ,,________ . _ . . - . 263, 439 payment to . . ..-. . . - · · ·---- · ---·----· 170 Atlas, Hayderfs, of Colorado, Bacon, Drua A., appropriation for publishing . . 517 payment to . . . - - - ..-. · —-··-·- - · ·----- 565 Atmospheric Impurities, Bagley, Arthur B., appropriation for investigating .. . . 335 political disabilities removed - ---- - - - - 526 Attorney-General, Bagley, Peter, ,_ appropriation for salaries, etc., in the office payment to .. . ... . - - - ---- 620 of .. . . . ... . .23, 236, 412 Bailey, Charles M., for expenses incurred in defending suits payment to ---. ... ... ..-..--- ---- 565 against the United States to be ex- Bailey, Ezekiel S., pended under direction of . . 277 payment to . ... . · ·-- - 572 for publication of opinions of ..., .. .. .. 236 Bailey, John O., for rent of building for the office of . 236 payment to . . . . . . - - .. · . - · 646 shall report expenditures, etc . 44 Bailey, Richard, deceased, authorized to make requisition for official payment to executors of . · ·--- 622 postage stamps for use of the Depart- Bailey, Samuel H., ‘ ment of J ustiee . . . .. .. . . . 237 payment to .. .. ... . .- 625 authorized to defend District of Columbia Baile, John, against claimsprosecuted in the Court payment to __,, _ _ _ _ ,_ , , , . . . . . 565 of Claims . .--. . . . . 285 Bains, B. M., to compromise claim of United States under payment to __,,_,___, ,, , . ,,.. -- -. 6% devise of Joseph L. Lewis .. . . . . 171 Baird, Rittenhouse, deficiency appropriation for books for dis- payment to . ... . . 564 trict courts at Frankfort, Ky . .- . 250 Baird, Spencer F., . Attorneys, United States District, remission of duties _____ _ _____ _ ____ , ,, 608 appropriation for salaries of .. . . 236, 412 Baker, Annie S., William IL, and Samuel D-, Texas, deicieucy appropriation for ,... . . . . 250 payment to trustee for __,_ , _,_,..,... . 569 appropriation for fees of, employed by Baker Oily, Oreg., special agents of Post-Office Depart- land title to block 14 in, confirmed to Baker _ 1I10m? -—·- ·- ------~ - -----.-~.-- . 374 County; patent to be issued . -. - 169 Auditor of the Treasury for the Poet-Oyice Depart- Baker, James W, ment, _ · payment to .. . . . . 626 appropriation for salaries in the office of 23, 26, Baker, Miles R., . 218, 393 payment to .. . . . . . . . . ...- 626