Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/837

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INDEX. 8()7 Pa. e. Balanres, _ _ _ _ g Barnes, William H., Pm appropmatiou for, due foreign couutmes nemo of schooner, Rebecca. D. changed under provisions of Universal Postal to . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Union Convention . . ... 179, 377 Barns, Nancy G., Balances, Letter, payment to Ira, Bogen as administrator appmpriatiou for .. - . 178, 376 of ... . . . . . . . ... 572 deficiency appropriation for .. . .- . 249 Barnett, Thomas J, deceased, Baldwin, HWMGN, payment to administrator of ________,____, 615 pension increased . ... . ... 548 Bamhart, .Iq,·mgg H,, Baldwin, Isaac P., payment tu, as surviving partner of George payment to, for heirs of Sally Sexsmith . . . 568 Bamha.rts.11d sou .. . . . . 568 Baldwin, Isaac P., of Manassas, Va., Bamum, Thomas, accounts of, to be settled . . . . . 244 payment to ,. _.., . .., 573 ` Ballard, Moses, Barnsley, William B., deceased, payment to - .. . . . . . . . 559 payment to executrix of . . 619 Baltimore, Md., Barracks, purchase of site for post-office at, author- . appropriation for, for Army ... 33,269, 448 ized .. . . .. . . . . . .. . 21,66 deiioienoy appropriation for .. . 431. plans, estimates of cost, etc., to be repor- Barracks, Marine Corps, ted to Congress . 260appropniatiou for construction and repair for construction of, etc. ; proviso 435 of, at-- port of entry, privilege oi immediate trans- Annapolis, Md . . . . 271, 448 pormtion of dutiable goods to, au- Norfolk, Vu .. . ... . .-.----..- .. 271 thorized . . . . - . . 174 Washillgbou, D. C ..-. .--- .--.----·----- 271 appropriation for improvement of harbor Fort Leavenworth, Kansas .. . .. 448 mg ____ ____ ______ _ _______,_,__.____ 181,475 Barrett, Martha, _ _ _ _ for salaries in office of assistant United payment to as mlmimstmtmx ot Nancy r _ States treasurer 3,1; ..,__,.. . 23, 222, 396 Russell .. . . . . . . ., . 001 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, Barry, James O., _ settlement of claim of District of Columbia payment to Samuel Bymm, executor of .. . 026 against, confirmed .. 516 B¢11"r‘y, W W., Bamygr, M 9,, · refund of money to , . .,.,,.,,... . . - , . _ 60], declared the port of entry and delivery for Bartlett, G. M., _ _ _ customs, district of . . . .. 325 payment to ¤An11n1strq.tg1x of 2 626 customs district of, boundaries of, changed. 325 Bartlett, Rebecca L., admmostmmx of G. M., _ collector of customs, district nt to reside payment tq · - --.---- - 026 3,1; ___, , _____ , ,..._ , ,,,. , ,..., . .,_,, 325 Bartlett, Scaczl B., r deputy collectors of, to reside, one at payment to .. .. . . o65 Frankfort and one Hat Va.nceboro’ 325 Bartley, Pheba A., ,65 Bunk, Blue Hill Nemmal, of Dorchester, Mass., payment to .. . . . . - - . . ·> authorized to change location and name - . 314 Barton, Jonathan, 644 Bank, First National, West Meriden, Germ., payment tp . - - . . ...-.---- Mlbhorizod to change its name . . . . 373 Barton, Wzlham, W2 Banks, National ptwmnnt to ------ - ----------- - ----- ~ ----- -> Véfiflcnltiou oft returns of . . ,,... . . 352 Basshmj, T. C., Q C0.,_ t_ f umhme of Ba-wks, National Gold, d¤fi¢1¤¤<{y j*P1>F°P?¤· l°¤ 0I` P 245 Bconvecrsion of . 66 Pau Rn;i11¥}¤a'};g:03I;3;¤ ··----------- - ----— mance Indians · ‘ _ _ ‘ . ·» _ _ , a.ppropriatiou,for installments, etc. , to . . . 126, 406 appropxiiution for 1*9-establishing 11ght :1.12. . 437 rm support, em., of .. . .. 129 Bcwww, ltwhwd, 568 in Idnhc nnd Southeastern Oregon, ¤ppr<>— wymnnt tv ··---- · ---- - ----- - -·--· - ----- priatiou for settlement, etc., of 130, 499 Bates, Hugh, 622 Barbee, J. Russell, payment to .. .. .. Bpeymnnt to ----- - ----»---- - --·---- - ----- 280 Btggwggg ,0 ·, 561 amee . .. when 1105 subject to enrollment, etc ... 44 Bates, Joseph D., 429 ”M··*’"“» ,,6 Bgmzzzlo --%- s ~—·-- - ·-·· - --··-····--·- -‘.--· l 7 . . _ · · B£3c{?_e?1g.t}gZ·,- - i - E payment iéoil 35 :ig1;511st1n.tr1x of U laewais 572 reinstatement as cadet-midshipmau ... 591 jo c , ec . . . . . Bdflow, G. PK, Baics, S. ., - 613 payment to . - - ----- - ---- - --- 571 pey¤¤,,gnt_t<> ..---- . -..-- » ---- · Ba,.,,a,.d Bates, zlham .$., _ 572 payment to , . 558 payment to .. . . . . ... l l---_--'-------------.-.-- Bath Mg, l B‘l>r:::i(;z1E:lf2f‘.{l:i -.. .,.. 610 polls of izmry, privilegeof i1n111e¢lmfrQt.r:1.ns; ‘ pormtion of dutmble goods o, nu Barnard, James M, , thorizpd ______ _ ______ ___, 174 payment to'‘‘'` ’ ‘'` " ```°`` 026 riation `iixif>rovcme11t of the Bam°8’ Al°°°°'"d°°`B‘* r r upprom ut" op osite . . . 180, 472 paynuent to ..,, , _.,,. . ...,,,,,,,. .. .. ,>6.> Hmm Rwgc La. p . Barnes' L W" 618 port of pxzovisions of act ostublishing pubpayment to ‘'‘'‘ . ‘ Z' ‘ ‘'T`````` ````. I lic iiiarino schools extended to tho. .- 505 Barnes Jennie admemstmirw of Joszph Lerea, . ’ deceased Balscl, Naihanwf, 61,) ' _ _ 625 puymout to executor of . .. . . — vwmnnt t<> -----—----—- - ---· -·-- -- ,, ,,· ,,,,,, Bwr··nes,SwpIwnD., zu 0,1 ,0,}, 626 Dame of yacht, changed to Vega, ..,... 311 paymoii o .. ..-- -