Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/888

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858 INDEX. Page. _ P·z¤ Materials for Folding, Meehan, Johanna, widow of.PaMck K. , deceased, appropriation for, for Senate . 23, 212, 387 _ and Minor Children, i¥orHouse, ,.,,. .L.-  %,214,389 pensions to,--. . . . . . . ..,.. 652 Matherly, Fleming W, Meek, Betsey Jane, payment to .. . . . ... . . 619 payments to . . . ._ .. . . . . . 580 Mathewson, William, M6?/M", Emma, and MW" OMW`°”: ` payment to .. . ... 433 pensions to . . . ...,...,...,., 609 Mathiot, George, deceased, Megrail, James, payment to Martha E., executrix of .. . 618 payment t0_ ---·-· - -; ·· - --··-- · -·--· - ----- 623 Mathis, Sarah P., Meguiar, William, payment to ____________ __ ,,_, _,__ ,... 632 payment to . . ·--· ·---- ~ ·---~· ---— 580 Mattapcni River, Va., Meighan, Peter, deceased, appropriation for improvement of .. .. 191, 474 PGHBIOD to Mary, widow of ... . ... 542 Matta/wan Creek, N. J., Mclbmirnc, Victoria, _ appropriation for improvement of . 480 appropriation for expenses of United States Matthews, Joseph E., deceased, at exhibition at; reports on .-.. 49 payment to W. C. McCasljn, administrator Melting and Rqininy Bullion, gf ___, , _____ _ ____ _ __,,, , ,,,,, _ ,,,,, 632 charges for, authorized . ... 374 Matthews, Elizabeth, Melvin, Edward, deceased, _ _ _ payment to as administratrix of L. L .. 580 payment to Elizabeth, admimstratmx of - . 632 Maxwell, W. A., deceased, Melvin, William T., payment to W. P., executor of . ... 632 payment to . . ..-..- . ----- - ----· - -·--- 632 May, Mary VK, Memphis, Tenn., _ _ payment to _ _____ _ _ _ _ ,___ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _,,,,,, 632 port of entry, privilege of immethate trams- May, Pryor, portation of dutiable goods to, authorpayment to .-- . . - ,- -. .. . . 644 ized . . .. .. - 174 Mayfield, Daniel, marine hospital authorized to be conpayment to . . . . .. .-.. 567 structed at .. . . . . . . 109 Maynard, Elizabeth B., administrator of Her- custom-house, court-house, and post·office, ace G., appropriation for continuation of.-259, 435 payment to . . . . .. . . .. 580 for improvement of harbor at . .. 471 Maynard, Stith, Memphis and New Orleans Steam Packet Compayment to .. . . . ... . . 632 pany, Maynor, Jane M, administratrix of Pleasant, . payment of claim ot, hom deficiency appayment to .-.. .. 567 propriations for Post-Office Depart- Mayor of Washington, ment prohibited . .. .- . 258 certain powers of, conferred on Secretary Memphis and Vicksburg Railroad Company, of Interior .. - . - 47 right of way through cemetery lands near Meacham, Elizabeth, Vicksburg granted to .. 314 payment to . . - . . --.. 564 Meiwhey, Edward, administrator, Meade, Alaj. Gen. George Gordon, payment to . . . ... 579 bronze equestrian statue in memory of 164 Menomince Indiana Meador, Joseph G., appropriations tbrlast installments, etc.,t0. 120 payment to .. . . . . .. . . 616 for support, etc. , of . ... . ... 499 Meals, Lewi; M.,» trust funds, for interest on non-paying payment to . . . . . . ,. . ; 567 stocks of . . . . . . 132, 501 Medg}ze1·, Peters, et al., Mcnmnincc, Wis., payment to .. .. . . . . . . 540 appropriationforimprovcment ofharbmat.183,472 Measle, Jacob, Merchandise, payment to ... . . . 632 weight and size of packets and packages Medical Department, Army, of, exchanged through the mails with appropriations for . 33, 86,349 France .. . . ---. . . .. 786 tor deficiencies in . . 430 proclamation of the President discontinu- Medical Experts, ing discriminating duties on certain, report oi, on yellow fever, to be printed- . . 47 imported in Chinese vessels . 800 Medical Mziscuni, Army, M erchanta’ National Bank of Manchester, N H., appropriation for . . . . 33, 113,349 name of City National Bank, Manchester, tor purchase of books for library of . . . . 113, 349 N. H., changed to; proviso . 176 Medical Qpicers, Merchant Vessels, detail of, for service in office of consul at act concerning, coming from foreign port ports where contagious disease exists. 5 where contagious disease exists . 5 certificates by, of sanitary history of ves- Merom, Ind., Sels . . . ..-. 5 bridge across Wabash River; restrictions. 42 Medical Sapplies, Army, Mmwfyicld, S. B., deceased, appropriation for . . .. 33, 112, 349 payment to administrator of .. ... . 616 for deiiciencies in . .. 430 Merrimac River, Mase., Medicine and _Surgcry, Navy, appropriation for improvement of ... .184, 473 appropmation for department of ... 33, 86, 335 Merrymaxn, John, for salaries, etc., in Bureau of .. 23, 230, 406 importation of certain cattle by . .. 3 Mediterranean Sea, Mere, F. D.. sailing directions for, binding; proviso 49 I Mpayment to .. . ... . ..,,.,,,,., 619 Medley, J. E., esaengers, payment to .. . ... 647 ‘ approprxation for difference of pay to Mcdlin, Sophronia, Senate . 434 payment to, as widow of Robert .. ..- - 567 for salaries of ,. , , ,,,, .. ..._ , ,,,23, 211, 386 Med-sker, 0. L., E of House . . . ... 2,23,%,214, 388 payment to .. .. -. . .. ---- . 580 I to paymasters in Army . . . .. .. 31