Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/891

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HDEX 1 mssisaippi River-—Coutin¤ed. S ylwlwll nm, P•8°· a.pIpr0pi·iuti<l:ns for improvement of: Pgymant to _’ 565 cgging <>mp=>¤y to wnstrucb and Mum; R ``'`````````` Y 'F '``'" ` ggate hsheer-ilooms on, at Straim giayinentetoe .. . . 576

        • 8 · PmV¤¤<> - -; - ---- 282 Muchell, wimam,

at and above Alcxandrm, Mo... . . .. . 478 at CapeGir:m1eau Mo 478 MP;:{:l°I%w·t° ` '°°` ‘‘‘‘‘ 617 _ I I '•"•····--¤--·•••¤ n ’ from Desgioiues Rapids to mouth of mi- ;,,,vmQnl,z0”?_ ____ __ 633 nois iver . . . 478 M'm£1Slwaho Ind' ---·-.-'-` --```- betwéien mouths of Illinois and Ohio appropriatitgn foiiaslrgpport, etc., of . ,_ _ 499 »mh`Qifiim ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘············ 13S ”;?,‘.E· 1%,... ·-. . .,1, dl _ _ ------ _ ·--· -- -·---- rivi e · '°m°Vm§_b**l' mi °PP°¤1t¤ D¤b¤<1¤16. Iowa 478 trauspcgisntion of Eitigble gxils {Ft? sand bam m, opposite Guttenberg, Iowa.. 478 authorized . ... . . . - .. , 174 snags and other obstructwns from .. 473 appropriation `for improvement of harbor a.t Hannibal, Mo, . , .. ,,,. _ _,,,___,_ 473 at _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _______ 181 470 M L9¤i¤i¤¤¤», Mv ----- ---- - --- 480 for establishment of u uu to guide nil,) km 3* Vmksb mg · - - -; - -------··---·- - -·--- 470 provisions of act establisging public mme above Falls of Saint Anthony, Minn 478 schools extended to the port of .. 505 from Saint Paul to Des Moines Rapids .- 478 Modoc Tndmm. Upper, for snag-boat and construction of Indian Territory appropriation for support steamer .. _ .. . _ . . 4 78 and civilization of . . .129, 499 Rock Island Rapids, completion of im- 4 8 Mojitt, G. O., Pygvgmgnt 0 ______ _ _____ _ _________ 7 payment to ,__,,_ _ _,._, _ ,, _ __,, , __ _ ,_,,_, 647 examinations and surveys ut, etc 479 Mopitt, G. P., South Pass of the bridge over the, at Rock payment to .,.. . . - . . . , , ,,,,,___ _ _ ___, 648 Island, act authorizing amended 482 Moictiea, survgy og, near Concordia and at Cowpen 54 appropriation for compensationin lieu of- .265, 441 eu . . . . . . ... Mole! Indians Mississippi River Commission,appropriation for schools, etc., for. ... 121, 491 act establishing; members and officcrs; du- Moline Water Power Company, ties; appropriation - . -- . 37 authority of Secretary of War to make lease appropriations for surveys and examine- fo, repealed . . . . . ... 51 tions by the, salaries; expenses . 271 Monetary Commission, M for expenses of ... . . . .. . . 447 appointment of ; of segetayl; comglelnsa.- 455 tssouri ion; expenses · m e repo p0st—routes established -16,22, 99, 205, 208, 361 Money Ordpr System, , _ _ additional rights to homestead settlers in 46 epproprilitign flar galaxies in office of sug;1;35 411 limits of land grants in -... . in en en o . . . , 10:-mn of tents to governor oi, for tornado 594 M for geédlciencies in . . ’ 249 uife rs . ... .. . mwy r rs MissouréSCavE·y, convention, with Canada. concerning expuy of bounties to the Fifteenth and Six- <>h¤¤g<> of —--- ---· -·---- · -----·· 750 teenth, authorized . . .. . . . ... 283 Monitors, _ Missouri I ndiana, board of inquiry to report upon completion appropriation for installments, etc., to 122, 492 of doulile-turreted, authorized .. 304 Kansas and Nebraska, sale of lands of reser- Mmumgahela iiwer, Va. , vm3i0n of, authorized ...,,. . ...,__,_ 380 appropriation for improvement of ,.,,. . . 191, 471 Missouri River, Monroe, Crawford, l l appropriation for improvement of the.. ..188, 479 payment to . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .>6z at Lexington . . ...--·..-.----- 192 Monroe, Mw};-, _ 183 _1 above the Yellowstone. . .. . . 189, 479 appropriation for improvement ofharbor ut. , 4· survey of, from mouth to Sioux C1ty,Iowe 191 Montana, _ _ f l for removal of obstructions from ... 187, appropiliation for expenses o governué?225 400 G At h' , K ----—·---- - ----·-----— 0 ---· — --·· - -···- - ------—·---· » » ?-··¤ ms mouihof ---- · ---·· :32 $2: Pmmaisi;;;zz;e¤;1ss¢;s;.;i.·.£ms·2.23 · __ ___,___, me » . Z: g;g;;1Cii:lB’ I .. 478 for contingent expenses of . . . . .: . 450 3*°°“““i‘B¥‘;““· ’°“'“ ···· · ······· 153 £°£2322322223‘§£’3?X§§Ef§»£?Séa?§5? ‘”” .. . . 0 I y •s - gig %:s%£g)i·tNl?`o);va . . . . . ..,.. 479 ans n1 ..: . _ . . 49:5 at Nebresksi. City, Nebr .. .. . for giencienmes m 3,4m gg iif¥»iti.1€3$$i]I&l.iI`E‘kAaL'.'.'.`.`.‘.' 479 for lanes for university purposes grant-ed 326 3* Gia-5g0W M° · --·-- · -····--·-·· · -·--- **9 *° ······· {-· g; 5 · ;;q;1;g,5;g ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 81 t Kansas éity M0 ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ _ 479 had eiiiee estall is em zi i y, ...- -- gt Lexington Mo .. ,--- 479 members of legislature of, to be reappor- V4 .7 -_--·’·-C-_: .. . . 479 t' ned . .. o 3 J2?;;?; 11ggjf][iZ.[.[- .,,. 479 Fort Logan, sale eil alxpnomed Egg et Sioux City, Iowa, of channel .,.., 479 ¥ost—routes csta.bl1gl_f>6ng1l)&_-—i; iamé; · at Vermillion, Dak .13..%.. 479 01‘ payéigut to 01 1L » ll- 641 v 0 BD H ""' ```````' in-------- Sm`V§fon(tf,. i) .. . .. 479 Montel!) James E., U l 637 Mllclwll A U refund of tné. . 7 ‘ 'I payment to ____ __ ______ ____ ____ ____ , _____ 580 Montgomery; 4-. _ . . l _ ”“°’·6”» Edmd “· °°“““Ii‘i‘i"1‘{L‘m°f "“`°1‘° FTW}?. .‘?.t .?‘?‘i4¤, 436 pg¤gj_0u(;()_,...··--•··-·--····· ·••··· 642 OY ······ ····