Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/892

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862 INDEX. Pago; _ Pago. Montgomery, Hugh, deceased, Morgan, Delda, _ _ _ _ payment to adxninistratcr of .. 4. . . 624 payment to, as adrmmstrutrxx of J 0YG1Il1LL1l Ht Montgomery, William, administrator of Hugh, F·,_d¤¤¤&wd ------ - ----.-----·----- ·>·>-9 payment to .. . . . . . . . . 624 Morgan, Elms H., r Monument, payment to . . . ...-.·---..-·-·---- ·>67 appropriation for, at Washingt0n’s birth- Morgan, James, - place .. . ... . . . . 50 payment to ..-. .. ..-. 632 for completion of Washington, how ex- Morgan, John B., penned ,..._. . . 54, 444 payment to - -‘ .. - . 617 of Col. Robert L. McCook, condemned ord- Morgan, Jubia. fh, _ _ Dance for _____ _ ___, _ _____ _ _____,_ 8 pa.ymont_t0, in full m her own mght umd as to be erected at Yorktown, Va., commom- he1r-at-law. . . . . 645 orativo of the surrender of Lord Corn- Morgan, Peter K., walks .. . ... . . .-.. 163, 522 pension to . . . . ... 540 commemorative of battle of Saratoga . 512 Morgan, R. O., Mmm, A {fred, payment 1:0 . . . . . 239, 415 payment to .. ... 580 Morgan, Salas S., __ ‘ Moore, Alarm G., payment to . ... .. 65.8 Pa·5'm°“* t° - ----- - -···· — - - · -------—-- - -- - 632 Morgan,, Thomas, deceased, M°°"€» Am, payment to W. H. T. Morgan, adminispaymcut to heir of .. . . . .. . . 562 1 tram,. of ______ _ _____ _ _____________ 632 Moore, Omar, Mm-m, gpm payment to . . .. . . . . .. .. . . 565 payment to ______ _ _____ _ _________________ 621 Moore, Dand, Morris, Mwnigault C., Payment t° -—------·- · -··· · —--- · · - - ·-···· 618 political disabilities removed . 551 Mom David H-, Mmm sozmmm Paymgnk to -—·---·····-·--- - - - - —----· · - · — 559 pay and alloxwlance granted to .,,. 539 Mggim 617 { Mmm, W. ,1., Delhi, 1a., 0 ···· ;· ---- - ~·-·· ·-·-~ ----- ---— pension 1:0 , . . 55 Mgré, Gvzrgg E-, 1*-, 618 { Mmmm, Hugh P., ` Ymcn ·---------·--· -· --·-----·----- m n , .,,,.,__,...,,.,. Mom, GMM Wi, of Virginia, _ 0i 23.. 623 payment to Emma. R. Moore, wrdow of 569 p,,,ym61,t to L ___________ _ _______________ __ 579 M°°"”» G60T9e W-: of M'-WW"': . l Morrow, Randall, deceased, Pwment to ······ · ·····-------·----·----- 580 payment to Harriet a.dministratrix of ..,.. 632 MW Ham- I Mm M E · ir k Pgymgntto_____________________________ 580 ./J grill -:1,08 ancoc ; Moore, James B., administrator of Jane B. Jupaygcn Q `‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ "‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘’’‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ Griaha/m, deceased, 088’ u-fm " ‘ . payment to . . . . . . 617 payment to .. . . . . . .. . 629 Moore John W Moum I" M" ,, {mm to " 619 payment to ..--.-.-.. 580

   l--t-. H--'------------.----'- M0ulde1-)L6ww- E-s

’ ’ payment to ..,... 560 M·‘?$‘·*?»?‘f?‘%?? ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ `‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ “’ M·"··"€;;e?;.;¥*~·y}f.:*l,,·;:;,.,;,,.,m.,,,.., 0 ayment to . . 580 “PP" (QD ,““ “ . .

 D.,   Mount, 3%l?’;‘bPh1;8$’1&tS ""··--·•·...-,,_____  

Mom, Mar»n¤Q`&&Lirh£é»}LM"` `'`'``'`'`` Mg’j,§g“,$j,§,;f, -,;,3 ---· ·-·--- ----·-—- 567 7 I M£;%mm?Z;0 `' "" '‘'''‘' 580 appropriation for improvement of channel payment to . ... 632M ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘···· 474 Mom, mum., aamamzqammr of 1mm Rama, I MOM W<»?Fqn$w~¥ whalva larké? I ,;,,,,,,8,,; I approprm ron or ro 16 o o com am crow M"“"”§“*,,23,d ·’ ···························· **1** Mower p°ff‘E;"a‘g ‘‘‘‘‘ ,#;;;‘g"‘,;z·‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘5° gore jc 08 , an Tmy 0 0 M W p;,y;~ngm; to _’ _____ _ _____ __ _ _ ____ _ _________ 562 certain blocks of granite giveuqho, ni, ,,,_ 54 Moorc, Sarah, Mmuery, Anthony, payment to . . . . . ... . . 562 P¤5’¤¤·>¤# **9 ------ - ---- - ------ - ----------- 570 Moore, Thomas 11., Mvwu, Svphw, damped, payment to ______ _ ____ _ _____ _ ___________ 632 payment to admmmtrsmor of . ...,,,___ 585 Moore, pr-_ W_ pu Muachc Band, Um Indsana, _ payment to ______________________________ 530 a.ppr0pr1a.t10¤ for sup; orb of ,, 422 Mowmk, Jammu, drama, MMM!) Mw J·, Mpaymont iiozadmiuistrator of . . 583 Mpgymfzgt to bi ---- -- - - --·--------. 562 oarman U rles W u Om MOH 0 , payment; to _______ ’ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ 632 MO11t*3:I13» and Idaho, Secretary of Way 3,1;- Mgggabgc Bar, Mew rhouzcd Lo improve and repmr .. 166 appropriation for improvement of . 480 M“"°y¤ Pa-: Morgan, Ohaylea, condemned cannon donated Post 66, Grand 0181111 of} prohibited from being paid out of Army of $10 R<>]{>¤bh0, of 74 °°!`t§i¤ 3·PPfoP}'i{¤\·bi0D¤ ---·---·-·---- 258 I Municipal boards of health, Morgan, Dand D., admmstratw, i vessels nom ports whore conta, ions digeagg Payment fo --~— - · -—·--- — ··--- - - - · --··-· 580 * exists to comply with HECS of _._,,__ 5 Morgan, GcncraZDameZ, Murdw, appropriations for bronze statue of'; celcbm- provision for the extradition of persons tion of a.n111vcrsary battle of Cowpens. 307 charged with, with the Netherlands- 770