884 INDEX. pag,, Pa e · S T P g Sand Island, Lake Supmor, _ ayer, t ames ., appmpriation for establishing light on 263 pension increased ... . . 543 Sandusky, Ohio, Scales, _ _ _ r appropriation for improvement of harbor apcpropmtron for, for postal servme . . 178, 37.» at . ... 182,471 Sea , A. G., Sandwwky River, Ohio, payment to .. . . . . - ... 634 appropriation for improvement of ... . 187, 478 - d, Fanny, Sandy Hook, M J., payment to . ... . . 560 ¤·PP¥`°P1`ia·ti°¤S for proviug-ground M ----- 34 scnapw, Bemy, mmm of wezzmm, mama, extension of wharf at .. _ 447 payment to ________________________ _ _____ 614 Sandy vr Wm PM2 Pwvt Sound, sweeper, wuzmm, (mma ¤p1>r<>1>ri¤·¢i¤¤ f¤r1ight—h<>¤¤¤ wd fos-¤ig¤¤~1 payment m exmmx of .. . . . . . ... 614 at ·-·- - ·—--· - ----—--·-··-- - ---· ·- -- 437 scnezmgy, William, Sa" F"'·""”E”°> Cal-: _ _ _ payment to ____ ___ _ ______ _ _____ _ _________ 624 appropriation for salanes, etc, m mint ,g,,;,;,,,,,,;,,’ _;,,;,,,, ,;,,0,,,,,,,;, M —----------·——-—-- ·- - -·--· 2% 224, 399 ayment to M. A, mimammmm of ___,,___ 634 for deficiencies in .. . . . 428 Scgkwm., G,,,_,,m,,_,_ in office of assistant United States trees- payment to Widow of ____ _ _____ _ _____ _ ____ 52 urer at . . . . . . . . 23, 222, 398 Sc;,,,,.,,, 0,,,.;, for completion of building for a·ppmtscrs’ 259 Payment to ______________ , _____ _ _________ 420 _ ¤t<>¥¤¤ 35 ——-—--·-—---------- -- ------ Scholl, pam; vm <>f ¤¤*¤m v¤vi1¤g¤ Of i¤¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤ vm- payment to administrator of ._,___________ m porta.l;1on of dutiable goods ut, au- Schoyer, Samuel, g_ thorizcd ‘‘‘‘‘‘ · ···················· 174 pension inoreaseé .. .: .,,_ _ __,________ 531 Sanitary Regulations, ,gc],,,y;e,·,,,;;g6, N_ y_ for vesgels leaving infected ports for United appropdation fo; erection of monument at, tatcs . . .. 5 · for preventing introduction or spread of :3 _(?ii 512 contagious diseases .. . .. 6 Schuylkill i,,,,,. Pm S¢””7W".V RGPOTW appmpriation for improvement of 184 473 to be made_ by consular officers ; abstract of, Scmtmc I,;b,.,,,.,h ' fqmlspcd fo ccrmm omcem -··------ 6 appropriation for, for Patent Ofdce 25, 233, 409 SM ·’···¤¤·¢e·· Iwo CM .sm.m, Mm, approyjriation for improvement of --.-191, 479 appropriation for improvement of harbor Samiéd RWQT, JS. C'., _ at ________________ _ _ _ _ __________ _ _ 190, 480 .e?££6"é£T.2°i2$,£%£}““”’°v°“°““ °f ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘”"‘ Sm A¤»»g»d~·»·g·,_ dwmgr f appropriations for installnientzfs 1;t7o.‘i96 S0§;Y‘;,;;n;‘g,“M‘Fd‘f]*;:°f;A’ ° ······•· •· ···· 624 to ----------------.-.. , , 497 * ‘ · ·r appropriation for, refunded by proceeds of ’ S P3Y’2,i°”"**; ·-·- · ·---- - ---—- - —-——· ----#--· 647 sale of sheep and wool .. 131 °° ’ mg; ’ 583 Samwya, N Yi, Battle 05 S P3Y$*°” ° -—-·-···-·-- - ·-·-- -- -----·--·- monument authorized to be erected com- co ’ mms' momorative of the 512 my ’“€““ "° ··-- · - · - --—~------·-·---·----· 568 ' ’'‘‘'‘'‘ Scott, Walter E., Sargwz Henry m’ payment to 582 payment to . . . ... 624 S .b B F --·----···· — ·--------··- · -·--- sam-, mmm 12, °" M", · ·· S,,E.ZZ1“,‘lZ;‘;“ m_;·· ····· · ·········-·-····--- 5% Sc,‘?$¥3?“»%’7¢'2?ia»»‘a#.; ‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘················ "" appropriation for improvement of harbor S;;;];;;? RIMM 5--- ---·---------------- -- 606 . Y ') sau"dm?']¤j_' `````````````'`'``'`` 183* 471 . payment to .. . ... 617 payment to .., . ,, · 413 Scruggs, Theophilwa, deceased, Saunders, James C., payment to lhchard, executor of .. 583 payment to .,...,,, . ,,_,, _ ___________ 425 Scappcrnoyig liwer, 0,, Saunders, Joim S., appropriation for improvement of .. . . 185, 475 political disabilities removed . . . ,, 525 Swrlvck, Armstead, Saunders, Peter, P¤Y¤1<‘Ht to ------------ - --.·.. . .. 582 payment to .. . . .-... . . 583 S¤M?v¢k, G<¢0¢‘y6 W-, dewwéd, Sawmwh, Ga-,_ _ _ payment to Noble Calhoun, executor of 646 port of,prov1sionsof act establishing public Seaberry, Raleigh, mayjng gchodlg gxtgndgd to ______ _ _ _ _ P3,yu]3ut to _ _ _ ___________ _ __________ _ ____ 565 appropriation for improvement of harbor Sea-Coast Fisheries, - _ _ at .. Z . . .1. .. . 4 .. .- . . 181, 470 appropriation for collecting statistics of . 417 440 civil eases pending in United States courts Seaford, Del., ’ at, may be transferred, by consent, to port of entry, privilege of immediate trams- Maoon . . . - . - .. - 63 portsmon ofdutiable goods to, author- Savwnnah Rzpgr, Ga.` · lz6d __________ _ _ _ _ , ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ appropriation for improvement of.181, 193,470, 480 { appointment of deputy collector at, fg]-, pbgyg Augusta ____ _ _ __________ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 izgd ______ _ ____ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _____ 62 for hélgung, {tween mouth Of, aud city [ Seal Fisheries, 0 *W3»¤¤ ~-·-·· - ---—- - ----- - -----. 437 I appropria, 1 Sw, Sam, mm, _ _ i ‘i¥c¤£mE;’€£?T.?????? ?‘F.:;;;:;;;;;;;;;?““· it paynierpi to John G. Stuart, admimstrator l Seamen, ° -—-—·-·····----··---·--—---------- 634 in foreign countries, a. m riation for gm - Sawyer, J. G., r ping and dischagge ol;`. . .. .. P140, 345 P°·5’m°¤tt ° ---- - -·-·-·-·--- - -·-····--··-- 634 , for relief and pmtectiou of Amcyjmn ____ 140. 345
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