Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/250

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FomY·s1zv1aNr1·H couomnssh sms. 1. on ass. 1882. 223 namely: One foreman, one thousand Eve hundred dollars; one messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; one folder in the sealing-room, one thousand two hundred dollars; one page, five hundred dollars; one lllllhlltfl', tour hundred dollars; ten folders at nine hundred dollars eneln; lnve iolelers at exght hundred and forty dollars each ; and fifteen folders ul seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, twenty-eight thousand ' englnt, hundred dollars. For E\VBl1ty·l1lllC pages, while actually employed, inducliug one riding Pages, page mind one telegraph page, at two dollars and fifty cents per day eacly eight thousand seven hundred and sevc11ty-two dollars and fifty een s.

 For thirty-two clerks to committees, at six dollars each per day du1·- Per diem clerks

l;l{§ the session, twenmytbree thousand two hundred and thirty-two *°°°mmi“°°°· 4 dollars. For fourteen messengers on the soldiers’ roll, at one thousand two Messengers on hundred dollars each. . s0]dieru’ mu. For Postmaster, two thousand five hundred dollars; iirst assistant - Postmnstero postmaster, two thousand dollars; nine messengers at one thousand two hundred dollars each; four messengers, during the session, at eight lin:ulreel dollars each; and one laborer, at seven hundred and twenty 0 lars. For hire of horses and mail-wagons for carrying the mails, five thou- Home and mailsand dollars. . "'°8°“°- ‘ For Chaplain of the House, nine hundred dollars. Chaplain. For two stenogmpbers for committees, five thousand dollars each; Sceuoggaphers and this shall be in lieu of all other compensation for such services in *`°’ °°““'““°°°· reporting and transcribing the pmeeediugs of each and all of said com- ‘ mittcee. · For live oillcinl reporters of the proceedings and debates of the House, R<*P<>**>i¤8 d6- at five thousand dollars each, twenty ilve thousand dollars. b“°°“‘ For one chief engineer, one thousand seven hundred dollars; two Qlricf vvgivwn assistant engineers, one thousand two hundred dollars each'; one com “““‘“°°“*“·°*"· ductor of the elevator, under resolution of December twenty first, eighteen hundred und eighty-one, one thousand two hundred dollars; and one laborer, eight hundred and twenty dollars; five firemen, at uiuc hundred dollars each; one additional fireman, at nine hundred dollars, under resolution of February twentieth, eighteen hundred and eighty two. For one electrician, one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; and Electrician. one laborer, eight hundred dollars. For services in cleaning Stn tumjy Hall and watching stntuary therein, Statuary HBH- seven lmmlmd and twenty dollars; and WllCI‘C\`Ql' the words *‘during ‘ the sessiou" occur in the foregoing they shall be construed to mean ibur mouths. Y For contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, namely: Contingent ex- For materials for folding, sixteen thousand dollars. P°“*’““· For fuel and oil for the heating apparatus, seven thousand dollars. For furniture, and repairs of the same, ten thousand dollars. For psxekiugboxcs, two thousand seven hundred dollars. A For carmge, six hundred dollars. . . _ For miscellaneous items und expenses of special and select committees, fifty. thousand dollars. _ For posmgwstumps lor the officers of the House of Representatwes, namely: For the Sergeant-:nt;·Anns, three lnmdred dollars; the Clerk, giagdxundred and fifty dollars; and the Postmaster, one hundred dol- . For newspapers cmd smtionery for members of the House of Bepre S*°*‘°“°’Y·°*°· ieutmhes, oHlcers of the House, and cormmttees of the House, u{clud— ing nix tlmumud dollars for stationery for the nee of the eommnttees and ultieen of the House, forty-three thousand seven hundred and fifty