Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/277

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250 FORTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 389. 1882. illustrative of foreign and domestic systems and methods of education, and for repairing the same, two thousand dollars. Comminioncr of 01m1cm OF Commxssromm OF R.u1.ROA1>s.-For Comm1ssioner, four B¤U¤'¤¤d¤» *•9°k· thousand five hundred dollars; bookkeepcr, two thousand four hundred

l:¤'*m‘:i”g"J‘°°°r¤m¤’ dollars; assistant bookkocpcr, two thousand dollars; mxlroud eugmeer,

' two thonsand tivo hundred dollars; one clerk of class three; one uopymtz, nine hundred dollars; one assistant messenger; in ull, fourteen thousand six hundred and twenty dollars. mnmiuatious , For examination of books and accounts of certam subsxdnzcclnnd land- ¤*°·» °‘ ¤¤b¤*d**°d grant railroad companies, and inspecting roads, shop s, machinery, and gd! l‘¤“°£'““* equipments of same, three thousand dollars. 1;,,,,;,, ,t,_' For books and book-cases, one thousand two hundred dollars. For furniture, books, stationery, and other necessary oilwe expenses, five hundred dollars. Employés, new UNDER THE Axzcmtuzow OF mm UAPITOL.—FOT person m charge of hs •P1{¤•*¤¤}» heating apparatus of the Congressional Library and Supreme Court, CWS L" eight hundred and sixty-four dollars; for one laborer lll charge of mm Watencloset inceutral portion of the Capitol, six hundred ond sixty · dollars; and for three laborers for cleaning rotunda, comdors, and dome, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; for the pay of six watchmen employed on tho Capitol Grounds, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, seven thousand eight hundred and twenty-fomdollars. ` Aransas or GFFICE or cum Ancurmcr or uma CLPITOL.—FOP the following c¤P**°‘i d¤¤BY*°¤· salaries heretofore paid from appropriation for “Capit0l extension": ""‘· ° °’k’· m"' Architect, four thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk of class tour; wm" one draughtsman, one thousand eight hundred dollars; compensation to disbursing clerk, one thousand dollars; one assistant messenger; in ‘ all, nine thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. Director of Geo· Orman or um Dmmccvon on mma Gmonocron. Stmvmr.-For Dil°&*°:! S°"'!·¤· rector, six thousand dollars; executive otllcer, three thousand dollars; QQQ duh; chief clerk, two thousand two hundred dollars; chief clisbursiug clerk, ummm two thousand two hundred dollars; libmriau, two thousand dollars; · one plwtogmplxer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; three assistant photographers, one at nine hundred dollars, one at seven hundred and twenty dollars, and one at four hundred and eighty dollars; two clerks of clussone; one clerk at one thousand dollars; four clerks at nine hundred dollars each; four oopyists, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one watchman, eight hundred and forty dollars; fom- watchmen at six hundred dollars each; one janitor, six hundred dollars; A four messengers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; in all, thirty- four thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. ·

¤- SU¤vmr01zsGmzmzu. mn mmm Ummxs.-For compensation of
 ° _ · surveyor-genera! of Louisiana, one thousand eight hundred dollars; and

uuid", for the clerks in his office, including clerks to prepare duplicate patentplats of oontinned private landclaims, also to transcribe field-notes of surveys ID arrears, ten thousand two hundred dollars. F10;-id;. Fon survcyo1·—gcue1·:1l of Florida, one thousand eight hundred dollars; and for the clerks in his olllcc, three thousand dollars. . . mmm; For surveyor-geneqnl of Minnesota, two thousand dollars; and for tho clerks m l11s owuo, ought thousand dollars. Dakota. For surveyorgeueml of the Territory of Dakota, two thousand five lnggclrcd dollars; uml for the clerks in his offico, seven thousand dol- Colorado. For surveyor- general of the State of Colorado, two thousand live hundred dollars; and lor the clerks in his officc, six thousand five hundred dollars. New Mexico, For suxweyor-genomi of the Territory of New Mexico, two thousand

 hundred dolllars; and for the clerks in his ohiec, six thousand dol-

Cambmu. For 8llI'V(’}'0l'·g0Il€1°Jl of California, two thousand seven lmndred and fifty dollars; and for the clerks in his office, including those complet}