Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/426

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FORTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 8, 12. 1882. 399 CHAP. 8.·—Ln not to cede to the first taxing-district of the State of Tennessee a Dec. 23, 1882. certam lot of land situated in said district. ————— Whereas the corporate authorities of the city of Memphis, in the State Preamble. of Tennessee, have recently conveyed to the Government of the United States, by deed, in fee-sim ple, without charge, a large and valuable lot of land for a site upon which to erect a post-office, custom-house, and United States district and circuit court-rooms in said city, and upon which said building is now being erected, in lieu of the lqt of land formerly obtained by the government for the same purpose, and the Government of the United States now having no need for the last-mentioned lot, of land for any public use; and \\'lm·<>as Mr. Job M. Nash, of New York, proposes to give to the taxingdistricct iormerly known as the city of Memphis the sum of twenty-tive thousand dollars to establish a public library in said city, on condition that said city will furnish a suitable building for the same worth ilfty thousand dollars: Therefore, Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongress assembled, That the lot dr parcel of ground U., Memsituated ou the southeast corner of Jefferson and Third streets in the phi¤,_T¤¤¤·» ¤¢d¢d city of Memphis, in the drst taxing-district of the State of Tennessee, ,9; '“*° *2* P“bu°» now owned by the Government of the United States, and upon whichmm ° °' it was formerly intended to erect a post-ofiice, custom-house, and United , States district and circuit court-rooms, be, and the same is hereby, ceded to the tlrst taxing-district of Tennessee, to be held in trust for the use of the board of trustees of said public library, and their successors; and if the said trustees shall ind that the said lot is not suitable for the purpose of a publiedibrary building, then the same may be sold and conveyed by the said taxing-district, and the proceeds of such sale reinvested in a lot suitable for such building, which shall be held in trust as aforesaid; ‘ and if the said board of trustees shall fail to erecte suitable building A for a public library upon said lotwithin three years from the passage . of this act, then said lot shall be held in trust by said taxing-district for the use and benefit of the public schools of said taxing-district. Approved, December 23, 1882. CHAP. 12.-An act to reimburse the State of Oregon and State of California and Jn, 5, 1Q:, the citizens thereof for moneys paid by said States in the suppression. of Indmn -—--—————-—— hostilities during the Modoowar in the years eighteen hundr seventy-two and eighteen hundred and seventy-three. . - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United . States of America in Omagreso assembled, That the Secretary of. the Paymentfouup- Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay the · State of Oregon the sum of seventy thousand two hundred and sixty- Wm md cm eight dollars and eight cents, in for moneys paul by said State m Mm, suppressing Modoc Indian hostilities during the Modoc vger, and m de- _ fending the State from invasion by said Indians, during the years eighteen hundred and seventy-two and eighteen hundred seventy- three; the said sum of seventy thousand two hundred and sixty-eight Appropriation. dollars and eight cents is hereby appropriated for such purpose out of my moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropnated. _ ‘ Sm:. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, _ authorized and required to pay to the State of Qahforma, and to the 0¤hf¤r¤i¤· citizens thereof, or to their heirs, legal representauves, or assngnees, the _ . mm of four thousand four hundred and forty-one dollars and thirty· Appropmtlan. three cents, for arms, ammunition, supplies, transportation, and services of the volunteer forces in the suppression of Indian hostilities in said State in the years eighteen hundred and seventy-tvro and enghteeu hundred and seventythree, and as the same were specifically reported to Gmgresn by the Secretary of War December fifteenth, eighteen