Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/506

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FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 97. 1883. 479 mason, at three dollars per day; two joiners and one painter, at two dollars and fifty cents per day each; one tinner, one gas-fitter, and one blacksmith, at two dollars and fifty cents per day each; in all, twenty- three thousand and sixty-two dollars and fifty cents. For pay of mechanics and others: For one mechanic at workshop, at Meelnmies a nd two dollars and twenty-five cents per diem; one master-laborer, to keep m’°""*`°· public grounds in order, at two dollars and twenty-eight cents per diem ; fourteen laborers, to assist in same, three at two dollars per diem each and eleven at one dollar and fifty cents per diem each ; one laborer, to superintend quarters of cadet-midshipmen and public grounds, at two dollars per diem; twenty servants, to keep in order and attend to quarters of cadet-midshipmen and public buildings, at twenty dollars per month each; in all, foiuteen thousand five hundred and ninety dollars and twenty-three cents. For pay of the employees in the department of steam-engineering, Employee in de- Naval Academy: One master-machinist, one boiler-maker, and one purtment ofsmmpattern-maker at three dollars and fifty cents per day each; two machin- °“g“’°°““g· ists and one blacksmith, at two dollars and fifty cents per day each; four laborers, at one dollar and fifty cents per day each; in all, seven thousand six hundred and seventy~one dollars. _ For necessary repairs of public buildings, pavements, wharves, and litepairsofpublic walls inclosing the grounds of the Naval Academy, and for improve- b¤*m¤*Z°» °*°°· ments, repairs and furniture and fixtures, twenty-one thousand dollars : Providcdc That no appropriations provided for in this act shall be Proriao. construed to authorize or be applied to a new building for the use of the Superintendent or other onicers of the Academy. For fuel, and for heating and lighting the Academy·and school-ships, Fuel, lights, ece. seventeen thousand dollars. For contingent expenses, Naval Academy: For purchase of books Contingent exfor the library, two thousand dollars. 1>¤¤¤¤¤· For stationery, blank-books, models, maps, and for text-books for use stationery, etc. of instructors, two thousand dollars. For expenses of the Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy, one Board of Visitthousand five hundred dollars A •>1'¤· For purchase of chemicals, apparatus, and instruments in the depart- Chemicals, ece. ment of physics and chemistry, and for repairs of the same, two thousand five hundred dollars. . For purchase of gas and steam machinery; steam-pipe and Ettings; Gas and steam rent of building for the use of the Academy; freight; cartage; water; ¤¤=¤:;¤¤¤¤¤'Y·f¤¤sb*Z music; music and astronomical instruments; uniforms for the bands- "“ ’·‘““°‘°¤°“'“ men; telegraphing; for feed and maintenance of teams; for current expenses and repairs of all kinds; and for incidental labor and expenses not applicable to any other appropriation, thirty-four thousand six hundred dollars. r For stores in the department of steam-enginery, eight hundred dollars. Stores ctc- ' For materials for repairs in steam-machinery, one thousand dollars. imllirztemls for ro- MARINE CORPS. M¤ri¤• ¤•>rp¤~ For pay of officers on the active-list, as follows: For one colonel com- Pet'- mandant, one colonel, two lieutenant-colonels, one adjutant and inspector, one quartermaster, one paymaster, four_ma_iors, two assistant quartermasters, one judge advocate-general, United States Navy, nineteen captains, thirty iirst lieutenants, and twenty-two second lieutenants, one hundred and seventy-four thousand and forty dollars. _ For pay of officers on the retired-hst: _For one colonel, three majorsé two assistant quastermasters, two captains, two_ iirst lieutenants, an three second lieutenants, twenty-tive thousand eight hundred and fifty- ' ht dollars. udior pay of non·commissioned officers, musicians, and privates: For one sergeantmajor, one quartermaster-sergean t, one leader of the band, and one drum-major, fifty iirst sergeants, one hundred and forty ser-