Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/173

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FORTY-ETGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 229. 1884. 145 and navigation, and to accomplish the objects of this act, and to enable the Commission to perform the duties assigned them the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to transfer to and place under the control and supenntendence of said Commission all such vessels, barges, machinery, and instruments, and such plant as may now be provided, devised, or in use on said river, from appropriations heretoiore made for sand river, or other sources, and when thereto requested by said Commission to detail from the Corps of Engineers such officers Powers. and men as may be necessary, and to place in the charge of said Commission any such vessels, machinery, and instruments under his control as may be deemed necessary. And said Commission may with the approval of the Secretary of War, employ such additional force and assistants, and provide, by purchase or otherwise, such additional ve - sels, boats, machinery, instruments, and means, as may be deemed neggessary ; to be paid for by appropriations made or to be made for sar river. That the said Commission shall, under the direction and with the ap- E¤P¤¤di?¤‘¤ 0* proval of the Secretary of War, superintend, control, and expend for *PP'°P'*"°‘°“'· the purposes of this act all appropriations or unexpended balances heretoibre made for the improvement of said river and which may hereafter be made for said river, or so much thereof? as may be necessary, and shall prepare and submit, through the Chief of the Engineer Report ofcpm Corps to the Secretary of War, to be by him transmitted to Congress °°?d!'*8' °' °"" at the beginning of the regular session in December of each year, a m°"°°' full and detailed report of all their proceedings and actions, and of all such plans and systems of work as may now be devised and in progress and carried out by them, and of all such additional plans and systems of works as maybe devised and matured by them, with full and detailed estimaws of the cost thereon and statements of all expenditures made by them; and the Secretary of War may detail trom the Corps of ¤°q*9*•*! °¤ Engineers or other cor·ps of the Army an officer to act as secretary of °°““'“"'°“‘ the Commission. to aid them in their work; and all money hereby or hereafter appropriated for the improvement of said Missouri River shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War in accordance with the plans, specincations, and recommendations of said Commission when such plans, specifications, and recommendations shall have been approved by Congress. Improving Missouri River from Sioux City, Iowa, to Fort Benton Mi¤¤¢>¤¤‘l Ri*•¥· Montana: Continuing improvement, one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars; of which sum fifteen thousand dollars shall be used in the purchase of a snag—b0at to be operated on the Missouri River above Sioux City and on the Yellowstone River. For a surveyof the Missouri River above the Missouri River Falls, at gw2e2f8g: Fort Benton, fifteen thousand dollars. 3,,,Q mw, Falls. For removing snags, wrecks, and other obstructions in the Missouri mR° ‘“ 2;:** 'mg River, fifty thousand dollars. M§E,§,,“·,,,, ,,5;,., For eontinuin operations on the reservoirs at the headwaters of the R°“*"’ f_"_' "‘ P* Mississippi Rivei, sixty thousand dollars: Provided, That the money ,g;:,$:,`;,?tR§°Q;f_M1* hereby appropriated shall be used solely for the improvement of the p,.,,,;,,,_ navigation of the Mississippi River and its tributaries, and no part thereof shall be expended with the view to the improvement of private PNP9i'!?- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M. . . {mu, Improving Mississippi River from Saint Paul to Des Moines Rapids, ¤_0:";‘Pl,;m,',° including the harbors of Andalusia, Muscatine, and Fort Madison, and D G ,, y ,, , ,, , , including work for the protection of the bank of the Mississippi River Rapids. at Winona, Minnesota, and the prevention of its erosion caused by dams erected above the city to improve the navigation of the river: Continuing improvements two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. _ Improving harbor at Lake City, Minnesota: Continuing improvement, L**° CW- mufifteen thousand dollars. xxrii-10