Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/426

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398 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Srzss. II. GH. 343. 1885. _Di*’i¤iQ¤ of wb- Division of public buildings: For assistant superintendent of the lm b“'m‘°¥"· Treasury building, two thousand one hundred dollars; three clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; one clerk of class two ; two clerks of class one; one clerk, at nine hundred dollars; and one assmtant messenger; in all, sixteen thousand one hundred end twerxtyjlollars. D 5 vg, 1, u 0 { Division of special agents: For assistant cluef of d1v1sion, two thouspeem agents. sand dollars; one clerk of class four; three clerks of class one; one clerk, one thousand dollars; three clerks, at nine bundred dollars each; and one messenger; in all, eleven thousand nme hundred and forty dollars. Di sb u r s 1 u g Offices of disbursing clerks: For two disbursing clerks, at two thou- °l°¥'k¤· sand five hundred dollars each; one clerk of class fo|l1`; 0!l8 clerk of class three; and one clerk, one thousand dollars; 111 all, mne thousand four hundred dollars.

Supex·visi¤g   Surmzvrsmc A12cm1·F.c·1•.—-In the cainstrucgiog bl'!;ll¤h of tha '1{fcw

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§·f ·¤·»=¤·· ·=~=»·=·¢ .»’§2¤f.§’5£.d’§§¥cf .£,é‘1’£2°$a.£3;‘§d‘¤$2 ¤..‘i...i.Z.‘§ dcgm; .,..3 ,3.-*5.1

` cipal clerk, at two thousand dollars; photographer, two thousand dollars; two clerks of class three; two clerks of class one; one clerk, at glue lnundged ilolgus anélfue észisgnut messenger; m all, erghtecu ousam wo uu re an wen 0 urs. d ‘ ‘ al Andtln sef k'lldd ht "lters. ·¤»¢l·g%t$,2`i~·¤ aecountaxns, EK‘.§§2l3rSf‘ .I¤§m{.l`2gt.. “€l'iE";.l’.2’&,,§1’.*‘{,‘¤’3£‘?,a{‘,‘,¥'€‘;l°$Z :1

”g:{fé’:: such other services as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem necespy_,,,d_ sary and specially onlcr, may be employed in the Otilce of the Supervising Architect to carry ium efect the various appropriations or pu ·

Proven. lic buildings, to be paid for from such appropriations: Provided, 'l‘bu.t the expenditures on this account for the fiscal year ending June thir- M K, tc r.. “°3“a§Z§“‘€§“ ”““é".¥‘ll2r”§' °‘g3‘%¤“?s§B£€..“°2¢°iE2°‘?»»m°“° "‘§»“§},"3{} po e . an y oussm 0 · au ry ur- a W '¤*d° *° é°¤· each year, in the annual esématzs, report to Congress the number of U'"' persons so employed and the amount paid be each. mm Cormol- Fmsr Commnoumu or mm Tmusumr.-For First Comptroller l¤r,d¤P¤*¥. ks of the Treasury, five thousand dollars; deputy comptroller, two tl1ou· °*°· sand seven hundred dollars; four chiefs of division, at tvyo thousand one hundred dollars each; five clerks of class four; eleven clerks of class three; ten clerks of class two; eight clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; and eleven clerks, at nine lmn- F :Iollurs eacl l mgmfsfnm; and three laborers; m ull, eighty- 0 thousand an en dollars. Second Camp- SECOND OONEPTHOLLER OF TEE TREASURY.-—F·0I' SCGOIHI COD)])- uouer, deputy. troller of the Treasury, five thousand dollars; deputy comptroller, two °1°'k”· °*°· thousand seven hundred dollars, Eve chiefs of dxvision, at two thou- . . sand one hundred dollars each; nine clerks of class four ; fourteen clerks of class three ; fourteen clerks of class two; eleven clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; nine clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; and three laborers; in all, one lmmln-cd and three thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. A cl a i c i on sl For the additional force in the Second Oomptrollefs Ohlce remlercd <=l¤¥k¤· necessary by increase of work relating to pensions, namely: Three clerks of class fom-; three clerks of class three; and two clerks of class one; in all, twelve thousand six hundred dollars. continuation Qg For continuing the adjustment of the accounts of the S0ldiers’ Home, adjustment of nc- under section forty-eight hundred and eighteen of the Revised Stut- $*;:2 °‘ $°*d*°*'=’ utes, in the Qillce of the Second Comptroller and in the Office of the &S Bm wm Second Auditor, ten thousand dollars. P°(;.,¤}m;,,,;.,¤,,,- of Conunssroumz OF Cvsroms:-(For Commissioner of Customs, four cmmms, cle r k s, thousand dollars; deputy commissioner, two thousand two hundred uml °*°· flfly dollars; two chiefs of division, at two thousand one hundred •lol— lars each; two clerksof class four; Eve clerks of class three; eleven clerks of class two; exght clerks of class one; one clerk, at one thou-