Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/427

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Ssss. II. Ch. 343. 1885 399 sand dollars; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, forty- nine thousand four hundred and thirty dollars. And euch of the cities of Tacoma and Seattle, in Washington Terri- Tacoma and Sotory, shall be, and it is hereby, made a port of delivery; and the dep- ’*m°_y W°·$hl¤8t°¤ uty collector who shall be stationed at each of them shall receive such gg:tg;yh;;$ed ° compensation, not exceeding twelve hundred dollars per annum, as the pay 0 5 (icpgyl Secretary of the Trea ury shall prescribe. collector. Fmsr Aummon. — For the First Auditor of the Treasury, three First Auditor, thousand six hundred dollars; deputy auditor, two thousand two *l°P“'*Y»°l°*k¤»°*°- hundred and fifty dollars; four chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; seven clerks of class four; ten clerks of class three; eleven clerks of class two; eighteen clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; four copyists and counters, at nine hundred dollars each; two assistant messengers ; and two laborers; in all, eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and ten dollars. Smzcorm AUD1T01z.-For Second Auditor, three thousand six hun- second Auditor, dred dollars; deputy auditor, two thousand two hundred and fifty d¤P¤*Y.¤I¤¤k¤, 6%- dollars; six chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; eight clerks of class four; forty clerks of class three; additional to one clerk of class three as disbursiug clerk two hundred dollars; fifty-tive clerks of class two; lorry-eight clerks of class one; eight clerks, at one thousand dollars each; three assistant messengers; and eight laborers; in ull, two hundred and forty-six thousand four hundred and ninety dollars. For the twenty additional clerks of class one in the Second Auditor’s Add i t i 0 n al Office rendered necessary by increase of work relating to pensions, °l°"kS· tweiityfour thousand dollars. Tuum Aumrou.-For Third Auditor, three thousand six hundred Third Aiiuimi-, dollars; deputy auditor, two thousand two hundred and ilfty dollars; <l°P¤*Y»¤l°*k¤»¤*¢‘· seven chiels of division, at two thousand dollars each; six clerks of class four; sixteen clerks of class three; fiftysix clerks of class two; thirty-nine clerks oi class one; six clerks, at one thousand dollars each; eight clerks, ut nine hundred dollars each; one assistant messenger; and six laborers; and one female laborer, at four hundred and eighty dollars; in ull, one hundred and ninety-nine thousand eight hundred and ten dollars. V _For the additional force in the Third Auditor’s Odiee rendered neces- A ddi t i 0 ¤ nl sary by increase of work relating to pensions, namely: Five clerks of °l°"k“· class three; seven clerks of class two; and eight clerks of class one; in all, twenty-seven thousand four hundred dollars. Foumn Armrrozs.-For the Fourth Auditor, three thousand six him- Fourth Auimor, dred dollars; deputy auditor, two thousand two hundred and fifty dol- <l¤P¤W,<=l¤r¤» ¤¢¤· lars; three chiefs ot division, at two thousand dollars each; two clerks of class four; fourteen clerks of class three; eight clerks of class two; nine clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; live clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one assistant messenger; and two laborers; in all, sixtyninc thousand three hundred and ninety dollars. _ _ Fmru AUDITOR.—FOI the Fifth Auditor, three thousand six hundred I I" l ** ;*1A'l;‘““;'· dollars; deputy auditor, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; ‘ °p°”’ °r °’° °’ three chiefs of division, ut two thousand dollars each; tour clerks of class four; tlve clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; six clerks of class one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; four clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; and two laborers; in all, forty-seven thousand six hundred and ten dollars. Avbrrou or THE TREASURY Fon THE Pos’r-Ormcm Dm•AR*1‘·· Auditor ofrmisnu:Nr.—For the Auditor of the Treasury for the l‘ost·Odicc Department, M! ¢`¤¤' P°¤¤·0m¤¤ three thousand six hundred dollars; deputy auditor, who may he desig- ?°l;‘}‘;°r}"‘:“;{;l“P"` noted to sign, in the name ol`, the said Auditor, such letters and papers y' ’ ` as the Auditor nmy direct, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; ten chiefs of division, at two thousand * dollars each; eighteen clerks of class four, and additional to one clerk as dishursing clerk, two hundred dollars; sixty-eight clerks of class three; eightyseven clerks of class two; eighty-one clerks of class one;