Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/930

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902 INDEX. Page. ‘ Page. National Home for Disabled Volam1eerS0ldiers— l Natal Observatory, Continued. appropriation for pay of employes, etc., of . 184, 415 detailed statement of expenses of board l deticiency for contingent expenses of .. 459 of managers of the, to be submitted 1\'av:alRec0rds of the Rebellion, to the Secretary of War annually 510 appropriation for compilation of .. ..- . 414 authorizing printing of extra copies of re- Naval Reports, port of Committee on Military Affairs printing of certain, authorized 520 on investigation of the .. - .. 521 N¢u·alScrv.·ice, Natiomzl Homeopathic Hospital Association of appropriation for the ... 262,287,4% Waehinyiorn, D. C., for contingent expenses of . 262, 288, 426 appropriation lor purchase or construction for extraordinary expenses of .. 262, 288, 427 of building fur . ..-. 315 for support of Naval Academy . 262,292, 430 National La Hzyette and Bank of Commerce, for support of indigent insane of ... 213,500 Cincinnati, Ohio, for miscellaneous expenses at yards and authorized to change name to "The Na- stations .. . . 262 tional La Fayette Bank"; proviso .. 3 for steel cruisers and dispatch boat for. . 262 Na tional Match Company, Naval Training Station, Coaster’s Harbor Island, payment to .. . ...,... . ... 453 appropriation for .. . ,-.. .. . . . . . .497 National Mixseum, Washington, D. C., Navigation, appropriation for paving, etc., south and appropriation for. . . . .. -.2S8, 427 cast fronts of ...,.. - . . .. 209 or salaries in onine of Bureau of. . .183, 401,414 for preservation of collections of the - --214, 501 for Bureau of ..-... . . . . .. . . 262 in Armory building .. . ... .-.. . . . .214, 501 deficiency for Bureau of ..-. .- ..-... ..-. 460 for heating, lighting, etc .. . ...-... 214, 501 deficiency for salary of the Commissioner for furniture for -.-.-- . .-... .--. .-.- - ..214, 501 of . . .- ...-.. . . -. ... 448 deficiency appropriation for ...-.. . -... .--. 463 additional for clerk acting as Commis- Natiomzl Park, Island of Mackinaw, Mich., missioner of. - . - 448 proceeds of sale of lands near Fort Maeki- free, of rivers, etc., in the United States, naw Military Reservation to be ap- to be maintained; duties of Secretary plied to improvement of the -..- -... 104 of War --...--. .- .. 148 o1` lands on Bois Blanc Island ...-...---. 104 Navigation of Vessels, National Republican, Waahi1•gto••,D. 0., rules to be followed in.. -.---. 438 payment to -.----.. . -...--. .252,460 Navy, Nuugle, Samuel, apipropriation for salaries, etc., in the .-.. 287, 426 payment to --.. --.. .. -.-.-... ---- 581 or payment of pensions -..-.-.. . . . .98, 361 Nautical Almanac, for increase of, the .-.---..-... --.. 292,433 appropriation for salaries, etc., in the of- deficiency appropriation for . --.-. 495 iiee of the. . .--..- . .-.-.-.. 183,414 increase of the · appropriation for continfor preparing the, for publication .- 183, 414 ning woriz, etc., on steel cruisers and a Navajo Indiana, dispatch boat .. . ... -..- 262 appropriation for support, etc., ot, to be deficiency appropriation for pa of ... 460 paid from moneys in Treasurybelong· certain persons who served in the rebellion ing to . . . . .. . . .. .. .90, 378 ineligibleto appointment in the 22 Nm-al Academy, Secretary of Navy reafter to report at appropriation for support of . N2, 292, 430 each regular session of Congress for repairs ot, etc.; proviso .- .. 293, 431 amount expended during prior meal for contingent expenses of . ... .2}3, 431 year for pay of .. - .. .-.- 295 for expenses of board of visitors to the-293, 431 appointment of one passed assistant endeiiciency appropriation for - . . - . . 460 gineer on retired list to be a chief angraduates 0 , to be commissioned ensigns gineer on retired list . . . 340 in the Navy 60 Navy Department, Naval Appropv·iat·imu, appropriation for salaries, etc., in the . .4183, 413 for pay ... . . . ... 262,287, 426 for pfofessional books for library of contingent expenses .. . 262, 287,426 the .. . ... . ..,... . . 185,415 navigation . .. -.-.262,288,427 for stationery, furniture, and other necordnance . . . . . . ... 262, 289, 427 essary expenses of the . 185, 415 equipment and recruiting .. .- -262, 289, 428 deficiency for . . 244 yards and docks .. . .. .262, 290, 428 for rent of rooms, etc., for hydrographic medicine and surgery .. . .` 262, 290, 429 I printing presses. . . . ... 185, 414 provisions and clothing - .. .262, 291, 429 for printing and bindin for . .. 227, 513 construction and repair 262, 291,429 deiiciency appropriation ici- miscellaneous steam engineering .. . . . . . . 2M, 211, 430 expenses of the .. . .. 459 academy . . . . - .262, 292, 430 1\"a¤_q Pensions, asylum . .. 262, 293, 432 appropriation for ayment of ; roviso . . . . 98, 361 Marino Corps . . -. . 213, 262, 293, 432 Navy Yard, Mare Isgand, Cali/'ornilis, yards uml stations .. . . . . . .- . 262 appropriation for . ..,., . . ,,.. ,,,. 496 increase of the Nav y, for continuing work Navy- Yard, NewYork, upon new steel cruisers and dispatch appropriation for dred in . ..,... . .. . 406 boat. ..·.·.~ . . . . . 262, 263, 292, 433 Navy-Yard, Washington, 5., .NamZ Asylum, Phiiadeqahia, Pa., emplovés of the, to receive pay for certain appropriation for support of the .26%,295,433 liolidays. . . .. .. 516 Nara!' Lbtablixhment, Navy-yards and Stations, deiicicncy appropriation for miscellaneous appropriation for, ,, .,..,,,, ,,,, ,____,_,__ 208 expenses of ..»... . .-... . . . . 460 for repairs, etc., at .. .. . . 497 ¤I’¢’I?d£ Hoepilal Fund, Naylor, John W., ~ appropriation for. . .. . , . .290, 429 { payment to _,______ _ ____,________________ 564