Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/931

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INDEX. 903 _ Pa e.Page. LW], Hm""!/y g New .1Iexico—Continued. Nl**;¤)';¤**l¤l;l t0- --·—-·-·--· -- - - ---- · ·---» . . .. 469 appropriation for contingent expenseg of. . . 210 W » ·a P a for reliminarv surve * of nncon rmod _l’*¤Ni¤°¤€ W -·---· - ---—- · ----- - ----- . -.-.. 564 private land claims in .. -.-. 211 A9"' C¢W’€· _ deficiency appropriation for offico of sur- H]¤pYU])X`l3T10I1 to establish and maintain vgyopggneral of _________________ __ _ 46[ ¢]U¤1I'¤Dil118 SUIHODS, etc., fOr import- for legislative expenses of ,,,_ . . . . ., 2, 430 6d ·----- - ---·----------·-.. . .. 207, 356 lerrislatnre of the '1`erritorv of term of, for Nebraska, B 1884; for 18::6 .. 7 - ... 3 appropriation for salaries, etc., in oil/ice of New Orleans, La., surveyor-generalin .. .. 190, 421 appropriation, etc., to aid in the c.lebra— for contingent expenses ot -. .--. 210 tion of the World’s Industrial and deiiciency appropriation to reimburse State Cotton Centennial Exposition in-28, 207, 512 of, for expenses incurred in raising for preservation of the harbor at 146 V0l¤¤t¤81‘¤, etc -- .-- .. . .-.-. 259 for salaries in onice of United States asestablishment of branch home for disabled sistant treasurer .. . . . . 174, 405 V0]\1]1f€€l' S0ldi€fS Bild sailors in, au- for salaries, etc., in mint at 176, 407 _ tb01'1Z€¢l - ·.--.. . ...-.-.-... 120 for repairs, etc., to custom-house at 196, 481 right of way granted through Fort Robin- New River, NZ C., son Military Reservation, to Fremont, appropriation for improvement of . . .- . 139 Elk Horn and Missouri Railroad Com- New York, Company . . ..- . . . . . 284 deficiency appropriation to pay State of, sale of Sato and Fox gud Iovga Indian Reser- 351 acipunt oi;] distribution of proceeds of 255 va mus ip, gu or-ize . ____, , ..,,,_, u liclgu 5,etc ,_,, ,_ ,,,.,,.,,,,... Nebraska C eu tral Railway Company, to reinlburse State of, for expenses of raising authorized to consrruct a briclpe across the volunteers ,... . , - . .. ,. . , ...,,, . 259 Missouri River, Doug as County, New York City, N M k Noob! 5:5;. .. .. .--. 43 appropriation for salaries in éxilice of assist- 0 e as a ity, e ., ant. treasurer nited tates at . 174, 4 5 appropriation for erection of public build-for salaries, etc., in assay office at. . 176, 407 ing, etc., at; proviso .. . 483 for dredgingnavy-yard at .. 207. 496 Nechee River, Tex., name of Manufactured National Bank oi, appropgation for improvement of month of changed to Mlgnufactnrerd National t e . . . . . . . . . ... 135 Bank of Broo yn; proviso . 308 Needham, Barton, New York Herald, payment to . ... . . 586 payment to the,- ... -.- . . 239, 245, 246, 450 Neue, Madison, Newbauer, Herman W., ' payment to . . .. .. . . . . 564 payment to . .. . . . 453 Nelson, Frederick, Newburyport, Mass., _ pension to . .. ..-. .-.- --.. 640 appropriation for improvement of harbor Neue River, N C., at . 133 appropriation for improvement of . 139 Newcomb, Elizabeth, Nevada, payment to- . . . ... .. . . 574 appmpriation for salaries in omce of sur- Newhall, Octavia A. (widow), veyongeneral of. .. - . . . 190, 421 pension to .. . . . . . . . ... 696 for contingent expenses of ..-- .. 209 Newman, Henry, for incidental expenses of Indian service removal of disabilities of . 537 in .. . .. 93,379 Newman John, payment to State of, account of direct tax, payment to administratrix of .. .-.. 564 etc .. . . . . . . -. . . 269 Newport News, Va., _ New Albany, Ind. , created a port of entry forimmediate trans appropriation {lor emotion of public build- portation of dutiable goods . 48 ing, etc., at .. - .. 483 Newport, R. I., New Bedford, Maas., appropriation for improvement of harbor appropriation for purchase of additional at .. . .-... . ..----·--- - -··-- I33 land for uses of public building at. . 308 right of way granted to city of, across break- New Castle, Del., water at Goat Island; proviso .. 280 appropriation for improvementofharborat. 134 Newspaper Wrappers, _ _ New England Soldierf Belief Association, appropriation for manufacture and dxstri-_ ~ appropriation for purchasing hospital and butiou of ..-.-- - ·--·- - -·-·--·----·- 107, 38• other records of the war pertaining to 508 Newspapers, _ New Haven, Conn., rate of postage on .. . . 387 appropriation for improvement of break- Newum, Frederick P., _ water at ._,_.. , . . . . 133 payment to .. - ...-..-..--- · ---·· · · ---· *13 for harbor at . . . . ...,... 133 Newton Bay and Creek, N Y., { for courthouse and post-otiice at 196 appropriation for improvement of . 1.38 New London, Conn., Nez ercé Indiana appropriation for improvement of harbor at 133 appropriation fz0I` tho --·--- - ---··---- - -- · · Q2 New Jlcxico, for education, etc., of ... ... c ... 329 appropriation for incidental expenses of In- for removal ot, from indian Territory .. . 348 dim; gg;-vjcc in _____ , ______ , __,_.,,, 93,379 for support, etc., of, in Idaho .. - ...- 378 for expenses of goverment in .. 178, 409 Nez Percé Imiiana, Jonqaifa band of, for survey of confirmed private land appropriation for support, etc., of . 90, 378 claims in .. - . 211,499 for removal. etc., of -.---- · ·--- - ---····- 90 for salaries, etc., in omce of surveyor-geu· Niagara River, N. Y., _ _ _ em: of ...,,, . .., . . 210, 421 appropriation for mugehgbts m ---- - -- · -- 4*