Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1010

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COMMERCIAL CONVENTION-MEXICO. Jmumr 20,1983. 981 (35) 66. Tools and instruments of (56) 67. Tejas de barro y de oims steel, [•] 1IOD, brass, or materias para techos. wood, or composed of (32) 68. Tinta para impresiones. these matcr1a1s,for arti- (67) 69. Tipes, escudos, espacios sans. reg as, vifietas utiles (69) 67. Types, coats of arms, para imprimir, de todas spaces, rules, vignettes, clases. andaccessoriesforpmnt (55) 70. Trape para la fabricacien mg of all kinds. del papel. (71) 68. Vegetables, fresh. (68 71. Verduras frescas. (2) 69. Wire, telegraph, the des- (33; 72. Vigas de hierro. tmation of which will be (8) 73. Viguetas y armaduras de proven at the respective hierro para techos, que custom honses by the _ no puedan nsarse para PB\‘I1¢8·111t0l'68f£d. etros objetos en que se (3) 70. Wire of 1ron or steel for emplea el hierro. carding, from No. 26 and (2) 74. Yuuques y bigornios. upwards. (4) 71. Wire, barbed, for fences and the hooks and nails (18) '° Wt'; fastfm thi 1... a er pipes 0 materials and dimensions, net considering as comprehended among them tubes of copper or other metal that do not come closed or soldiered with seam or with riveting in all their length. (55) 73. Window blinds,painteder ' not painted. Anrronn IH. Aurfeuno III. The Government of the United El Gobierne de les Estados Uni- M¤=i¤¤ tv {ww States of Mexico, shall have the dos Mexicanos tendra la facultad 1“":·‘];‘1°,:;a°*";-·P° power to issue such laws, rules, reg- de espedir las leyes, reglamentos, moz,,,,,? m ulations, instructions and orders, bases y disposiciones que estime - as it may deem proper to protect eonvenientes,con objetode protejer its revenues and prevent fraud in sus rentas 6 impedir abuses, para erdertoprove that the merchandise justificar que las mercancias comincluded in the above schedule an- prendidas en la lista adj unta al arnexed to article second of this con- ticulo segundo de esta eonveneion, ventiou, are produced or manufact- son preducidas 6 manufactumdas ured in the United States of Amer- enlos Estados UnidosdeAmérica,y ica, and therefore are entitled to que por lo mismo les corresponde la importation free of duty, into the importacion libre de derechos por Mexican ports or such places on the los puertos mexicanos 6 por los lufrontier between Mexico and the gares de la frentera de México con United States of America, as are _10s Estados Unidos de América, previously established as ports of que estén previamente habilitados entry by the Government of Mex· per el Gobierno de México como ico. puertos de altura. The Government of the United El Gobierno de les Estados Uni- Smtes of Mexico shall have more- dos Mexicauos teudra ademas la over the power to amend, modify, facultad de reformer, medincar 6 or mnpliiy the laws and regula- adicionar las leyes y reglamentos tions issuedin exercising the power que espida en virtud de la facultad conferred by this article, whenever que le recenece este articulo, siem- [’3•c Protocol of January 20, 1883.]