Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1011

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982 COMMERCIAL CONVENTION-MEXICO. JANUARY 20, 1883. it deems proper to do so in order to pre que lo estime conveniente, con protect its revenues and prevent objeto de protcjer sus rcntas 6 imfraud. pedir abuses. Anricmt IV. AnricULo IV. 1-;,,, Uumdsmm, The Government of the United E1 Gobierno de los Estados Unitoissuelaws,rules, States of America shall have the dos de América tendra la facultad

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t¤*· power to issue such laws, rules,reg- de espedir las leyes, reglamentos,

tic; "‘""P° “' ulations, instructions and orders as bases y disposiciones que estime it may deem proper to protect its convenientes,eon objeto de protejer revenues and prevent fraud, in or- sus rentas é impedir abuses, para der to prove that the merchandise justiticar que las mercancias comincluded in the above schedule at- prcndidas en la lista adjunta al taehed to the first article of this articulo primero de esta convencion convention are produced or manu- son producidas 6 manufacturadas tactured in the United States of en los Estados Unidos Mexieanos, Mexico, and therefore are entitled y que por lo mismo les corresponds to importation, free of duty, into la importacion libre de derechos the ports of the United States of por los puertos de los — Estados America or such places on the fron- Unidos de América 6 por los lutier between the United States of gares de la frontera de los Esta- America and the United States of dos Unidos de América con los Mexico as are previously estab- Estados Unidos Mexicanos que lished as ports of entry by the Gov- estén previamente habilitados por emment of the United States of el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos America. de América como puertos de altura. . The Government of the United El Gobierno de los Estados Uni- States of America shall have more- dos de América tendra ademas la over the power to amend, modify facultad de reformar, modiiicar 6 or amplify the laws and regulations adicionar las leyes y reglamentos issued in exercising the power con- que espida en virtud de la facultad fexred by this article, whenever it que le reconoce este articulo, siemmay deem proper to do so in order pre que lo estime conveniente, con to protect its revenues and prevent objeto de protejer sus rentas é imhand. pedir abuses. Anrrcnn V. Anricuro V. Changes in im- The stipulations contained in the Las estipulaciones coutenidas en P°¤‘* d¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤! b¤ first andsecond articles of this con- los articulos primero y segundo do ""‘d°· vention will not prevent either of esta convencion no impediran que the contracting parties from mak- cualquiera de las partes contrataning such changes in their import teshagaen snsarancclesoderechos duties as their respective interests de importacion, los cambios que may require, granting to other na- considcre eonvenientes, concedientions the same liberty of rights in do 6 otras nacioncs la misma liregard to one or more of the arti- bertad de derechos de una 6 mas cles of merchandise named in the de las mercaneias mencionadas en schedule annexed to the first and las listas adjuntas {n los artieulos second articles, either by legisla- primeroysegundo,ya sea pormedio tion or by means of treaties with de su legislacion 6 de tratados con other Governments. But in case otros Gobiernos; pero en caso dc such changes are made, the party haeerse tales alteraciones, la naanected by the same may denounce cion que se considere perjudicada this convention even before the por ellas podra denunciar esta conterm speeiiied in Article IX., and vencion ann antes de que expire el the present conventionwillbe term- plazo iijado en sn artienlo noveno, inatedat theend ofsix months, from y la presente convencion espirara