Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/282

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 902. 1886. 247 For rent, hire of civilian employees, furniture, light, stationery, ice, C<>¤ti¤¤¤¤t cxiepairs, rent of telephones, text books, lumber, and other expenses of IZ°"“"“ °w"“ ?’“°‘ offices maintained as stations of observation in cities or places outside ::5 Bt-C °Shmg` of \Vashington, District of Columbia, thirty-five thousand dollars.` ` For river and flood observations, and expenses incidental thereto River iwd fwd nine thousand dollars. ;’);’;°si°"°“ °x· _ For expenses (including paper, forms, printing supplies, hire of civil- _M=¤P¤ Md l>¤U¤· mn printers, engravers) of preparing, printing, distributing, and dis· t"'S‘ playing maps or bulletins, and for the maintenance of a printing office, Printing office. under the direction of the Chief Signal Onicer, in the city of Washington, for the printing of the necessary orders, circulars, maps, bulletins, as may be necessary to carry into eifect the appropriations made for the support of the Signal Service, twenty-tive thousand dollars. For observations, and expenses incidental thereto, announcing the Cotton region rsprobable approach and severity of frosts or rains, for the beneiit of the Dvmcotton region of the United States, seven thousand dollars. ' For maintenance and repair of military-telegraph lines, including Military telerent of offices, salaries of civilian operators and repair-men, lights sup· zmvh ll¤¢¤· plies, and general repairs, twenty-four thousand dollars. PAY. For pay of one brigadier-general and sixteen second lieutenants, Pay, etc., of omtwenty-nine thousand five hundred dollars; for longevity pay to oth- °°¤* Md m°¤· cers of the Signal Corps, to be paid with current monthly pay, four thousand six hundred and eighty dollars; for pay of not exceeding one hundred and fifty sergeants, thirty corporals, and two hundred and ninety privates, including payment due on discharge, one hundred and eighty thousand dollars; for mileage to officers when travelling on duty under orders, four thousand dollars; for commutation of quarters to commissioned officers at places where there are no public quarters, tive thousand five hundred dollars; in all, two hundred and twenty-three thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. And the Secretary of War is authorized, in his discretion, to detail for the service in the Signal Detail of omcers Corps not to exceed five commissioned officers, exclusive of the second for signal service lieutenants of the Signal Corps authorized by law; and no money d“*Y· herein appropriated shall be used for pay and allowances of second lieutenants appointed or to be appointed from the sergeants of the Sig- Number of seenal Corps, under the provisions of the act approved June twentieth, q¤¢l_1i<>¤¤=¤¤¤f¤ eighteen hundred and seventyeight, in excess of the number of sixteen, l"QJ:fdé0 l 2,9 or for the pay and allowances of exceeding four hundred and seventy'I' ' enlisted men of the Signal Corps; and in reducing the force the eu- Numbcrofenlistlisted men at Fort Myer, Virginia denoted the •‘permanent party" eil men r¤d¤w¤d· shall first be mustered out: Provided, That this restriction shall not 1*rvvi¤¤· apply to the pay or commutation or expense of return from their stations to their homes of any enlisted men in excess of the tour hundred and seventy men, accruing prior to the passage of this act SUDSISTENCE For commutation of rations of not exceeding four hundred and sev- Subsistence. onty Signal Service enlisted men, and for sales of subsistence stores to R- S· m‘·l’·2°74 otilcers and enlisted men, as authorized by section eleven hundred and lorty-four of the Revised Statutes and Army Regulations one hundred and fortyeight thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents. REGULAR SUPPLIES. FUEL: For various offices on the United States military-tele’graph Fuel. lines, and at stations of observation outside of Washington, District of Columbia (for tires the year round when needed) six thousand dollars.