Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/283

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248 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CII. 902. 1886. €<>¤¤¤¤¤’¤Mi¤¤ <>f Coumurnron or num.: For commutation of fuel for not exceedf“°l· ing four hundred and seventy men of the Signal Corps on duty at the office of the Chief Signal Officer and at signal-stations throughout the United States forty-five thousand dollars. 1¤0R.AG1·: P`¤¤‘=¤g¤- For forage for ten mules and six horses, one thousand eight hundred and five dollars and sixty-five cents; straw for sixteen animals, at seven dollars each per annum as allowed by paragraph eighteen hundred and ninety-eight; Army Regulations, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, one hundred and twelve dollars; for forage for thirteen horses kept by officers in the public service, as allowed by paragraph eighteen hundred and ninety, Army Regulations, and the act making_ appropriations for the support of the Army approved February twenty-fourth, eighteen hun- Vol. 21,p. 341. dred and eighty-one, at one hundred and five dollars each per annum, one thousand three hundred and sixty-five dollars ; for straw for thirteen horses kept by officers in the public service, as allowed by paragraph eighteen hundred and ninety, Army Regulations, and the act making appropriations for the support of the Army approved February twenty- fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty~one, at eight dollars and forty cents each per annum, one hundred and nine dollars and twenty cents; in all, three thousand three hundred and ninety-one dollars and eighty-five cents. INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. Incidental ex- For horse and mule shoes, nails, and expenses for shoeing once each P°¤¤¤¤· month for sixteen animals, at one dollar and fifty cents each month (paragraph three hundred and one, Army Regulations eighteen hundred and eighty-one,), two hundred and eighty-eight dollars. For shoes, nails, and expenses of shoeing once each month for thirteen horses kept by officers in the public service, at one dollar and fifty cents each per month, (paragraph three hundred and one, Army Regullatipns, eighteen hundred and eighty one), twohundred and thirty-four o ars, · For blucksmiths’ supplies. tools, and materials, one hundred dollars. For veterinary supplies fifty dollars. I¤*<>¤¤¢¤* of of- For interment of officers and men, one hundred dollars. ticers and men. TRANSPORTATION. , T¥¤¤¤1>¤f¢¤*i<>¤· For transportation of material and funds, as per paragraphs seventeen hundred and seventeen and nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, Army Regulations, eighteen hundred and eighty one, fifteen thousand dollars. For transportation of men, six thousand dollars. For purchase of necessary harness and other articles, and expenses of repairs to means of transportation, three hundred dollars. Barracks and BARRACKS AND QUARTERS. quarters. C°¤¤¤¤¤*¤¤<>¤· For commutation of quarters to not exceeding four hundred and seventy enlisted men of the Signal Corps on duty at office of the Chief Signal Officer and at signalstations throughout the United States, eighty four thousand dollars. That the Regular Army officers herein authorized to be detailed for the Signal Service shall receive their pay and allowances from the appropriation for the support of the Army. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Medical attend- For medical attendance and medicines for officers and enlisted men ‘“°“· of the Signal Corps, two thousand dollars.