Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1305

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1264 · FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 78-82. 1889. —I¤¤¤¤·¤‘5’ 17.1889 CHAP. 78.-A.u act granting a pension to Mrs Almira J. Towner. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the PA;¤¤i!‘¤J- T¢>W¤¤‘· United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Hsin of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place J on the ppnsionipoll, subjecét to the ptpoxriisions arid liinlitattionstpl the: ension laws, the name o Almira . owner, epen en ,mo er o Seth S. Towner, late a private in Company A, Second Regiment Illinois Volunteer Cavalry. Approved, January 17, 1889. January 17. 1889- CHAP. 'I9.—-rAn act for the relief of Elizabeth C. Cole. ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ,Hi¤g6*Ifgf§·£<;{$>d°d States o{wAme3·ip1a inhConIyress aisemblgd, gnat thediecretary · aus wuum 0 e nterior , an e is_ ere y authorize an irecte 0 pay to Bluggig Elizabeth C. Cole, dependent mothdr of William D. Cole, late a private in Company I, Ninth Regiment of Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and ‘ now deceased, the surlnlofl sevgnty-twoddollandasvapnd that b(-ejipg tihe amount 0 pension w 'c a accrue to saiiam D. o e, e- ceased, at the time of his death, bylvirtue of pension certificate numbered ninetty-three thousand four undred and forty) four; for which said sum o seventy-two dollars a check was issued, ut did not reach said William D. Cole before he died. Approved, January 17, 1889. .n¤um·y 17, 1889- CHAP. 80.-An act for the relief of William A. Mathes. Re it enacted by the Senate cmd House of Representatives of the gmgm United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, instructed to increase the pen- ’ sion of William A. Mathes, late of Company B, Eighteenth Regiment Ind1ana Voluntepiis, to forty-five dollars per month, in lieu of the pension now pai 1m. Approved, January 17, 1889. January 17, 1889. CHAP. 81.-—A11 act for the relief of Isaac Roehou. Re it enacted by the Senate and House o Re esentatices of the {_mE¤,:§s°d_ United of America in Congress assembéd, Iliat the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to increase the pension of Isaac Rosh0n, now on the pension-roll at the rate of thirteen dollars per month, to such amount as under the rov1810ns and limgapions og thehpension laws he maiy be entlt1ed)by reason o a guns o woun to the left knee, rece' b h' h`l member_of Company F, fllbirteenth Regiment Chic (lavlslliyg thlazt the pension granted y this act shall be m addition to the one he is · now receiving for another disability. ’ Approved, January 17, 1889. January 17, ISS. CHAP. 82.-An act for the relief of Margaret M Hatch. Re it enacted by the Senate and House o R esentati es o th m K. Hmm United States of America Congress a.ssembled,ezl"rhat the ISecr<{sa.r; of the Interior be a d h h y, thed d d' ted to place t n 91S ere au- oriz an l1'€C