Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1381

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I 342 CONVENTION OF LISBON. MAHOH 21, 1885. postale, la taxe applicable a une the rate applicable to a single regettre simple recommandee; istered letter ; 2°. Pour toute demandepar voie 2d for every request by teletelégraphique, la taxe u tele- graph, the charge for the telegram gramme d’apres le tarif ordinaire. according to the ordinary rates. Les dispositions du present arti- The provisions of this article are cle ne sont pas obligatoires pour not compulsory in countries, the les pays dont la legis ation ne per- legislation of which does not allow met pas a l’expediteur de disposer the sender to dispose of an article d’un envoi en cours de transport. in course of transportation. V. V. Article 6 Ma. Les 5 derniersalineas de l’article » The last 5 paragraphs of article 6, depuis les mots : "En cas de 6, afterthewords: " ncase of thepprte d’un envoi recommande" loss of a registered art1cle," &c., c., sont supprimes, et il est are suppressed, and, after said ajoute, a la suite du meme article, article, a new article is added un nouvel article portant : ;reading as follows : ARTICLE 6 bis. ARTICLE 6 bis. maemuaey gm- me En cas de perte dfun envoi re- In case of the loss of a registered "°"“'°“’°""‘°'°‘ commande et sauf le cas de force article, and except in case of force majeure, Pexpediteur ou, sur sa majeure, the sender, or at his redemande, le estinataire a droit· quest, the addressee, is entitled to a une indemnite de 50 francs. an indemnity of 50 francs. L’obligation de ayer l’indem- The obligation to pay the innite incombe a Pgdministration- demnity is incumbent on the Addont releve le bureau expediteur. ministration under which the des- ‘ Est reserve a cette Administra·— patching office belongs. This Adtion le recours contre l'Adminis» ministration has the right to make ‘ tration responsable, c’est-a·dire a reclamation on the responsible contre 1’Administration sur le ter- administration, that is to say, on ritoire ou dans le service de la- the Administration within whose _ quelle la perte a eu lieu. perrigory or in vghose service the oss as occurre . Responsibility for J usqu’a reuve du contraire, la Until the contrary is proved, ‘°“· _ responsabilite incombe a l’Admi· the responsibility rests with the nistration qui, ayant regu l’objet Administration which, after havsans faire ’observation, ne peut ing received the article without etablir ni la delivrance au destina- making any remark, can not taire ni, s’il y a lieu, la transmis- prove either its delivery to the adsion reguliere a 1’Administration resstes, lpr its regcplar transmis- · suivan e. sion the next A ministration. ngnyment or iudem- Le payement de Yindemnitelpar The (payment of the indemnity " l’OfHce expediteur doit avoir 1eu by the espatchingoffice shouldbe le plus tot possible et, au plus tard, made as soon as ossible, and at dans le delai d’un an A partir du the latest,within die eriod of one jour de la reclamation. L Office re- year dating from the day of the responsable est tenu de rembourser clamation. The responsible office sans retard, a l’OiTice expediteur, is bound to reimburse without - le montant de l’mdemnite payee delay to the despatching office the par celurc1. amount of the mdemnity paid by Limits_ or time for Ilest entendu que la reclamation It it understood that the rep'°°°°°'"’g °1“l"" n’est admise que dans le delai d’un clamation is only admitted within an, a partir du depot A la poste de the period of one year from the l’envoi recommande; passe ce time when the registered article terme, le reclamant n’a droit a au- was mailed; after this period has cune indemmté. passed, the claimant has no right to any indemnity.