Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1387

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1348 CONVENTION OF LISBON. MARCH 21, 1885. In witness whereof I have caused the seal of the Post-Oince De— partment of the United States to be hereto aiiixed, with my signature, this twentieth day of October, A. D. 1885. [snAL.] W. F. VILAS, - Postmaster- General. I hereby approve the above-mentioned and foregoing Additional Act, and in testimony thereof have caused the seal o the United States to be affixed hereto. [SEAL.] GROVER CLEVELAND. By the President: T. F. BAYARD, Secretary of State. WAsn1NeroN, October 20, 1885. FINAL PROTOCOL. mv101v POSTALE vmvzrsrur. UNIVERSAL rosmr UNION PBOTOCOLE FINAL. FINAL PROTOCOL. Au moment de procéder a la sig- At the moment when the Connature des Conventions arretées ventions concluded by the Uniplar le Congres postal universel de versal Postal Congress of Lisbon isbonne, les plénipotentiaires were to be signed, the undersoussignés sont convenus de ce signed plenipotentiaries have qui suit: · agreed as follows: QL I. I Adhd0n. or rem, Le Pérou, le Salvador, la Serbie Peru, Salvador, Servia and Tur- ¥§,“§§‘§Y"* S°"*‘ "“° et la Turquie, qui font partie de key, which form part of the Postal l’Union postale, ne s’étant pas fait Union, being unrepresented at the re résenter au Congres, le(proto— Congress, the protocol will be left cole leur reste ouvert poura hérer open for their adhesion to the Conaux Conventions quiy ont été con- ventions which have been conclues ou seulement a ’une ou l’au- cluded at the Congress, or only to tre d’entr’elles. Il en est de meme one or the other of the e Convena l’égard de la République de tions. The same a lies to the oummea Costa-Rica, dont 1e représentant Republic of Costa Ilgica, whose n’assiste pas a la séance dans la- representative is not resent at quelle ces actes seront signés. the session at which {diese Acts will be signed. ‘ II. II. Ammm, commas Les Colonies britanniques de The British Colonies of Austra- °’ “‘°C’¥’°°"dN“""'· l’Australie et les Colonies britan~ lia and the British Colonies of the niques du Cap et de Natal seront Cape and of Natal will be allowed admises a adhérer ai ces Conven- to adhere to these Conventions, or tions, ou a l’une ou l’autre d’en— one or the other of them, and the tr’elles, et le protocole leur reste protocol will be left open for this ouvert a cet e et. purpose. III. IH. mweqi rm open Le protocole demeure ouvert en The protocol will be left 0 n M °°"““‘ °°““‘“‘“°‘ faveur des pays dont les repre- for countries whose represeilltgasentants n’ont signé aujourd ui tives have this day only signed the que la Convention principale, ou principal Convention, or 'only a