Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/41

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Xlii LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page. Mun; McIntosh. An act granting an increase of pension to Mrs. Mary McIntosh. January 26, BBS 1891 . ... . . .. . · Dudley Johnson. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to remove the charges of desertion from the records of the War Department as to Dudley Johnson, late ordnance sergeant, United States Army. January 26, 1891 . _ .. . . _ . . 1338 Hosea Brown. An act to provide increase of pension to Hosea Brown, of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve. January 28, 1891 ... _ .. _ . 1 339 Emily P. Collins. An act granting a pension to Em1ly P. Collins. January 28, 1891 .. 1339 Mary B. Hascall. An act granting a pension to Mary B. Hascall. February 4, 1891 .. 1389 George B. Kane. An act to appropriate the sum ot five htmdred and seventeen dollars and sixty cents to George B. Kane and Comlpany, in payment of a balance due them for printer’s ink fumis ed by them to the bhc Printer. February 7, 1891 ... 1339 Franz Sigel. An act granting a pension to Major-General Franz Sngle . February 7, 1891 . 1340 Joseph J. Bartlett. An act granting an increase of pension to Josep J. Bartlett. February 7, 1340 1891 . . . .. James IL Smith. An act for the relief of James H. Smith, late postmaster at Memphis, Tennessee. February 11, 1891 ... _ .. 1340 Llichael Meskell. An act to remove the charge of desertion from the record of Michael Meskell. February 11, 1891 . .. . . .. 1340 George Gunnell. An act for the relief of George Gimnell. February 11, 1891 . 1540 Ellen E. Truerc. A11 act granting a pension to Ellen E. Truex. February 12. 1891 1341 Lydia A. Eaton. An act granting a pension to Lydia A. Eaton. February 12, 1891 .. 1341 Lucy A. George. An act granting a pension to Lucy A. George. February 12, 1891 ... . . . 1341 Caroline Hayes. An act granting a pension to Caroline Hayes. February 12, 1891 ... 1341 Jeremiah AL Sidwell. An act granting a pension to Jeremiah M. Sidwell. February 12, 1891. . 1341 George W. Pitner. An act granting a pension to George W. Pitner. February 12, 1891 1342 Bridget Lynch. An act granting a pension to Bridget Lynch. February 12, 1891 .. . . 1342 Nancy Hartley. An act granting a pension to Nancy Hartley. February 12, 1891 . 1342 Elizabeth Burnett. An act granting a pension to Elizabeth Burnett. February 12, 1891 ... 1342 Aphia M Broum. All act granting a pension to Aphia M. Brown. February 12, 1891 1342 Susan Young. A11 act granting a pension to Mrs. Susan Young. February 12, 1891 .. 1343 Charlotte B. Nutting. An act granting a pension to Charlotte B. Nutting. February 12, 1891. . 1348 John Pwkard. An act granting a pension to John Pickard. February 12, 1891 .. . . . . 1343 Mary Hogan. An act granting a. pension to Mrs. Mary Hogan. February 12, 1891 1343 Bazel Monley. An aictgranting a pension to Bazel Lemley. Fe 891 ... 1343 Mariaond Apollonia assendqubel. An act granting a pension toHassendeubel and Apollonia Hasseudeubel. February 12, 1 91 . . .. 1344 Thoma,s.L An act granting a pensionto Thomas J. Wilkins. February 12, 1891 . 1344 Alfred A.1Jerome. An act an increase of pension to Alfred A. Jerome. February 12, 189 .. . . . 1344 Matthew C. Griswold. An act granting an increase of pension to Matthew C. Griswold. Febmary 12, 1891 .. . . ; 1344 Barton P. Spencer. An act for the relief of Barton P. Spencer. February 12, 1891 1344 Charles Duersem. An act for the relief of Charles Duerson. February 12, 1891 ... 1345 Willianz Karger. An act for the relief of William Karger. February 12, 1891 .. . . 1345 Caroline A. Fairfax. An ant for the relief of Caroline A. Fairfax. February 12, 1891 1345 William L. Hurst. An act for the relief of William L. Hurst, of Wolfe County, Kentucky. February 12, 1891 .. . .. . .. 1345 Catherine Doyle. An act increasing the pension of Catherine Doyle. February 12, 1891 ... 1345 Simonlgbfmrglnt. An act to grant an increase of pension to Simon J. Faught. February 12, . . ... . .. . ... 1346 Mary giqilctlulloclt. An act to increase the pension of Mrs. Mary A. McCulloch. February 12, . . . ... . . .. . . . . .. .. ... 1346 Chesapeake Female College. An not giving the Court of Claims jurisdiction of the claims on account of property of the Chesapeake Female College, possessed and used by the United States military authorities. February 12, 1891 . 1346 Amlrew Srlzneider. An aut for the relief of Andrew Sclmeider. February 13. 1891 1346 .’Ilo.r Wittfg. An act for the relief of Charles Max Wittig, alias Max \Vittig. February 13, 1891. 1347 (,'horl¢·.•¢ H. Kellem. An act for the relief of Charles H. Kellen. February 13, 1891 . 1347 lVz'lliu m E. Crouse. An act to correct the military record of William E. Crouse. February 13 1891 . .. . .. Y . Murrellus Pettit. An act to correct the military record of Marcellus Pettit. February 13, 1891. H. W.Keyes. An act to reimburse H.W.Keyes for money wrongfully paid the United States for commutation. February 13, 1891 . . 1348 Oregon Paving and ('ontruct Company. An act for cancellation of contract with United States engineer for deliverv of stone for the improvement of the mouth of the Columbia River in Oregon and Washington. February 13, 1891 ..,... . . . ., 1348 John U'. Bussaburger. An act granting a pension to John W. Bussabarger. February 14 1891 1348 Surah Phillips. An act granting a pension to Sarah Philli . Februarv 14, 1891 1 .. 1348 Caroline E. Gray. An act granting a pension to Caroline Gray. February 14, 1891. . . . · 1349 Ruth Collier. An act granting a pension lo Ruth Collier. of Tennessee. February 14, 1891 . I I 1349 ,114;.;-omlrr Moore. An act granting a pension to Alexander Moore. February 14. 1891 ,,,_ I i I 1349 Harriet J. Yarbrough. An act granting a pension to Harriet J. Yarbrough. February 14 1349 Amt JI. Mosher. An act granting a pension to Ann M. Mosher. February 14, 1891 .. . . . 1349 1[argaret Cooney. An act granting a pension to Margaret Cooney, formerly Margaret Dolan February 14. 1891 .. . ... · 1350