Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/695

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FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 210. 1893. 669 For fees of commissioners United States courts, two thousand five C°*¤¤·l¤¤*•>¤¤*¤· hundred and nineteen dollars and ten cents. For fees of Witnesses United States courts, seven hundred and forty- W“"°"°*‘- one dollars and fifty-nine cents. For support of prisoners United States courts, one thousand five hun-·“§·*Pv¤** of r*i¤¤¤· dred and thirty dollars and thirty-six cents. ' For rent of court rooms United States courts, one hundred dollars. R°“*· For pay of bailiifs, and so forth, United States courts, one thousand B**“‘**·°**=· seven hundred and seventy-five dollars and nine cents. For miscellaneous expenses United States courts, one thousand two Mi¤¤¤“=¤¤•¤>¤¤- hundred and eighty-three dollars and forty-six cents. For expenses of United States courts, eighteen hundred and seventy- C°‘"°“· nine and prior years, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven dollars and two cents. For expenses of Territorial courts in Utah, three thousand seven UM <=<>¤¤=¤· hundred and seventy-fom- dollars and eight cents. For fees of supervisors of elections, twelve thousand six hundred ujewrvisvm M ¤i·><=- — and ninety-seven dollars and fifty-five cents. ”°‘ CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE FIRST Aomron AND com- F§>;;*;¤·,_;*_g·;;;,;¤_,§·5,* MISSIONEB OF CUSTOMS. gguglmissionerof Cus- For expenses of collecting the revenue from customs, except for C¤¤*~¤·¤ ¢·*¤¤¤¤· services over Pacino railroads one thousand six hundred and twenty dollars and ten cents. For protecting salmon fisheries of Alaska, forty-four dollars and °¤Q°k“ ***“*°” ll-"*‘ sixty-three cents. For Life Saving Service, one thousand three hundred and fifty-seven ¤f¤-wins ¤¤¤i¤¤· dollars and twenty-one cents. _ For salaries of keepers of lighthouses, four dollars and thirty-five m{·*€'**·’*°"¤° k°°P‘ cents. For expenses of fog-signals, twelve dollars and ninety-nine cents. 1"¤s ¤is¤¤¤¤· For lighting of rivers, one dollar and twentydive cents. 1-izhtinz of rivers For lighting and buoyage of rivers, twenty-five dollars and twenty “g{jS'*’*¤5 ml "“°Y‘ cents. . WAR DEPARTMENT CLAIMS CERTIFIED BY THE SECOND cQ;n“;]Q§_¥;Q;‘g‘f,§€ AUDITOR AND SECOND COMPTROLLER. · torv-ud Cvmptryllw For pay, and so forth, of the Army, five thousand one hundred and Ar-my pty. twenty-three dollars and forty-two cents. For Medical and Hospital department, sixty dollars. M•><¤¤·¤r1<>1wr¤¤·>¤¢ For contingencies of the Army, except for services over Pacitic Rail- comsrgeuom. roads, nfty two dollars and seventy four cents. For traveling expenses of Calitbrnia and N evadu. Volunteers, seventy `__gf[f:{;j3,_:;d N°· dollars and thirty six cents.` For pay of volunteers, Mexican war, sixty dollars and one cent. m}f,*;{§‘““ W" "°*‘ For Secret Service, one hundred and forty-three dollars and thirty- swmésmam. eight cents. INDIAN CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE SECOND AUDITOR °,,{,"°[§“}},,€'{‘Q§';'“·,§,‘§‘fj AND SECOND COMPTROLLER. eompmmr. rxrnmon nnranrmnur. I¤*¤*i·>=°¤¤•¤¤°¤*· For support of Poncas, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, five hun- ¤¤1>1>¤¤•>fP¤¤¤•¤· dred and forty-six dollars and eight cents. _ For mcidentals in North Dakota, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, ,,f;g§j°””'¤· N°'“” eight dollars and ninety cents. _ ` For Indian School, Carson City, Nevada; support, eighteen hundred S°*‘°°‘· C"` and ninety-one, fifteen dollars.