Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/941

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918 GENERAL ACT—SLAVE TRADE. JULY 2, 1890. Ancricnn LXXXIII. Anrrcnn LXXXIII. bff,§§’,§Q_f""" Z‘*‘"·*‘ Le Bureau de Zanzibar lui fera The office at Zanzibar shall forparvenir,chaque annee,le rapport ward to it every year the report mentionne a Particle LXXX sur mentioned in Article LXXX, conses operations pendant l’année cerning its operations during the ecoulee et sur celles des bureaux past year, and concerning those of auxiliaires qui viendraient a etre the auxiliary offices that may have établis conformement a Particle beenestablishedinaccordancewith LXXIX. Article LXXIX. Anrrcnn LXXXIV. Ancrronn LXXXIV. Publication. Lgs dgcumgnts gt pgusgjgug- Tl1B d00l1lII0l1liS 3iHd lI1fo1'IIl2»l7l0Il ments seront reunis et pnbliés pe- shall be collected and published riodiquement et adressés a toutes periodically, and addressed to all les Puissances signataires. Cette the signatory powers. This pubpublication sera accompagnée, lication shall be accompanied every chaque année, d’une table analy- year by an analytical table of the tique des documents législatifs, legislative, administrative, and administratifs et statistiques men- statistical documents mentioned in tionnés aux articles LXXXI et Articles LXXXI and LXXXIII. LXXXIII. Anrrcnm LXXXV. Anrrcnn LXXXV. E¤l>¤¤¤••- Leg buis dg bureau, dg corre- Tl1B 0mCG 6XpB11SBS 3S well 3.8 spondance, de traduction et d’im- those incurred in correspondence, pression qui en résulteront, seront translation, and printing, shall be supportés par toutes les Puis- shared by all the signatory powers, sauces signataires et recouvres par and shall be collected through the les soins du departement des Af- agency of the department of the faires Etrangeres a Bruxelles. foreign office at Brussels. § III.——D¢ laprotcctiou den caclave; libéréa. Section III. Ofuéha proicclion of libera slaves. Anricnn LXXXVI. Anrrcrn LXXXVI. E•*·¤W·¤¤¤¤* M Les Puissances signatairesa ant The sivnator powers having

iE$€Z.f°'li°°'”°i°”`°f reconnu le devoir de protege15s les recognized the duty of protecting

esclaves liberes dans leurs posses- liberated slaves in their respective sions respectives s’engagent a eta- possessions, engage to establish, if blir, s’i1 n’en existe_ deja, dans they do not already exist, in the les ports de la zone determinec a ports of the zone determined by Particle et dans les cndroits Article XXI, and in such parts of de leurs dites possessions qui se- their said possessions as may be raient des lieux de capi11re,de pas- places for the capture, passage and sage et d’arrivée d’esclaves afri- arrival of African slaves, such oilicains, des bureaux on des institu- ces and institutions as may be tions en nombre jugé sufiisant par deemed sufficient by them, whose elles et qui seront charges speci- business shall specially consist in alemert de les aftranchir et de les liberating and protecting them in proteger, conformément aux dispo- accordance with the provisions of sitions des articles VI, XVIII, LII, Articles VI, XVIII, LII, LXIII, LXIII et LXVI. and LXVI. Anricnn LXXXVII. Anrrionn LXXXVII. R°g‘°"Y °"°*°”‘“· Les bureaux Nafiranchissement The liberation offices or the auou les autorites chargées de ce ser- thorities charged with this service