Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1399

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INDEX. 1 377 · . Page._ Page. Powder, I President of the United States-Contmued. duty on, for mining, sporting, etc ... 533 proclamation disburegng unlawful as- 4 Powder and Projectilea, Army sem ges inte ering with mails appropriation for .,.._. i __ 218, 705 and interstate commerce ., 1250 Powders. extending copyright benefits to subjects duty on toilet ... 511 P of Derimark .. 1219 Powers John M., ortuga ... 1222 payurgnt of (iourt of Claims judgment to- 461 granting gmneeity toolliiofmoriie - .. - 1257 mv iver ass. , qpenin ero ee et 0 wa, appropriation for improving ...,..., 346 and Pawnee Indian lands to settle- 12 Prague, ment . 22 appropriatiou for consul at 145, 820 permitting Canadian vessels to aid gu- clerk hire ___________,_,,____,_.. 149, 823 wrecks, etc., in United States wa.- 1 Pratt, G. W. ters .. 220 deficiency riiypropriation for services - - ._- 866 prohibiting unlawful killing of fur- Preeiaus Meta s, Production of, _ peaung annuals, Alaska 1- : - -- 1258 appropriation for collecting statistics- - 179, 780 putting regulations to prevent colhswns printing report on, authorized; distribu- at sea. ID eifect March 1, 1895 ., 1250 tim; ___________________________,,_ 616 postponing efect of act to prevent col- Redon Stones, lisions at sea. . 1259 duty gp, gut ____________________________ g setting ag Ashland forest reservat ________________________________.. - tion, g 1243 aiyjmtigui size ___________________ gg Gu$ade Range forest reservation, 1940 1; _____________________________ , , - e . .. - - - n Preegrzzgon Claims, suspeudiag tonnage tux on vessels from time for Hua] payment extended one Grenada, W: I T ... - .. 1248 yam - ...,_ _ _,. 1 23 to appomt comugsm0nG0n tdelegiwater Prel 'mina Examinations, ¢>01!¤¤\}¤1<¤8 011, 1108 GS 0 di;ected1¥or improvement of rivers and Aijhptlc ...~ - .. 1-: --- 950 hm-bum ________ · _________________ _ 364 eommmsxoners to Antwerp Exposition- 578 Prepa.mti<ms, delegate to Interna.tiona.1 Geodetic Asduty on alkglies, essential oils, etc., not 506iBH-0D . 587 gpeqmgd ___ _______________ _ ___,_.. 511 engineer bgartggo rgeommeucwénggn of toilet, not specihod _..____________ 511 s u n iver ri , ew of distilled Spirits not speciied 525 icrk i 90 Preparations, Medicigl, 511 eugmxeer boardc to {exnmme route of 949 duty on, not specm ___,.______________ _ waragua. ana. _ Z ___,,,._..._ : . _ containing alcohol; minimum .,._ 511 I eugmeerboardto examine bar Yaquma Presbyterian Board of Home Missions, Bay, Omg 1 ... 948 change of site, etc., school ou Omaha In- j to convene board to report on retirement dj.811 Reservation, Nebr ... 507 l of Reveuue—Cutter omcers _... 920 Prescott, I to extend acknowledgment of Congress appropriation for consul at ... 147,822 , go nations taking part in W0r1d’s 1 Pre `de f fh U `fed Si Ms, mr --..-..-- 8 a;! rcgritmiori forleompegsation ... 169, 272 to insist on payment of Mora claim by _ gn private secretary, clerks, etc - -, - 169, H2 _ Spam .. r ... _ .,.. _. - 9»5 mmua,1 messages to be sent S01d18TH, F9 to xssuq procgsériztgon aué1t¢;.incing udmm- wg H , t ,_..,_. o sion 0 as a e . .. autboruteawsotintixke international agree- opening to settlement lands peded on ment for removing derelicts, etc., Yankton gmdxan Resegtxizmou .l 813 ` N rth Atl tic Ocean .. 13 to make regula `ons restri ‘ng capture may a.;;>0i1(;t on Arxangv retired list, Abert, of fur seals- - -. ...-.. Z .-.. 54 James William ____-_-____________ mag 1 to negotgtle ior remggul of Englxsh cattle 2 . 1 J . T .. 9 re a ions, e --..-. - .-. 69 g:§g¤(§8é?e%;?é)§1s _______--_--_-_______ 993 { to order nova] force to enforce fur seal ’ _ Dim R ____________ _ ______ 995 ; regu ations .-.--.-..--.-.- 55 StiverslTChar1e;l13 ---.--.-..--..-- 1000to select three delegates to international may (iii-ec; Commissioner of Labor to act 1 _ monetary qonferencc . 962 as Superintendent 0{ Qeeius(%;HrH)-- 3 to sxgrufyzi to fmiexgn gogeirlnxnieuts apizreprintingof message authonz ; u- cm on or con u . ons. e c., tion __________ _ __________ _ _______ 615 [ World s Faxr . 387 ·d ts; distri· , Pr·es.s·men. » _ and q£c _____ _ __.. 615 wages to. Government Printing Office: ,,b,-mgmgm qtdoeuments with message; _ _ mzht W01‘k ----------------------- 607 distribution __ __“___ _ ______,__.. 617 Pmbzlolglgslayzds. E·1fz¢ska.1 gu] ti 45 - ti diy din f I- ____________ ____ 622 px·oc_ .8.130110 rsea_re a ons-.,:- 12 £;lo];1;§a?on eo1nve§1i1:)g extra session of 1019 ‘ restx*1¢::'1:$;_s·;prg:u(i:1Hmg fur seals m 53 Cvugrem - -. .- ~ . . · deci · fupsgal lahf- · Przce. George, _ getlg . (T - {IT- Y - 1245 ‘ paymegt 0;, Court of Clmms judgment to- 455 gsigngnrn- g- h da , N be 29, _ P1•ice,J0 n ., d 1894 Ds;`?? - _?` 1258 : Payment of gourt of Claims judgment to- 474 ’ N be 30, 1893, as a Price. Ralph .. _ _

gv _? _______ _ _ _ ____   ‘     of     t0_  

dispemjm nw 8B8E- bla1111- g Priest. . a ew .. · Huisé ______ if é _____ { ___, 1249 ; payment to . .---- . . .e... . 1037 STAT-—VOL XXVIII-—-87