Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1442

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1420 INDEX. Page. _ PBS9- Venezuela-Continued. Vesselsi-Continued. _ _ contention with. extending time for ex- shipping articles for crews m coastwise, changing ratilications 1064 Canada, Newfoundland, West Infurther extending time for exchang- dies,and Mexico trade; limitations- 667 ing ratilications .. 1067 Vessels, American, _ _ recommended to submit to arbitration deficiency appropriation for services to- 482, 873 boundary dispute with Great Brit- Veterinary Surgeons, Army, ain ..__... 971 appropriation for pay ____,_,,._... 236, 657 Venezuela Claims, Vice-President of the United States, accretions to fund to becredited to new appropriation for compensation .,. 169, 772 awards ______ _ _ __________ , ________ 635 for secretary, messenger, etc 162, 764 VenezuelaSteam Transportation Company, Wcksburg: Miss., _ convention submitting claim to arbitra- appropriation forimprovementof harbor; 343 tion ________ ___ ____..___,_____... 1183 Wctoria, appropriation for expenses of arbitration- 508 up}>1‘0pl'i3l7l0Il fol‘ CODSHI lit ... 146, 820 deiicieney appropriation for expenses of or clerk lure ..- 149, 823 arbitration ___ 843 Vidaha, La., _ _ _ Venice. appropriation for improving Mississippi appropriation for consul at ... 148, 822 River at . . 357 _ Vera Cruz, . . {Vienna, appropriation for consul at 146, 820 appropriation for 00IlS¤rg01l91'3]. ut--- 145, 819 for clerk hire ,_,____,_,. 149, 823 for clerk hire ... 149, 823 Verd' ’s, convention of Universal Postal Union on ze-elist . 545 concluded at -l .., 1078 Vermicelli, Wnegar, . duty on- _...,...,... 522 duty on ; standard .. 525 Vermilion Red, Wms. . duty on, and others, with quicksilver - - - 511 on free list, for nursery stock 543 made of lead, etc , 511 Vineyard Haven, Mass., Vermillion, Ohio, appropriation for improvement ofharbor- 839 appropriationforimprovernent ofharbor- 344 Wrginm Military District, Ohio, Vermont,. . . . . .. . .. - patent issued to Mace Clement’s survey deficiency appropriation for fish hatch- No. 386 ...,.__,_._ 76 _ erly, Saint ohnsbury , 430 Wrginim Indemnity Fund, Vermont District, distribution of interest accretions, etc., terms, Montpelier .. 99 to beneficiaries of original £und_ ,- 223 Vermxuth, . . Vitriol, . duty on ; alcoholic strength . 526 on free list, blue ..,,__.._.__________ 538 Vernon, Conn., Volt, attached to Hartford collection district-- 222 established as unit of electro-motiveforce ; "Vesuvius," Dynamite Cruiser, U. S. N, dennition ____,__________,___ _ ____ 102 change into torpedo cruiser authorized- - 140 . Volunteer S0ld’l8’I‘8’ Home, time penalties remitted -,___.,-...-__--_ 141appropriation for expenses --___-______ 408, 951 Vessels (see also Shipping), I deficiency appropriation for ----,.-_-_--- 871 duty on iron or steel forgings for 517 for States, etc., homes ________________ 353 materials for building, in foreign trade Volunteers, admitted free . 548 appropriation for arrears of pay, bgunty’ limit, coastwise trade -... . ...-.. . - - - 548 . etc ...-..-.. 412, 955 foreign~owne<l, not allowed coustwise deficiency appropriation for arrears of trade --___.-..-...,--___,- 548 y ---__-.,--,-__,,---._,-_,____- 853 materials for repairs, foreign,etc.,trade, for gexican war ..-...-..-..-,_,__-_- 871 admitted free . -.. 548 copies of military history of regiments imports to l>e_m domestic, or of country may be furnished States. etc .. 788 of origin of goods; penalty .. 550 time extended for s plying for removal not applicahle unless similar rule ex· of charges of fesertion _.._________ 814 ists ... 550 Volusah Bar, Fla., goods from abandoned sunken, may appropriation for improving . . 351 enter free after two years - 551 Von Dreele, George H,` copy of manifest to be mai ed Auditor on payment of judgment, Court of Claimsto 464 arrival at port having D0 naval Vosbufgh, HaWe¢ T? (mother), - officer 808 pension _______________ _ ______ _ __ 997 deductions from gross tonnage for crew, Voss. Elizabeth (u·idou·), `_````` HEGMHGTY, 0tC., WCB 741 name of husband corrected _______ _ _ 1011 partial payments may made on, for error corrected ... · - - _ 1019 Treasury Department .,.. 582 Voting, `"‘`'` proclamation putting in effect, March 1, V repeal of penalties for illegal Congres- 1895, regulations to prevent col- sional elections ..,_____ _’___ _ 37 hsions at sea . 1250 [ Voting, Federal Elections (see Eleetive suspending efect of act to prevent col- I Franchise). lisious Hb 806 . 1259 Voughf. Thomas W,_ punishment for destroying, on high 233 l paymentof Court ofClaimsjudgment t0_ 455 seas .,_,., rules to prevent collisions at sea extended w_ ru] tgo harbogs, etc ... G."} ... 672 J lVabash, Ind., es preven 00111810-ns on rea Lakes, appro ristion for Indian u ils Wl1ite’s €l¤¤ ----—----...-..-··~-------·---· M5 %¢[8¤¤8l I-•8b01’ L ·--..·-- 311