Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1002

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INDEX. 979 Opicial Portal Guide, _ _ Pszv- Oleomargarinc, Page appropriation for publication; contract- 175, 575 appropriation for expenses, taxation of. . 156, 555 Opicial Reporters, Olympia, Wash., spproprmtiou for, Senate . .. 143, 541 appropriation for improvement of liaror, House of Representatives ___,_,__ 145, 513 bor .___ , ,__, , ,,__ ,-.. ______ 214 deficiency appropriation lor Senate, extra Olympic Forest Reservation, Wash., ¤¤!'\‘i¢•38 -·-- - ------·-· - -.-.-·-·----. 301 proclamation setting apart , , . - - , , 901 for House, extra services .. . . -. . 304 Omaha and Winnebago Aymcy, Nc1w,, Ogden, Utah, appropriation for Indian a ent at 322 !¤¤¤S of ¢0¤1'¢ ·--· - ·--· - --·--· . .--·.-·--. 621 Omu a Indian Renew-ration, Nsgr., Ogdmaburg, N. I'., _ time extended for right of way through. . . 512 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 206 Omaha, Nutr., _ Ogg, Frank R., _ appropriation for public building . 415 deficiency appropriation for services .. 296 authority to hold '1‘ransmississippi and In- O’Grady, Anthony, alias John Davis, temntionnl Exposition at . . 382 granted honorable discharge .. . . . 782 Omlio, Hah-or K., Ohio River, granted additional time to pay for preappropriation for improvement of, at the emptionsnuy ______________________ 710 Falls, and Indiana Chute Falls; con- 0’Nelll, John, hlcts ...·-·..- . -------... . . 224 doilciency appropriation for, Ford’s Thenfor improvement of ; Dam No. 6; contracts 224 ter disaster- ,.,, , , , , ______,,,,,, _ _ _ _ 214 forimprovementof; Dams Nos. 2, 3, 4, and Ontmmgon, Mich,. , 5; contracts . . . 225 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 211 for ipqarovsmentof harbor of Evansville, 2z_ Ojnrvey of harbor of refuge, directed .. 241 n .. . .. . . - - - o zum, Golconds, Ill .. ---. .. . 225 forfeited prepared, may be sold to highest Brooklyn, Ill .. . . - - .. - - - . . 225 bidder . 695 near Mound City, Ill - -- - .. . - . . 225 Orange, Ter. , for lightéing ..,. .-- -1, .. . - -i,- . E 419 bridge across Sabine River, authorized permnnen A roprin ion or snag ou near . . . . . . . 513 inernnsgg .. . ... . - - . 234 Oranges, Ohio River, Ohio, distillers of brandy from, exempt from survey of, from Marietta to its mouth, general spirit regulations . . 195 directed .. - ... - 242 Orange River, Fla., Ohio River, Ohio and W Va., preliminary examination to be made of-- . 236 npfropriation for improvement of --. - 225 Orduan cc Department, A rm y, or survey and report on dams . . 225 l appropriation for pay of omcers; longevfor nagging - . . --.- 225 ity ... . . . . 61, 610 for ie• piers, additional .. . .. ._.. 225 for current expenses .. . ... 68, 616 Okanagan River, Waals., for metallic ammunition, etc .. -. .. N, 616 survey of, directed . . . 2G for repairing, etc,, ordnance and ord- Oklahoma, ~ · nance stores .. - . . . 68, 617 appropriation for salaries, government for purchase, etc., ordnance stores 68, 617 in .. . . . . . . ... 161;.560 for equipments .. . . . . . 68, 617 for contingent expenses .. . . . ·. 161,560 for overhauling, etc., stores . .. 68, 617 for legislative expenses . . 161, 560 for firing morning and evening gun; removal of capital forbidden . 161 Volunteers' Soldiers Home. . . . . 68. 617 allowance for cler hire .. . ... 277 for artillery targets, etc . . 68, 617 construction of bridge authorized across for manufacture of arms ut nrmories .. 68,617 Arksnsn River . . .. 531 applicable to magazine nun . 68, 617 entry of lands in Greer County .. . .. . 490 limit to civilian clerks .. .. .. 68, 617 land office established nt Mangum . . . . 491 deficiency appropriation for ordnmncv,eto. 307 organization of Greer County .. z.. 113 V Ordnance, f’m·al, _ proclamation opening to entry lands m, , appropriation for procuring, etc 363, 650 ceded by Kickapoo Indiana . 868 » for modern battery lor ‘•l—lm·tlbrd" . 650 withdrawing from entry lands in Greer V for reserve supply .. . 363. 656 County .. . . , ... . . . . 878 for reserve guns lor auxiliary cruisers . 363, 650 reservations in vacated townsitos open to , Urllnance Opice, lfnr Ilepartnwnt, hoimstegd entry .,... . . ...- 116 * appropriation for clerks, etc . .. 162, 562 sales in upon market. . . . . . . , . . . 117 ‘ Ordnance Slorekeeper, Army, gale; by towns, etc. .,. 117 I on duty at \\'nshington to rank as major. . 258 right of way through, {muted Muskogee, 3 Ore Sampling fforks, Oklahoma. and estern Railroad deficiency appropriation for equipping, Company . .. . . - 502 9150 . . . . . . . . 270 Saint Louis and Oklahoma City Rail- _ Oregon, mad Company ... ... ... . . . . 69 appropriation for surveyor-general, clerks, Saint Louis, Oklahoma and Southern ctc .. -- . . . ... . . . . 173, 572 Rgilwgy Company . .,., 80 lor support, etc., of confederated tribes time extended end location changed of _ of Indians. middle . .. . . 337 right of way, by Kansas, Oklahoma : forincidental expenses, Indian service in 338 Central and Southwestern Railway- 5% · deficiency appropriation for incidentels Old Settlers, Weatern Cherokee Indian, Indian service in . .. 293 payment for legal services to be withheld. 344 - for pay, etc., volunteers .. . . . . 308, 311 Oldman: Creek, L. J., double fees allowed tield deputy nmrslmls 183 preliminary examination ot] to be mule. -- 237 I proclamation, opening to entry 1:1 nds ceded Olean. N. Y., on Siletz Reservation ... 866 condemned cannon, etc., donated to Forty- Oregon and lfashingron Bridge Company. third Separate Company, New York, time extended for bridgingColumbin River, National Guafd . . . . ... ~. ·... S4 = L3 Canms, Wvash .. . . . .. 110