Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/979

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956 INDEX. Indian Courts, PikeIndian Department-Continued. Pigeappropriation for judges. ... . 324 * appropriation for surveying, stc.,1ands in Indian Department, Indian Territory by Geological Surappropriation fer Commissioner, assistant, vey ..,.,_,,,,,,.,,,,,,, 343 clerks, etc . .. .. .. 168, 568 penalty for destroying, etc., survey for expenses of the .. - .. .. -. 321 marks .. . ..,_,, . - . . 343 for Indian agents at agencies ... 321 for Chippewas, Isabella Reservation, not available for army officers detailed 323 Mich ..,.,, , ,_,,, , ,,,.._,,,,_,_ 343 superintendents of training schools sales to Miami Town Company, Ind. may act ns agents .. . . .. 323 Ter., authorized ... 344 for interpreters 323 for N. J . Cramer ...__. . _,,,. . .._, . ,____ 344 for inspectors; expenses. .. - 323 for Josephine Loiland . . 344 for school superintendent; expenses 323 for payment for property destroyed, for agency buildings and repairs .. . . 323 Sioux outbreak .. . . 344 for contingencies; employees; special payment for legal services to Old Setagents . . . .. 324 tlers Cherokee Indians to be with~ for citizen commission . . 324 held . . . . .. . - . . . . . . 344 for additional farmers, etc - . 324 for locating absentee Wyanxlottes in for Indian police . . . 324 Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations .. . 3-14 forjudgee, Indian courts ... 324 for A. J. Campbell ., . .. 314 for matrons 324 for support of schools . - .. . . 345 for vaccination, etc .. . . - . - . 324 policy declared notto support sectarian for expense of purchasing supplies . 324 schools .. . . . ... 345 for transporting supplies .. . . . . . 324 for school buildings, sites, etc .. ... . 3-15 for fulfilling treaty stipulations with, for schools . 345 and support of, tribes .. 324 . transportation, etc .. .--. . 348 0Hicer to be designated to make per employment of Indians .. . ... 348 capita paym ·•· ts .. . 336 school expenditures to be under Comfcr miscellaneous supports . 336 missioner .. . . . . 348 for general incidents expenses . 338 supplies to be advertised for .. . .. 348 for expenses, commission to negotiate for exigencies; irri ation expenses; open- Indian lands . . - 339 market puregiases .. . . . . .. . . 348 ` for commission to negotiate with Five manufactures by Indians ... ;-.. 349 Civilized Tribes .. . . - . .. 339 divemion of surplus funds . . . . . . . . 3-19 to determine and prepare iinal roll of treaty funds not to be used . ... 319 citizenship . . . . . . . . 339 report of diversions . . .. 349 to tile roll, and make full report to transfer of funds for employees . . ‘ 8-19 Congress . . .. . . 340 funds for supplies, etc., immediately avail~ declaration of duty to establish gov- ; able - . . . . . . 3-19 ernment in Indian Territory -. . . 340 { rejection of unsatisfactory bids . . . . 349 ' interest to be paid Sissetons and Wah-commutation to civilized Indians . 349 petons, per capita .. . - . . . . . - 340annual report of employees .. . . . . 3-19 retport to be made on leases by Senecas. 3-10 agreement with Fort Belknap Indians for for our mill, Pima Agency . 340 vession of lands .. . ... . . 350 for mills, Flathead Agency .. .. . 340 confirmed .. . . . . . ... 353 for sawniills, Nez Perce Reservation. 340 appropriation for survey, etv .. - 353 for surveying ceded portion Nez Perve lands open to settlement . .. M3 Reservation, Idaho . 340 X agreement with Blackfeet Reservation Infor surveying and allotting lands in sev- g dians for ceseion of land .. . . 353 eralty; leases ..,.. . 340 I confirmed ,..,...,. ... . , 357 for E. Ashley - ... . . 311 ; appropriation for survey, etc .. . 357 for supplies furnished Fond du Lac In-lands open to settlement . . .. . .. 357 diana .. . .., 341 · agreement with San Carlos Indians for vesfor digest of decisions, etc -- 341 sion of coal lands . . 358 for irrigation machinery, etc.; experts,. 311 confixmed .. 360 for completing work of Puyallup Indian appropriation for survey, etc ... 360 commission .. . . . . . . 311 opening lands to mineral entry. .. -- 360 for surveying and allotting reserva~ patent to Benjamin J. Clardy 360 tions .. . . . , , . . . 341 appropriation for punishing violations of for survey, etc,, Colville Reservation 341 intercourse acts, etc-. . . 449 for commission to negotiate with Crows i deficiency appropriation for surveying, and Flatheads; removal of Northern etc., Chippewa Reservation 23 Cheyennes and Crows, Montana, etc. 341 . for Puyallup Reservation commission. . . 23 for negotiating with Fort Hall Indians- . 342 for purchasing supplies, etc 23, 292, 309, 312 for commission to negotiate with Indians * for transporting pupils - 23 on Uintah Reservation, Utah .,. 312 ; for interpreters .. . ... . . 291 for commission to negotiate with Yaki- I for school superintendent . . 292 mas .. - . ..-.1. .. . .. 3-12 ‘ for school, Genoa, Nebr . ... 292 time extended for completing irriga- I for school at Circle City, Alaska -- . . 292 tion canal . . . .. 342 i for Poncas . -- - . 292 extension of time for payment by home- I for school at Carlisle, Pa . -- 292 stead settlers on ceded lands . - . . 3-12 l for incidentals, South Dakota. - - . .292. 312 for commission to locate boundaries, etc. , Idaho .. . - - - . 292 Klamath Reservation ... . . . . 312 ( Oregon - . . ... - - . . 292 for attorney, Mission Indians .. 3-12 { for removing Southern Utes . - - . 293 for survey, etc., Cheyenne River and I for expenses, Flathead Agency, Mont- - . 293 Rosebud Reservations, S. Dak. . 342for allotting, etc .. . .. 293, 309 sales on Wyandotte Reservation . . 313 t for Indian xhibit, Wor1d’s Fair . -. 293 for artesian we11s,Yankton Reservation- 343 for Cherokee Outlet, appraisal , 293