Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1849

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INDEX. 1 8 19 Artillery, Army, Page- Assistant District Attorneys (sec District Atdeficiency appropriation for horses ... 143 torneys, United States). additional regiments authorized .. 261 Assistant messengers, etc., P¤z*>· G01UP0S1W10U of regiments -... 978 rates of pay established .. . . 316, 889 h311d - -..-- . -. . .. 978 Assistant Paymasfera, Navy, , bkttéfies of heavy - - . . .. . 978 active list increased to twenty-five . .. 381 11B1d . . ... 978 Assistant Surgeons, Nary(u¢ Surge0ns,Army). olc<=trici=m scrgeauts ... . 978 . appointment oi, age limit raised .. 380 Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., of additional acting assistants for temappropriation for expenses ... 327 pornry service ..,,.,,,.,,,,,_,. 380 Artillery Targets, Army, Assistant Treasurer (acc Independent Treasappropriation for . . . . 326 i ury), Artiaarlook, . I deticiency appropriation for reirnbursing to bestow reward. upon .. . .. . . 1215 I employees, New York --.. .. 112 Arts, sale of iuteruakreveuue stumps by ... 454. committee to investigate alcohol in the, ‘ Aesoeiatimnfor Works of Mercy, D. C., continued .. . .. 217 appropriation for maintenance ... 541 deficiency apppropriation for collecting Associations, Building and Loan, statistics . - .. .. .-. . 685 exempt from stamp tax .. 455 Ach, James R., - { Aaaonet River, Mass., . appropriation for preparing postal laws, preliminary examination ut, to be made.. 1157 etc . . .. 59 Aalor Battery, Army, Ash, John, appropriation for extra pay .--. .. 1068 payment to administrator of . 1170 Astoria, Orrg., Ashland Wis., ’ appropriation for launch for customs servappropriation for improvement of harbor. 1132 we at ...,.. 1082 Ashtabula, Ohio, for quarantine station .. 600, 1094 appropriation for improvement of harbor; Astrophysical Observatory, Smithsonian Insticontracts .. . . . . . . . . 1128 tation, Aaotin County, Wash., appropriation for ., 22, 608, 1086 ~ bridge authorized across Snake River, deficiency appropriation for .. 662 from Lewiston, Idaho .. ..-- 245 Aauncims, Aqphaltum, V appropriation for consul ... 570, 830 ands containing, on Uncompahgre Rcser- * Atchafa aya Bay, La., vation, not subject to location, etc.. 87 i survey of, directed .. .. . . 1157 title reserved to United States .. 87 - Atchley, Thomas V., Aapinwall ( Colon), ! payment to administrator of . 1176 appropriation for consul ... . . .. 267, 828 ° Athena, ibr clerk hire ... . . ... 271, 831 appropriation for consul ... 268, 829 Anay Officeu (see Mints and Assay Offices). Atherton, Emily E. (widow), appropriation for .. . . . . 295, 868 pension .. . ... . -- . 1395 detieiency appropriation for freight . .. 661, 1218 Atherton, E. J., for contingent expenses .. . . . - . . 661 t deficiency appropriation for services . 137 for refining and parting of bullion, New _ Atherton, Jacob N., York , ,.,.. . . .- 661 _ pension ,... . .._._ 1515 for Sen ttle, Wash .. . . . . 1218 Atkinson, Darid P., for Boise City .. . .. . ... 707 T payment to .. . .. . 1179 estahlislied at Seattle, \Vasl1 . 420 Atkinson, Richard, Zdaaessment and Permit Work, D. C., pension increased . ... 1571 appropriation for ..,... . .. 529,1049 Atlanta, Ga., deficiency appropriation for . . 1220 · appropriation for erecting United States Aaxessnmrt Certificates, ll. C.,peiiiteiitiury ut . . . . 1113 disposition of . ... 921 " .~lHm¤tn," United Staten Gomhaat, Assesanfa Office, D. C., npproprintion for John Ronclfs heirs, for appropriation for salaries ... .. 526, 10·t6 extra work, etc., in constructing 1409 bond ofnssessor fixed 666Atlantic Coast, for continningacconntof arrears oftnxes 1049 appropriation for revenue cutter, with for general assessment hooks ... 1049 headquarters at New York . 17 preparation of; compensation 1049 Attachme-nts, Assignment, obtains-d within four months. etc., void general, nn nrt of l»anl<1‘llpt<‘y . . .. 546 under bnnkruptcy act ..., -. 565 when void under bankruptcy law 564 . Attorney-General, Asxignmentu,appropriation for, Solicitor-General, assistg|;;uup1;u,x on mortgages, etc .. 462 t ants, clerks, etc . . .. . .. . . . 313, 886 Assistant .·ttlm·ney-liencral, Interior I)cpart· for editing, etv., opinions of, Volume XXI 642 ment, for miscellaneous expenses authorized spproprintion for assistant attorneys, by .. - . - . . 58,611, 1113 clerks, em _________. . . . ,. . . .. 304, 877 for sending acts of Congress to judges,- 30 for expenses, special land inspector. .. 305, 877 for prosecution of crimes, under direcdeneisuey appropriation for additional tion of. . . 55, 641, 1114 pmployees, offico of . 671 for defending suits under direction of . . 55, Axxixtant Attm·ney—Gcneral, Post-Office Depart- _ 641, 1113 ment, for prosecution and collection of claims. 55, appropriation for . .--..---- 313, 886 641, 1114 gm- 4-lgrks, etc _...,.,... .. 311, 884 for private seen-tary . 129, 886 Assistant Iluxtodiaus, etc., Public Buildings, g deficiency appropriation for miscellaneous appropriation for ,. 27, 614, 1092 expenses, authorized by 133 deticiencyappropriationfor ... 109, for representative in suits adecting Pa- 235, 655, 706, 712, 1216, 1246 , ciitic railroads .. 130