Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1995

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INDEX. 1 Spain-·C0¤tim1¤d. P . ·, · 'M al M_ · , c_ ¤'°P*Y 9*. P°°°° with --·--- -----·---.. :;;-1 } &;?u1f3;?:z35ab$¤ Egvriny E;:;?;:?;; P g Uhm1W9h6s $°_V¤¤‘6¤E¤W iii Cuba ----. 3.. 1755 · first aud second class otfsces; rules. . 965 codon $::1:: R100, Guam, and tho Pluhp- 1755 _ deficiency appropriation for foes . .. 146,709 _..;::.]:,Pm.;;.;;E·f:);'t gi :1;$;£;ég:::::::: $21 ”;;;;£.,f2:¥;?!;°;*f.£Zi‘L‘;'£;I.€1f°nm . 443,964 evacuation at Philippines by ...,,,,,_ 1756 N Sp§]Q§2§‘,?f‘9t‘;f,‘,,f,’§P°““"’“’° ·········· *‘“*» *’6‘ 7 Gu"" by ‘ ·. ················-···- - -·· ---· 1756 I grunted American Qc istor 475 tutoloaso prmonors ...,_,,___ ____ 1757 S . I T I t lg: _ '''‘‘'‘‘‘ dinresition of property of .,.,,, , _,___ 1157, 1758 I pq"";) g1" ( " ""“ ‘"’""")r rel nquishes imlemnimy claims . ...,,,_ 1757 ! gn b““k °” ······ · ········---·-··-----——- 4*8 ¤}¤im¤S¤g£1¤t, to be adjusted by United0: P; °;°r;)§ E; '‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘°‘‘ ‘ *‘‘‘······· · % va . .. . . . . : . was “ .° ······ ·· ···-···-- -- -·---- renunciation of allegiance m. ..,,.. , ,,,,, 1759 °" °°"“"°'°"l bwkm ······ · ···--··- ·--· *49 mh! Ostublilh consular offices in reliu. 3: °‘:,t°ql`¥°uS° '°‘‘ ‘ °°‘··· ···· 449 quighgd territgry ______ _ _ __________ 1761 P 5):: :_):°h° °" r mu““m’:_’ud pl‘0¤l¤¤ltti0‘¤ declaring certain principles on 1,0 dc;)" 5H` '‘‘‘‘‘’°‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘·· ··· 449 relative neutral Hag,blcckados, atc , on P J ri wm 0:"°°°°° ‘’‘ Q ‘‘‘·· li · 449 in wgr with .. . ...,,,.,,,,,__,_, 1770 P oghsmjons °°°°¤°m°'° Pub ° 449

 _1?,?- Y°1':"?°°"· f" w" 1770 on prciprigtzrzdof bowling :.113}: lngé ${1; _

’"°' " ’’' 2 mf ¤ es .. . . 449 .¤E‘{.'.."%‘l’,1’{33t'H2'£?Z§“:,.’€E?1‘¥2f'¥:;::; {Tw 3;; g;·;;g·;gug*;j*;;;;;¤rg;,·;;;·;{gg¤¤;_¢_;¤· 1;;; » 450 ‘°{f:d"?"· R E·· . ti f . . lines .. . I .. 464 °”:°¥ *P};:°P;‘°‘:t5“":;i’c;'€:‘?’ m r°' 133 on manufacturers, ctc., of mixed Hour 467 s,.":" '.$`:4.€¢m) ’ `` “ ·*'1~=¤··'¢·*·>~" Shim V Pongé, ____ _ _____ ____’__ ______ _ ___________ 1435 8ppfo};1yi¥;£;rl¤ {cy payment of French spo- Sptniah Literary, ctc., Worka, S M “E ° ““"’ ······ · ···-- · ··--- ·--- 1205 • admitted free of duty into Spanish coded P"'; my '¢ sw h` r;:-awry .. . ... . 1761 gP€*gm;;;f“*: ·—-—-· - --—-~------·-·--------· 1183 nie aoscrc - · >. . "‘· to be rgturgzd Lioussm sum ...,.. Egg P?“::‘;*;:?gP°€·2”¤;*:; ·- -··- - -----·-—· — 1428 arms 0 ,t0 ros r ... . ¢¢ U , SP45i;]; Prgpgrgly, -‘ payment W ·—··- · . . . .. . . - 1178 aispuision 0 ,¤¤p¤u·¤u an Pnuippms ma ·91·•¤gq¤>·m. mfwn. Guam ________ __ _ _ ______ _ __________ 1757 record corrected. .. . . --,, 1476 relinquishment of immovable --.- 1758 SPN; JTEM _ 3,.;.53 1:,.:4,.:;, Spsrqpfllhou for 1010 mujwe m jmmcuon or wm-u or me dv ¤1¤¤¤y •r1¤‘¤1•¤=m<>¤ f<>r ------- 700, 776, 1223 couqtry ... . ... 1760 Spirits (uc Distilled Syigius; Liquorsku Spanish Tenutory, · déiiciency apprnpnatxou for re ding documents includodin cossion of .. .-.. 1758 taxes 011, etc . .,, _ , , 148 copies of archives of coded . . . 1759 manufacture from grain, atc., not permitrights of Spanish subjects in ceded ... 1759 ted in warehouses .. . . . ...,. .,, _ 207 renunciation of Spanish allegiance. .. 1759 stamp tax ou . ...,.. . . . . . ..,., 462 Congress to determine status of natives in loss allowaixifc on in warehouses .. 1349 coded .- .. .. . -. 1759 maximum cwsmco .. . .. 1350 free exercise of religion in ceded .. 1759, 1760 rogauging, within oighty-four months 1350 Qpaniah Vessels, Spoken In iam, special trade privileges to, in Philippine 56 appropriation {or removal to Cmur d’A1a¤c ports .. 17 Rosorva ion, ctc ... 75, 588,985 rkling Wines for pa mom to chiefs .. . .. , 76 Sigamp tux on . . ... . . 46 Spokane, liu1h.. I I 8 ka, G o<·ge IV. a propriation or mi itary post .. 42 629 psaymeztlm administrator of .. .--. 1172 Spogiuffon ( 'laimn, ’ Spaugh, Robert, appropriation for payment of .. . . 1191 appropriation for ---- 1429 Spmgug, Mary, spautdjng, Della E. (lwlplua child), 1500 [ S ysrisazzgngrgnmd .. . . 1511 8 pczsnon. . . . .. p 4. , H ., pea or of the House of Representatives, I payment to . . 1175 appropriation for private secretary, clerks, g Springdale, Pa., gm ,,_.. -- ... 280, 850 { appropriation for lock and dam at .,, 45, 632 Bpmrjtah, S. Dah., I Springer, William M., appropriation for Hah-culture station ; cm- ; deficiency appropriation for Robert P. Do plqywg .. . . ..- . .. -. 1088 { Gruffcnrcid and George P. M. Tu. dedcicnc a progriatinn for Bah hatchery. 662 g nor, for services under appointment spy,-al andy,S'e¥¢cI 'ommilteea, Hauoc of Repro- _ M cg 2; -.. 130 senzazimn, X Spun e . may appropriation for 283, 853 i appropriation f¤;r care, repairs, ctc -. 40, 626, 1102 dcticioucy appropriation for expenses F {sor !l;8C8(]8!DIZlllg ¤trects,otc ... 6g or o ectric lig ting, etc Special Auessment Oplce, D. U., ’ deficiency appropriation for installingmaappmgriation for salaries . . . . . 527, 1047 Q cl1in•·s, ctc .. .-;-- .. . .. - . 704 Spcial alirery, Poatal Service, [ Springfield, Mau., appropriation for .- .. 965 · appropriation tbr addition to public buildrevenues available for expenditures at y ing . . -... .. . ... 988 first-class post-uthees -. 965 f for pour-nfiivo building .., ,. 1076