Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/256

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· 204- FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 555,556. 1900. mmized ¤xP°¤¤°¤· All other expenses, itemized as follows: Maps, bulletins, stationery, and scientific and other publications for stations; and the maintenance of a printing office in the District of Columbia for printing the necessary circulars, weather maps, bulletins, and monthly weat er reviews · (includin the hire of printers, lithographers, and other necessary working gorce) ; for trave ing expenses; for freight and express charges; for instruments and shelters therefor; for telegraphing or telephoning reports and messages, the rates to be fixed by the Secretary of Agricu ture, by agreement with the companies performing the services; for rents and other incidental expenses of offices maintained as stations of observation; for maintenance and repair of seacoast telegraph lines; for river observations and reports; for storm and other signals; for cotton-region observations and reports; for corn and wheat observations and re orts; for aerial observations and reports; for supplies for climate andpfcrop services, and for investigations on climatology, including assistance and all necessary expenses, four hundred and thirty-nine thousand five hundred dollars. Weatllidiee evaiieaa- For maintaining the Weather Bureau stations already established by the Secretary of Agriculture, or to be established by the Secretary of Hawaiian Islands. Agriculture, in the West Indies or on adjacent coasts, and for establishing and equipping meteorological stations in the Hawaiian Islands; for taking daily observations of meteorological phenomena; for collecting reports thereof by cable and otherwise; for disseminating information based thereon of the approach of tropical hurricanes and other storms, and for collecting and publishing such climatological data as may be of public benefit, including salaries of one professor of meteorology, at not exceeding three thousand dollars; one forecast _ official, at not exceeding two thousand dollars; section directors, observers, and other necessary employees (all for duty at the places named in this Act or at such points in the United States as the exigencies of the weather service inay require); rents of offices; stationery, furniture, and instrumental supplies; traveling expenses; freight and express charges; cablegrams and telegrams, and all other necessary expenses, sixty thousand dollars. t l>esmicri<>r;h<>r_ clad hat hereafter all telegrams pertaining to the business of the ° egmmsau °m°Weather Bureau may be destroyed after they are three years old, and the accounts based thereon have been settled by the Treasury Department; and the present accumulation of these old telegrams may be destroyed.~· Settlement _<>f ae- The accounting omcers are hereby directed to settle all accounts for iigiiiis fi%iudlig$$§ disbursements from former appropriations for- the Department of “l’P'°i""“m°“‘· °‘°· Agriculture on account of salaries and services according to the terms ` and conditions of this Act, except that no increase of compensation herein provided shall be allowed for the current and prior fiscal years. Approved, May 25, 1900. May 25.1900 CHAP. 556.-An Act Providing for the transfer to Post Thirty-nine, Grand Army "i”"""'°"` of the Republic, at Lawrence, Massachusetts, of certain guns now in possession of Battery C, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Be at enacted by the Senate and House of Re- resentatives of the United G_T§“§§f" States of Amerzea in Congress assembled, T£t the Secretary of War Mass-. of eertain sane is hereby authorized, under such conditions as he may see iit, to trans- °°m°m°d` fer to Post Thirty-nine, Grand Army of the Republic, at Lawrence, Massachusetts, four three—inch_muzzle-loading field) guns with carriages and limbers,_now in possession of Battery C, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Approved, May 25, 1900.