Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/590

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538 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 786. 1900. material he has furnished, and such (person may hold and retain possession of the same until such just an reasonab e charges shall be paid. s,§§,‘; 02* ufg‘,§,’,§*§§; SEc. 277. Any person who is a common carrier, or who shall, at the disei and nsisrers of request of the owner or lawful possessor of any personal property, mt °` carry, convey, or transport the same from one place to another, and any person who shall safely keep or store any grain, wares, merchandise, and personal roperty at the request of the owner or lawful possessor thereof, andp any person who shall pasture or feed any horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, or other live stock, or bestow any labor, care, or attention upon the same at the request of the owner or lawful possessor thereof, shall have a lien upon such property for his just and reasonable charges for the labor, care, and attention he has bestowed andthe food he has furnished, and he may retain possession of such property _ until such charges be paid. _, __ y ,§{,‘§§§‘§§‘§,,§’ °“'SEc. 278. lf such just and reasonable charges be not paid within three months_ after the care, attention, and labor Shall have been erformed or bestowed, or the materials or food shall have been furnished, the person having such lien may proceed to sell at public auction the property mentioned in the last two seetions, ora part thereof sufficient to pay such just and reasonable charges. Before selling, he shall give notice of such sale by advertisement for threeweeks in a newspaper published in the precinct, if there be such publication, or by 'postmg u notice of suc sale in three public places in the recinct, one of _ wlhich shall be the post-office, or adjacent thereto, fgr three weeks before the time of such sale, and the proceeds of such sale shall be applied, first, to the discharge of such ien, and the costs of keeping an _ selling suchproperty, and the remainder, if any, shall be aid over to the owner thereo : Provided, Nothing herein contained shall be.construed as to authorize any warehouseman to sell more of any wool, wheat, oats, or other grain than sufficient to pay charges due the warehouseman on such wool, wheat, oats, or other grain: And provided further, If any such warehouseman shall sell, loan, or dispose of in any manner, contrary to the provisions of this chapter, without the consent of the owner thereof, arg such wool, wheat, oats, or other grain, he shall, for each and every o ense, forfeit and ay to the owner of ______ such wool, wheat, oats, or other grain a sum equalpto the market value thereof, and fifty per centum of the market value in additionas a penalty, the market value to be the price such article or articles bore at the time the owner thereof made demand on the warehouseman for . the same._ bgggggggdmgg *¤ ·Sec. 279. The provisions of the last three sections shall notinterfere j with any spec1al agreement of the parties. ,0g¢¤ *0* *****0* °¤ SEQ. 280. Every person performing labor upon, or who shall assist "' in obtaining or securing, saw logs, spars, iles, or other timber shall have a lien upon the same for the work or Ebor done upon or in obtaining or securing the same, whether such work or labor was done at the instance of the owner of the same or his agent. _ The cook in a logging cam and any and all others who may assist in or about a logging camp shall)be regarded as a person who assists in obtaining or securing the saw logs, spars, piles, or other timber mentioned herein. _ · miggg <>¤e1;_¤;¤;¥;¢;§>({ SEc. 281. Every person performing labor upon or who shall assist inmunger. in manufacturing saw logs or other timber into lumber has alien upon such lumber whi e the same remains at thelyard wherein manufactured, whether such work or labor_ was done at the instance of the owner of . such lumber or his agent. ‘ , ` Lim fvr ¤¤¤¤1>¤s¤- Sec. 282. Any person who shall permit another to go u_pon his timber land and cutt ereon saw_ logs, spars, piles, or other timber has a lien u on such. logs, spars, Files, an timber for the price-agreed to be paid fgr such (privilege, or or the price such privilege or the stumpage thereon woul be reasonably worth, in case there was no express agreement Hxing the price.