Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/923

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 676. 1901. 87 l 34. The United States shall pay all expenses incident to the survey, v€§§¥;°t§f°“ °‘ “'”· plattingi, and disposition of town lots, and of allotment of lands made' under the provisions of this agreement, except where the town authorities have been or may be duly authorized to survey and plat their respective towns at the expense of such town. 35. Parents shall be the natural guardians of their children, and 0,Ij,‘},§${,‘,Egn_g““'d*°“” shall act for them as such unless a guardian shall have been a pointed by a court having jurisdiction; and parents so acting shall) not be required to ive bond as guardians unless by order of such court, but they, and alfother persons having charge of lands, moneys, and other · property belonging to minors an incompetents, shall be required to ‘“°°°““““g· make tproper accounting therefor in the court having jurisdiction thereo in manner deemed necessary for the preservation of such estates. 36. All Seminole citizens who have heretofore settled and made ,,g}g°§'g‘§,'{*c§,§,S$,’{}§; homes upon lands belonging to the Creeks may there take, for them- grelgikslggdmwhcreeis selves and their families, such allotments as they would be entitled to ugief ° S°m` take of Seminole lands, and all Creek citizens who have heretofore settled and made homes uplon lands belonging to Seminoles may there take, for themselves and their families, allotments of one hundred and sixty acres each, and if the citizens of one tribe thus receive a reater number of acres than the citizens of the other, the excess shall he paid " for by such tribe, at a price to be agreed upon by the rincipal chiefs of the two tribes, and 1f they fail to agree, the price shjall be- fixed by ' the Indian agent, but the citizenship of persons so taking allotments shall in no wise be affected thereby. Titles shall be conveyed to Seminoles selecting allotments of Creek ‘°°“"°Y°“°°“- lands in manner herein provided for conveyance of _ Creek allotments, and titles shall be conveyed to Creeks selecting allotments of Seminole _ lands in manner provided in the Seminole agreement, dated December sixteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, for conveyance of Seminole allotments: Provided, That deeds shall be executed to allottees immediately after selection of allotment is made. " . This provision shall not take eifect until after it shall have been Tavpmvul of proviseparate and specifically approved by the Creek national council and S °° b the Sgminole general council; and if not approved by either, it slilall fail altogether, and be eliminated from this agreement without lmpairing any other of its provisions. ‘ ·, 37. Creek citizens may rent their allotments, when selected, fora wg; ellctments term not exceeding one year, and after receiving title thereto without mm ` restriction, if adjpming allottees are not injured thereby, and cattle GMi¤s' ¤f ¢¤m<=- grazed thereon s all not be liable to any tr1bal tax; but when cattle stglmtgvfggg Qgvigg are introduced into the Creek Nation and grazed on lands not selected dian ands. bly citizens, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to collect from t e owners thereof a reasonable grazing tax for the beneiit of the tribe; and section twenty-one hundred and seventeen, Revised Statutes of agégg ggc-211% P- m» the United States, shall not hereafter apply to Creek lands. ` 38. After any citizen has selected his allotment he may dispose of Di¤P°”°1°mmb°*· any timber thereon, but if he dispo e of such timbe1·, or any part of same, he shall not thereafter select other lands in lieu thereof, and his allotment shall be appraised as if in condition when selected. No timber shall be taken from lands not so selected, and disposed of, without payment of reasonable royalty thereon, under contract to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior. c 39. No noncitizen renting lands from a citizen for agricultural pur- D(§1‘;£,;§§ mx mm poses, as provided by law, whether such lands have been selected as an. allotment or not, shall be re uired to pay any rmit tax. 40. The Creek school fundl shall be used, uncle; direction of the Sec- sc°,§)°}, *‘;§$gl,{;?§,§é retary of the Interior, for the education of Creek citizens, and the ew. ° Creek schools shall be conducted under rules and re lations prescribed by him, under direct supervision of the Creek scgdlol superintendent