Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1060

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FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 994. 1903. 995 behalf by W. B. Hazen and F. A. Field, as commissioners on behalf of the United States to ascertain the losses of said Indians and freedmen as provided in said articles three and four; and such payments shall be made in proportion of the awards as set out in said list: Pro- P'°"“°’· vided, That said sum shall be accepted by said Indians in full payment P°Y'“°“‘*”‘““· and satisfaction of all claim and demand growing out of said loyal Creek claims, and the payment thereof shall bea full release of the Government from any such claim or claims: Provided, however, That if any of Said of%{g’,m%;gg”p*g,g°g‘:L” loyal Creek Indians or freedmen whose names are on said list of awards shall have died, then the amount or amounts due such deceased person or persons, respectivel , shall be paid to their heirs or legal representatives: And proviegd further, That the Secretary of the Treasury §;aWlh§;$Q6 be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to first withhold from ‘ Y ' the amount herein appro riated and pay to S. W. Peel, of Bentonville Arkansas, the attorney of)said loyal Creeks and freedmen, a Sum equal to ten per centum of the amount herein a propriated, as provided by . written contracts between the said S. W. Heel and the claimants herein, the same to be payment in full for all le I and other services rendered by him, or those employed by him, and gr all disbursements and other expenditures had b him in behalf of said claimants in pursuance of said contract. Andy further, said Secretary is authorized and directed. 1>¤vi·1M.H<>dzc. to pay to David M. Hodge, a Creek Indian, of Tulsa, in the Creek P°ym°°"°' Nation, a sum equal to five per centum of the amount herein appropriated, which payment shall be in full for all claims of every kind made by said David M. Hodge, or by those claiming under him, by reason of any engagement, agreement, or understanding had between him and said loyal Creek Indians. For personal and traveling expenses of the three jud es of the Choc- ,,_,ff‘,°$,‘§§§“;'§,°¤°Q“,{§’§ taw and Chickasaw citizenship court, five thousand dodars, or so much wg `C thereof as may be necessary; for one stenographer to each of said p°m°S' judges, to be aplpointed by them, respectively, at one hundred dollars per month eac , three thousand six hundred dollars; for traveling expenses and subsistence of said stenographers, the reporter, and the bailiif of said court, not to exceed three dollars per day each, one thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; in all, ten thousand one hundred dollars. to be immediately available. The Supreme Court of the United States may transfer to the Choc- 'l`¤¤¤*¤* 0* Permtaw and Chickasaw citizenship court the papers in the cases of Choctaw and Chickasaw citizenship appealed from the United States courts in the Indian Territory to the Supreme Court during the year eighteen ‘ hundred and ninety-eight. That all causes transferred under section thirty-one of the Act of $£lr_;<¢¤¤¤m Congress of July first, nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An Actto 'p' ` ratify and confirm an agreement with the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes of Indians. and for other purposes/’ to the citizenship court for the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations provided in said Act shall be tried and determined under the provisions of section thirty-two of said Act A'*“·P· 6* and disposed of the same as if appealed to such court under the provisions of section thirty-two of the said Act: Provided, That upon the P'°"""· final determination of cases within the jurisdiction of said citizenship a;giii°`s{$g"°°°i°° °° court said court may fix reasonable compensation to the attorneys employed by contract dated January seventeenth, nineteen hundred' and one, with the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations and such determinations shall be made irrespective of the rate fixed in said contract between said attorneys and said nations, or either of them, unless the same shall have received the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. And upon the final determination of said cases by said citizenship court P¤>’¤¤¤¤¢— the Treasurer of the United States is hereby directed to pay to said attorneys on the warrant or warrants drawn by the Secretary of the Interior the amount of such compensation out of any funds in the