Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1061

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996 F1rrY-sEvE1vr1~1 coivonnss. sm. 11. cH. 994. 1903. 00E;i;*§e¤};° 0* °°“'* Treasury belonging to said nations. And the existence of the Choctaw Ame,p.é4a. and Chickasaw citizenshi court is hereby extended until December thirty-first,lnineteen hundiézd and folpr. I Wd _ .S“"°Y·°F*°--°“°“’¥' To a a l e enses inci ent to the survey, a ing, an appraise- ‘ sniff? hmm Tam- ment gfytown gtes in the Choctaw, Chickasaw? Creek, and Cherokee VOL 30- PP· 5°°· 5°5· nations, Indian Territory, as required by sections fifteen and twenty- nine of an Act entitled "An Act for the protection of the people of the Indian Territory, and for other purposes,” approved June twenty- W1- 31·P·”"'· eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and all Acts amendatory _ P*<>•’i¤<>*- thereof or supplementalthereto, twenty-five thousand dollars: Pmm§ff,gfe§,PP”P*“*‘°“ vided, That the money hereby appropriated shall be applied only to the I expenses incident to the survey, platting, and appraisement of town sites heretofore set aside and reserved from allotment: Andpro/vided d,L“'{’,‘;,Y·p,§f,$;;,,"{,Yf§ further, That nothing herein contained shall prevent the survey and ms. platting, at their own expense, of town sites by private parties where stations are located along the lines of railroads, nor the unrestricted alienation of lands for such pur ses, when recommended by the Com- _ mission to the Five Civilized 'jlpiiibes and approved by the Secretary u*},;{g§{{.g”f,Q,*‘}f,;’{{,’§é of the Interior. That hereafter the Secretary of the Interior may, or Indian appointee whenever the chief executive of the Choctaw or Chickasaw nations '°°°t’°°°‘ fails or refuses to appoint a town-site —commissioner for any town, or ` to fill any vacancy caused by the neglect or refusal of the town-site commissioner appointed by the chief executive of the Choctaw or Chickasaw nations to qualify or act, in his discretion, appoint a commissioner to fill the vacancy thus created. m"i‘”‘°"“ Ch°’°k°°"* Section sixty-eight of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to pro- S¤¤¤¤¤ of- vide for the allotment of the lands of the Cherokee Nation, for the A"""‘ dis ition of town sites therein, and for other purposes," approved J ullyolirst, nineteen hundred and two, shall be so construed as to give the Eastern Cherokees, so called, including those in the Cherokee Nation and those who remained east of the Mississippi River, acting together or as two bodies, as they mav be advised, the status of a band or mm. bands, as the case may be, for all the purposes of said section: Proocmpeusmcn out- vided, That the prosecution of such suit on the part of the Eastern “’Y“°"· Cherokees shall be through attorneys employed by their proper authorities, their compensation for expenses and services rendered in relation to such claim to be fixed by the Court of Claims upon the termination P¤¤i¢¤ *05*1**- of such suit; and said section shall be further so construed as to require that both the Cherokee Nation and said Eastern Cherokees, so called, shall be made parties to any suit which may be instituted against the United States under said section upon the claim mentioned in House of Representatives Executive Document Numbered Three hundred J¤·1sm¤¤=· and nine of the second session of the F ifty-seventh Congress; and if said claim shall be sustained in whole or in art the Court of Claims, subject to the right of appeal named in said) section, shall be author-` ized to render a ]udgment in favor of the rightful claimant, and also to determine as between the different claimants, to whom the jud - ment so rendered, equitably belongs either wholly or in part. and shsdl be re uired to determine whether, for the pu ose of participating in said dlaim, the Cherokee Indians who remaindd) east of the Mississippi River constitute a part of the Cherokee Nation, or of the Eastern Cherokees, so called, as the case may be. Mm, Pima Agency. For operating and repairing the flour mill at Pima Agency, Arizona, S _1_ one thousand five hundred dollars. _ ,§f;‘;,§·Agmm.' For qperating one portable sawmill for the Klamath Agency, Oregop, an for necessary repairs to same, one thousand five hundred o ars. ‘ dgfz P°‘°é R‘*"°""“‘ For operating one portable sawmill on the Nez Percé Indian Reservation, Idaho, an for necessary repairs to the same, one thousand Eve hundred dollars. »