Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1214

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. SEss. Il. Ch. 1008. 1903. 1149 washing towels, and other miscellaneous supplies and expenses not otherwise provided for and necessary for the practical and efficient work of the Weather Bureau in the city of Washington, eight thousaréd dollars. W `ALARIES, EATEER BUREAU: Outside of the cit of Washin u: I¤¤P°¤*°¤-°¤¤*¤l¤· Professors of meteorology, inspectors, district forecjasters, local figie- ·i¤iii£oiiumd° °f wmcasters, section directors, observers, assistant observers, operators, reparrmen, station agents, messengers, messenger boys, laborers, and ot er necessaurg employees, for dutgliln the United States, in the West Indies or on jacent coasts, in the waiian Islands, and in Bermuda, who, without additional expense to the Government, may hereafter, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, be granted leaves of L°“"°“ °“"’“°“°°· absence not to exceed thirty days in any one year, four hundred and seventy-two thousand three hundred dollars. GENERAL EXPENSES, WEATHER BUREAU: Every expenditure requi- mfgggn ¤=¤¢¤¤¤¤. site for and incident to the establishment, equipment, and maintenance °°` of meteorological observation stations in the United States, in the West Indies or onadjaeent coasts, in the Hawaiian Islands, and in Bermuda, including the purchase of scientific and other publications, S“PP“°¤· stationery, furniture, instruments, storm-warning towers, and all other necessary supplies and materials; for rents of offices; for traveling R°“'* · expenses; for freight and express charges; for telegraphing, telephon— T°l°*""m”‘* °°°· ing, or cabling reports and messages, rates to be fixed by the Secretary of Agriculture by agreement with the companies performing the service; for maintenance and repair of seacoast telegraph, telephone, and cable lines; for investigations on climatology; for experiments in wireless telegraphy; for river observations and reports; for rain observations and reports; for snow observations and reports; for ice observations and reports; for crop observations and reports; for aerial observations and reports; for storm and other warnings and reports; for hurricane observations and reports, including pay of specia observers and displaymen, none of whom shall receive more than twenty-ve dollars wr month; and for the maintenance of a printing office in the city of Y*i¤¤¤¤ ¤m·=*>· ashington, including the purchase of necessary supplies and materials for printing weather maps, bulletins, circulars, orms, monthly reviews, and other publications, and for pay of assistant foremen proof readers, com(positors, pressmen, lithographers, and folders and eeders, four hun red and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and eigpty dollars. Urnnmes, WEATHER BUREAU: For the purchase of sites and the wfmljlggg ‘<>*<•*>*°*· erection of not less than five buildings for use as Weather Bureau' observatories, and for all necessary labor, materials, and expenses, plans and specifications to be prepared and approved by the Secretary of A riculture, and work done under the supervision of.the Chief of the Weather Bureau, including the purchase of instruments, furniture, supplies, ilagstatfs, and storm-warning towers to properly equip these stations: Provided, That if any of the money for these several build- {3;_g=;}°mm_c€_ ings remains unexpended for the special purposes for which it is " appropriated. so much of it as is necessary may be expended for the repair, improvement, and equgpment of any other buildings or grounds owned bv the Government an occupied by the Weather Bureau, fifty thousand dollars. CABLES AND LAND LINES, WVEATHER BUREAU: For the purchase and mf;°,}{j,jk·{;*aJg¤tg construction of a cable and land lines between Block Island and Narra- N¤nég¤¤.·earie:,B.L gansett Pier, Rhode Island, including labor and all necessary material °°"S"“°"°°‘ and supplies, and for the purchase of sites and the erection of buildings at the terminal places. plans and specifications for the same to be prepared and approved by the Secretary of Agriculture and work done under the supervision of the Chief of the W03th€l‘ Bureau, including the purchase of instruments. furniture, supplies, Hagstaifs.