Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1215

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1150 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I1. Ch. 1008. 1903. and storngwiprning towers to properly equip these stations, forty thousand dollars. Total for Weather Bureau, one million two hundred‘and forty-eight thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. k§,‘j,{,$§; °* A““““* . BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Snlsriés- SALARIES, BUREAU or Amman INDUSTRY; One Chief of Bureau, four thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant, two thousand five hundred dollars; one chief clerk of Bureau, two thousand dollars; one chief of inspection division, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant chief of inspection division, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one chief of dair division, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant chief of dairy division, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one chief of pathological division two thousand five hundred dollars; two assistants in pathological division, at one thousand two hundred dollars each, two thousand four hundred dollars; one assistant in pathological division, eight hundred and forty dollars; one chief of biochemic division, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant in biochemic division, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistant in biochemic division, one thousand four hundred dollars; one assistant in biochemic division, one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant in biochemic laboratory, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one chief of quarantine division, two thousand dollars; one zoolo- ”;’°°°'*”*'Y *”’P°°'* get, two thousand five hundred dollars; one veterinary inspector, one ' ousaud eight hundred dollars; one veterinary inspector, one thousand six hundred dollars; two veterinary ins tors, at one thousand four hundred dollars each, two thousand eighichundred dollars; one superintendent of experiment station, two thousand dollars; one assistcmu ant superintendent, one thousand dollars; one clerk class four, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one editorial clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk class three, one thousand six hundred dcdlars; seven clerks class two, nine thousand eight hundred dollars; five clerks class one, six thousand dollars; seven clerks, at one thousand dollars each, seven thousand dollars; two clerks, at nine hundred dollars each, one thousand eight hundred dollars; seven clerks, at eight hundred and fort dollars each, five thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars; two fiyremen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, one "°"°”*°”·°‘°· thousand four hundred and forty dollars; four messengers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, two thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars; two skilled laborers, at six hundred and sixty dollars each, one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars; one illustrator, plne shoéisargl foplr hnéndliged dollars; in all, eighty-seven thousand three un re an ei ty o rs. $$'K°§§l§‘§?"°°"' GENERAL EXTENSES, BUREAU or AMMAL INDUSTRY; For carrying “ out the provisions of the Act approved May twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, establis ing the Bureau of Animal Infustry, Val- ¤°· P- M and the Act approved August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, providin for an inspection of meats and animals, and also the pro- V¤¤- 26- v- 1089- visions og the Act aplproved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety- c_{Q§}·¢€$;Q¤¤ 0* l**‘¤ one, providing for the inspection of live cattle, hogs, and the carcasses 'and products thereof which are the subjects of interstate and forei n c_'{tj?'¤¤¤°°*°*P°¤ commerce, and for other purposes and to prescribe rules and regulh- ' tions for the safe transport and humane treatment of e rt cattle from the United States to foreign countries, and the amerdxtoiy Act vo1.2s.p. E2. approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, providing for the inspection of live cattle, hogs, and the carcasses and products thereof which are the subjects of interstate and foreign commerce, and {mum hors for other purposes: Provided, That live horses and the products and pmuce, ed. ° carcasses thereof be entitled to the same inspection as other animals,