Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1310

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mnnx. xiii Bei-their] E. P., ° Page Bwpome, D. Ot, Pnedeiicienc appropriation for reimbursing . 19 license tax on; regulations .. 627 gold medalh I off, onor to, relief of Arctic Billahrglgaeging, Ezport, w a ing eet . 492 re o stamp tax on .. 406 Baumer Ala., ‘ Bills of Sale Ind. T., deiiciehcy appropriation for public build- B provisjbons for recording . 841 ing 1 . 1 1 oxi, iss., purchase of public building site author- appropriation for im rovement of harbor. 339 B hw izpldl . 1 208 construction of publie building authorized ez da, ., at , .. 318 appropriation for animal experiment sta- a propriation for .. 427 1084 { .*.l?i‘ez.mi.;.;a ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 2”°’ IES.? "’°E"`..Z‘“’...".. ‘i’°t'2,“‘i'I§I*°"r...¤..."I¤ ”° ‘°""° °', 380 or e S Bethlehem Steel Company, . Binghamton, N If, _ _ _ to complete contracts of Bethlehem Iron limit of cost increased, public building; - mpan ,.. . 308 additional land ... 312 "Be¢sey," oodliue, Master. appropriation for . 424 payment of f nch spoliation claim on ac- 228 Biologabal of Agriculture, 298 count o .. . ap priation or 'es "Betsey," Brig, Hubbard, Master, _ _ general e ... _ 298 payment of French spobation claim on ac- B‘•ologwalSurvey, _ of Agriculture, , count of .. 228 appropriation for salanes 1160 “Betaey," w, _ ° ac- ‘ Bimhorrgeperal expenses _ .. 1 160 ymen 0 spo on claim n , . ., Pa count of .. 224 payment to . ; .. 491 “Betaey," Schooner, Bowles, Maier, Bard, Willmm M, and others, payment of Friench spoliation claim on ac- 2 0 denciepppplpprggpméipn for investigatfng t ••••·• ····· •··*••"•·'*"' 3 - I ) I · · 1 "Betsey,f;0,g¢nhogner, Moody, Master, ton, SWG-.??...? .. E 1037 payment of French spoliation claim on ac·. Birdy, Wild, count of .. 219 protection from wanton destruction, “Betsey," Schooner, Wyman, Maier, Alaska . > . 327 payment of French spoliation claim on ac- 228 Birminghepn, Ala., I 821 832 ··1;,...,,,¢¥°m.£‘"‘*‘Z‘;·;r.,,.···,,...,».., ···· ······· Bi’..€?2.Z,£..§“?‘1~EI.,,;;a, ‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘ ’ payment of nch spoliation claim on ac- 219 appropfiaciin or consul at . gg; count of .- orcer ire . - .. ---- "Betsey “Sloop, Rhodes, Master B',·gh d png], Rcggmagm, payment oftFpench spoliationy claim on ac- 221 icooggmtign of Sums requxm to mmm 1231 COW! 0 ---·--··----------------·- un` ormity in B‘”’°"1V· . B' e Bm; Fla. I “PW°@ ; f°’ ““P’°v°m°“t °f h"b°'· 332 ipa?/rlipriation for improvement of; copés 1126 ·

  • * ‘ tracts . , `

B'Pe:,{_!:,°';,f!*9—,-·—i§63 --·····-----··--·---- ‘**’° contract with Florida mpi c¤m_1=¤a1w¤y appropriation lor preparing . 897 g°£gny’ uddluond Improve` 338 Big ]bckRiv"’Mm`° h { mba ad 380 Bism rckL¢m¢i Qdic-H-;-l\l·.llah·•·•·-V--.·-_. i 8` . - - “ . ·. : ·· . Bgrirgehu *4;;, on 0 m 8 deficiency n proprnatnon for reproducing preliminary examination of, to be made. . 382 { ”*·'° · ··-- - ·-·—--····-····---·-- 21 Big Jim': Band, Absentee Shawnee Indzhm, Black Dea!h,_ _ _ _ l Okla., I appropriation for preventing epidemic. 450, 111.% appropriation for sppport, etc., of .. 256,993 Blue Lakg, Mah., _ Big Tmawha River, . 'a., appropriation for improvement of harbor preliminary examination of, to be made. . 383 | at Holland ... 343 Big Sandy Rwer, W ih., E Black River, girl-. ami La., r1gS'l;to;w£ygra;te<i1fthrou(gi}`Locks2and 3. 1030 appropnatxgp for improvement of; local;} u2_ B` n y wer, Z a. an ’y., an ms . 1, s gppropriation for improvement of, by locks Black River, glrk. Mo. , _ and dams . 358, 1127 y appropriation for improvement of ... 35• for improvement ofTug andLevisa forks; 5 Black River, Mich., coutragtg _,,,,,,,.,,,.,. . , 358 q appropriation for improvement of ... 361 for improvement of, completing dams Q Black River, M (1, between mouth and lgouisa 358 i appropriation for improvement of .. 352 Big Sirme Lake, Mum. and S. Dak., · Black River, Ohm, preliminary examination og to be made; to 3 9 appropriation for improvement of ' · M' esota i . ", Big Su1joTl¥;rmB3w,1!Ml'm., ver [ . lifesaving station established at mouth of, appro riation for improvement of 355 ° L01'8h1 . . . .. - - 982 Biggs, W, , Black River, S. C., _ _ Payment fp ____ __ _______,,___ , ____,,__.. 491 ; prelimirgag elrreprmpnapon of, to be made. - 382 B•11'ardRomm et . D. Ct, Bluvk Roc M . I T, lilggpgq 1;;; 0;;, gqiutinned ,,...,.. 628 appropriation for improvement of Lake minors not permitted in, connected with Erie entrance; contracts ... 335, 1125 barrooms ,,.. 202 » preliminary examination oi, to be made- . 380