Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1311

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XIV INDEX. Black Warrior Rircr, Ala., P¤·8¤· B0<1tman’s Insurance and Trust Company, P¤8€· applropriation for improvement of . 354, 1126 Saint Louis, M0., ng t of way granted through lands of deficiency appropriation for Treasury set- Lock N0. 4 ..., . .. 189 tlement ..,. . . 1078 Blackburn, John B., Boca Grande, Fla., payment of Court of Claims judgment to appropriation for quarantine station, site, administrator of .. 211 etc .. 423 Blackfect Agency Indians, Boeuf River, La., appropriation for fulfilling treaty with- - 250, 986 appropriation for improvement of 355 Blackfeet Agency, Mont., Bogus C itto, La. appropriation for Indian agent at .. 245, 982 { appropriation for improvement of 355 Blac feet Indian Resewation, Mont., budge authorized across, by Saint Tamconflrmation of selections on, in lieu of for- _ many Parish . 839 est lands . 955Bogue Falih, La,, Blaclcwater Bay, F lu., appropriation for improvement of 355 reliminary examination of, to be made- - 377 Bogue Inlet, N (1, Blgckwaier River, F la., hfe-saving station authorized at .. 58 preliminary examination of, to be made- - 377 Boriac Ody, dalw, Blagge, John, appr0pria.tion·for salaries, assay office-- 146, 881 payment of French zpoliation claim to ad- or wages and contingent expenses- . - 146, 881 ministratrix 0 - --- 222 for public building 420 Blankinahip, George, Bolivia, payment of French spoliation claim to ad- appropriation for minister to ... 76, 807 ministrator of 219 Bomgay, India, Blanks and Norton, appropriaticn for consul at . 83, 814 — deficiency appropriation for xeimburse- Bancl)Is.sue.s, Philippines, ment 1036 for acquisition of property of religious Bleight, George CC, orders ... 706 paimentto . 490 for improvement of municipalities ... 707 Blig , Peter, for sewers and water upply, Manila- 708 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- Bond, Nazhan, ministrator of .. 218, 222, 225 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- Block Island, R. L, ministratnr of - . . . .. 228, 229, 231 appropriation for improvement of harbor Bonds, ‘ of refuge . 333 issue authorized by Hawaii to pay bubonicfor improvement of harbor, Great Salt plague judgments . 780 Pond 333 I issue of 2 per cent, for expenses, Isthmian for Weather Bureau cable from Nana- , Canal 484 gansett Pier .. 1149 i redemption; exemption from taxation-, 484 Blossom, David IL, ‘ subscriptions; cxpenm ... 484 _ deficiency appropriation for services ..-.. 572 Bonds, Mumlcipal, Blue Book, 1903, authorized 1seue by towns, Indian Terri- ’ appropriation for preparing ..- . .. 897 f tory .-..--...-...--.- 200 Bluejielda, W. Va., for schools, etc., Oklahoma -... 392 deficiency appropriation for public build- Bonds of Adnniuistrators, ek-., D. C2, ing site .. 1039 I limit of actions on --.-..---.-...-.-. 529 purchase of public building siteauthorized. 1208 Bone, Martha IL, terms of court .. 304 g payment of Court of Claims judgment to Bluf Shoal, Pamlico ébund, N. C., Q executor of --,--,-,.-,_.-,,,..,,,, 207 appropriation for light-house .-..-... 70 [ Books, dc., Blunta Reef Cape Mendocino, Cal., * not used in Departments, etc., to be turned appropriation forlight-ship .. 1093 ‘ over to Library of Congress and Board of Audit, D. C'., · Free Public Library -.--..-,-. 865 appropriation for redeeming certain certiii- punishment for stealing, mutilating, etc., cates -... . 788 , the property of the District ...- 535 Board of Children’» Guardians, D. (C (uc [ Books, John N, Children’¤ Guardians, D. C., Board; payment to ----..-.-. . ...-.-.,-..-. 489 of). Boo/ne, Iowa, Board of Educruirm, I). C'., ‘ construction of public building authorized appropriation for . 603, 967 at ..-..----.. 318 Board of Ordnance and Hrrtjiimtion, ‘ appropriation for ..-.-..-.. 427,1084 appropriation for general expenses 310,1027 { Borriesenius, George IC, ’ or civilian member .----... 310, 1027 5 deficiency appropriation for payment to . . 24 for expenses of members ..---.. 310,1027 < Bordeaux, France, for tests of experimental guns, etc . - 310, 1027 » appropriation for consul at ----.,-,, 81, 814 inquiry as to nght to invention before ‘ for clerk hire ..-...-..-.. S6, 818 making tests, etc .--.-...-.. 310, 1027 , Hardman, William, Board of lisrilors,payment of French spoliation claim to adappropriation for expenses Military Acad- , ministrator of -.--.----,.. 228 emy ...-..-----... 413, 1015 Q Boston, Mass., for Naval Academy 686, 1196 Q appropriation for assistant treasurefs of- Boarding Houses, D. Cl, fice; wlaries ,__,.,,_,___ 143, 877 license tax on public ..., 628 - for improvement of harbor ___,_ 332, 462, 1125 Boardman, William HZ, deep—water channels; contracts .. 332 payment of French spoliation claim to ad· E for light-house, Broad Sound Channel; ministrator of 229 { contracts .,... , ..._,_,,,,,____ 4,30