Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1380

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INDEX. lxxxiii Mail Tmmportation, P¤¢¤· M `la, P. I—C0 ti ed. Page. appropriation for star routes .. 114, 1172 (geliciency apprcilprilsiltion for military post. 12 Al¤¤k¤ $9!'V|00 -----·-------.. 114, 1172 for gunboats, etc., delivered to Navy _ , _ 15 gor steamboat routes ... 3:, bond issue authorized for sewers and water 0l'lD0$8l1g8!'$l'V1(B0 . - ...,____ ’ guppy_______ __________________ __ 7()8 for pneumatic-tube service; contracts 114, 1172 taxes to be levied to meet interest etc. for w u etc., service . 115 1172 of bonds ____ { ___ H __________ ’g __ _ I 708 .fo1' P011i8S ···--· . .. 115; 1172 establishment of mint, authorized .., 710 for rmlway post-ofiice car service . . . 115, 1172 Memiatce, _ for elecrric gable car servwe; rate 116, 1173 appropriation for 1!DPl'0VBlIIBDt of harbor. 344 for specxal facxlmes 116, 1173 Manmiqug, Mich.,

or puseellaneolxgs .. 1133 prelilpgnary examination to be made of

or orexgn mm ... 11 bor .,,_,,_,_,___________________ 379 deficiency appropriation for star routes . . . ’ 24, Manitowoc, Wis., _ 33, 576, 588, 590, 1075, 1077 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 345 ' {0I' 1'¤1h'0¤d 1'0\1f»6¤._ . . 33, 10gé Msug/ey foniharbcr of refuge, authorized. . . 345 0I' lD§D.g6! SEIVICB . .,.. an , R, ., fol‘ SW68mb0d !*0|1f8B ... 576, 1075 deficiency appropriation for rent ...,. 577 Karina, _ _ Mann, Jacob, sppropriatxou for revenue cutter for coast of 1097 payment of Court of Claims judgment to - 210 eiiciency appropriation for raising V0l\1D· · Nmmheim, Germany, _ beers .. _ ... Z .: - .. 30, 1078 appropriation for consul at . 83, 815 adjustment of claum for raising volunteers. 586 or clerk him ...__,______________ 86, 813 conveyance of Widows Islan to, author- Manning, Hmm, _ IZQX! . . . 7 . .: .. 952 payment of French spoliatiou claim to ad- Jfaw gwlrsd, m M'ist;vat<-p· of .. 219, 223, 231 CHUII cc rmschanged .. antua ee . .

 of United Rama _ mt 176 Mappglopjriggou for ipiprovement of . . . 350

e ll rn exc HB10D - anu o rveying mtruchbna, 1902, Mainz, Germany, made a part of survey contracts .. 120 appropriation for consul at . 82 814 Manufactures gn clerk hire. ... 86; 818 factory syétem statistics, to be collected Makah Induma, Wash., every ten years from 1905 . 52 appropriation for support, etc., of .. 256, 992 Mmmfadum, Bureau of Dqaartment of Oom- Malaga, Spain, mzrcc and Labor, appropriation for consul at . 84, 817 established; official force 827 or clerk hire 86, 818 duties oi; assistance of consular officsrs -- 827 Malden River, Mans., deficiency appropriation for chief, etc 1081

 for improvement of  348 Manufacturing Industries,

M in, dliam Q, b duty of blgepartment of Commerce and ap mprintion or reim ursing ... 1001 La ras to ... 826 descieucy. appropriation for reimburse- Mapela, James N, M u Wmfpt b -.6. ... 575 Mpayment of Court of Claim judgment to. 208 1 a as mgum, . ., aps, vrzmoval railhiioad tracks, etc., from . 915 appropriation for publication, War De- . a oy j cpm . ., partmeut .. 466, 1131 apprppnaticn for reporting ..,... 479 for transporting War Department, etc., de cxency appropriation for . 1067 to foreign countries. . . . . 467, 1131 Malta, Great B1-main, I Mapu of lhs Unite;! Slalea, appropriation or consu at . 83 815 I appropriation or . 158, S93 Maggy gvejldfng (nee aho_Seuate), ’ for sublishing pqstqroute 167, 902 appropnatmn for repairs .. 124, 857 = dencxency approprmtnon for . 31 Jlamurrmcck, N K, for engraving, etc., geological .. 22 approplriation for improvement of harbor. 334 ; former appropriations made available 569 Mammal Spring, Ark.,sale of p0st·route, authorized; price 167, 902 appropriation for establishing fish hatch-Maracadzo, Venezuela, I up at ..._. . . . 1107 appmpgiaéicgn for consul-general at .. 81, 813 Jl anagua, . ham wz, V r c er ire 86, 818 appropriation {2;;- consul at . 83, 815 Mmbkhead, Mugs_, Mmmm Rf"’¢’fy Flay appropriation for survey of breakwater- . . 332 RPPYORWWOU {0* lmpfovemeut of -··----· 354 construction of public building authorized preliminary egammation of, to be made- - 377 at _______________________________ gy; ¤d8° ¤·“th°¤"d $·°*’°“ -—---·-•--—··--—- 190 appropriation for .. 428, 1087 MGM-’h€"V¢"j» Ewkrnd. limit of cost increased, public building--- 1205 appropriation for consul at . 82, 814 I u-me Island Cm | ‘ _ ___________.________ * . ·. ·* . Mamzléjjrglzgrj ‘ “S6' 818 appropriation for public works, navy: appropria%on for improvement of harbor- 332 ; drgsrq '‘`‘‘‘‘’'’'`‘’‘' 6A' Mandamua, . C., * ’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ - ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ - discretion of court as to extending time for ; {M Pub $°hw°rFQ1¤a"lm°g“m° ‘‘ defendant ... . .,. 543 ! °r °°v° mpi ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘"‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ' Manila Bay, Battle of, E “·m"’9¤'d¢¤»" S¢h0°"¢"', _ _ _ deficiency appropriation for paying prize 1072 P¤Ym€;1giu¢:ft}(;;€¤¢h SPOIIBUOD clmm on ac- 218 one . . . e -··-···--—--···--·-----—-- Jfanila, L,y "Mmjk¢ta," Irzmclad Monitor,. appropriation for military post; purchase . claim for extra compensation, referred to of land ,.,,,_., 465, 1129 Court of Claims .. 244