Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1381

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lxxxiv Marine Biological Station, appropriation for salaries. deficiency appropriation for Marine Corps, Page. 443, 1105 10 appropriation for pay of officers, active list 686, 1199 present commandant to have rank of major-general 686 retired list 687, 1199 for pay of enlisted men additional. 687, 1199 687 retired list 687, 1199 additional number of enlisted men authorized 687 for undrawn clothing for mileage to officers 687, 1199 687, 1199 687, 1199 for commutation of quarters. for pay of civil force for provisions.. 687, 1199 688, 1200 as ! shore duty ration to be same Army. 688, 1200 exception, island possessions, etc.. for clothing, fuel, etc 688, 1200 688, 1200 for military stores 688, 1200 for transportation and recruiting 688, 1200 for repairs, etc., barracks.. 688, 1200 for rent, supply building, Philadel- phia 688, 1201 for forage 688, 1201 for hire of quarters. 688, 1201 for contingent 689, 1201 for public works, barracks and quar- ters. 689, 1201 deficiency appropriation for hire of quar- ters.. 17, 1050 for repairs, etc., barracks 18, 1050, 1052 for contingent. 18, 30, 566, 568, 1050, 1053, 1073 for barracks, New York. for transportation.. 18 18, 566, 568, 586, 1050 30, 586, 589, 1073 for pay for detachment, North Atlantic fleet... 94 for fuel 566, 1050, 1052 for ammunition. 568 for advertising, allowance of voucher 569 for provisions 1050 for repairs, etc., island of Guam 1052 for forage 1053 for military stores 1053 for miscellaneous supplies. 1053 for barracks, Washington, D. C. 1053 for repairs, etc., League Island, Pa., barracks 1053 for Henry Ives Cobb. 1053 for barracks, Annapolis. 1053 additional officers and enlisted men au- thorized 1198 filling vacancies by promotion. 1198 selections from Naval Academy, non- commissioned officers, and civil life. 1198 1198 1198 present commissions not vacated selections for staff departments credit in quartermaster's accounts, di- rected 1053 credits directed in accounts for commuta- tion of marines on shore in island possessions... 569 Marine-Hospital Service (see also Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service), appropriation for Surgeon-General, clerks, 141 etc Marine Hospitals, appropriation for Cleveland, Ohio, boiler plant 423 for New York, purchase of site, etc.. 423 for Savannah, Ga 423 for Pittsburg, Pa. 423 INDEX. Page. 423 Marine Hospitals-Continued. appropriation for Buffalo, N. Y. authorized at Savannah, Ga... Buffalo, N. Y 75 90 Pittsburg, Pa. 93 contracts authorized, Savannah, Pittsburg, and Buffalo 423 423 purchase of books, etc., permitted. transfer of land from arsenal, Pittsburg, Pa., as marine-hospital site.. 1088 Marinette, Wis., deficiency appropriation for public build- ing site 1039 1208 purchase of public building site authorized Marion, Ind., appropriation for expenses, Volunteer Soldiers' Home.. 471, 1135 deficiency appropriation for public build- ing site 1039 14, 1049 for Volunteer Soldiers' Home. purchase of public building site author- ized 1208 Maritime Exchange, New York, 1099 appropriation for tidal indicator. Mark, H. C., payment to.. 490 Market Dealers, D. C., license tax on 628 Market Masters, D. C., 593, 958 appropriation for salaries, etc.. Marks, Henry, 268 appropriation for Marquette, Mich., appropriation for improvement of harbor; contracts... 344, 1126 preliminary examination to be made of harbor. 379 Marriage, D. C., 543 age of consent to render, void form of license modified 543 Married Women, limitation upon examination of wife of bankrupt 798 Married Women, 1. C., provisions for legal proceedings against, repealed 542 Marseilles, France, appropriation for consul-general at.. for clerk hire.. 81, 813 86, 818 Marshall, R. E., payment to 490 Marshalltown, Iowa, construction of public building authorized 318 at appropriation for 428, 1087 Marshals, Consular Courts, appropriation for. 87,819 Marshals, United States Courts, appropriation for salaries, etc.; advances 475, 1141 deficiency appropriation for salaries, etc 32, 2 579,587, 1065, 1077 bond of, Alaska, may be increased. extra allowance to, conducting bankrupt's business for a limited period 797 fees allowed in felony cases, etc., Indian Territory 395 to serve writs, etc., Spanish Claims Com- mission. 550 Martin Ferry, Ala., bridge authorized across Choctawhatchee River at 1225 Martin, Hezekiah M., 212 payment of Court of Claims judgment to. Martin, M. D. L., payment to 490