Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1387

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XG INDEX. Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company, P¤8°· M¢mtana—Continuod. P¤8€· deficiency appropriation for . 557 public land receipts in, to be used for irri- Mobile, Jackson and Kama: Ozly Railroad gation ... 388 Company, selections in lieu of forest lands on ceded granted right of way, ctc., Choctaw Point, Blackfoot Reservation, confirmed . - 955 Ala. ...,.. 119 Montana and Idaho Customs District, "Modoo," Ironclad Monitor, port of entry, Great Falls, Mont . 485 claim for extra compensation, referred to Monterey, Mexico, Court of Claims ... 244 appropriation for consu1—gcncral at .. 81, 813 Moietiea, for clerk hire 86, 818 appropriation for compensation in lieu Montevideo, Uruguay, of 449, 1111 appropriation for consul at . 82, 814 deficiency appropriation for compensation Montgomery, Ala., · in lieu of . 1036 limit of cost increased, public building- . . 310 Mold Indmm, approygiation for.. . 425,1087 appropriation for fulfilling treaty with- - 251, 987 right of nitcd States to certain lands in, "Mogul," Brdwlsh Steamship, relinquished . 787 claim for damages, collision with Army terms of court .. 820 transport, to be examined . 1048 of circuit court of appeals .. 784 "Mo·nadnock,’ Ironclad Monitor, Mantgamewjy, J R., ` claims for extra compensation, tnurcts of, paymentto .. . .. 487 referred to Court of Claims 244 Montgomery, Sarah E., Monetary Sydcma of Natiom, Mpaymentto . 490 appropriation for cooperating to maintain omreal, Quebec, iixcd relationship of gold and silver appropriation for consul-general at .. 81, 813 in { .. 1138 for clerk hire 86, 818 Money-Order System, Postal Service, Montrose, Colo., appropriation for superintendent, ctc. . - 164, 900 grant of land to, for reservoir, etc. ; price, or supplies ... 113, 1171 location .. 841 dedciency appropriation for . 32 terms of court at 833 Mmigolian La , court, ctc., transferred from Del Norte to- 833 not allowed on irrigation construction 389 Monuments, Jlonitvra, Light Draft, appropriation for, site of Fort Phil Kearny claims for further compensation, roforrod massacre ... -- 175 to Court of Claims 244 for, to Gon. Hug; Mercer . 491 basis of investigation 244 for prison ship, rooklyn,_N. Y ... 747 Monmouth, Ill., for expenses of guests, dedication of _ limit of cost increased, public building . . . 311 Rocbambcau .. - 738, 741 appropriation for . 425 for statue, ctc., of Brigadier-General Mmwmoy island, Mass., Count Pulaski 908 lifesaving station cslnblisbcd. ... 285 for statue, ctc., of Major-General Baron Mmwngahela River, Pa., von Steuben .. 908 appropriation for improvement of, Lock for, to Gen. Francis Nash . 1229 and Dam 2; contracts . 350 for, to Gen. William Leo Davidson 1229 for reconstructing Lock and Dam 2 . 1127 erection of statue to Benjamin F. Stephenbridge authorized across, in Allegheny son on n reservation, Washington. County, Pa ... 839 D. C., permitted .. 740 Clairton Station, Pa ... 58 in honor o William E. Shipp permitted Webster, Pa .. 850 on grounds of mint, Charlotte, N. C. 739 betwgeen West Elizabeth and Dravos- 97 Moody, Ham. L JL, lalea Representative in Conurg . 4 grew, height may reduced of bridge across, at deficiency appropriation for widow .. 1068 Pittsburg, Pa . 75 Moody, Joseph, preliminary examination of, to be made; payment of French spoliation claim to ad- ' locks and dams 1, 3, 4, and 5 .. 382 ministrator of .. 221, 233 Mmiongahela River, W W1., Moore, Agatha, appropriation for improvement of dams on payment to; administratrix . 486 Upper ... 462 Moore, Robert, bridge authorized acros, Morgantown, payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 212 W. Va ... 71 Mme, Samuel J, Mmwpoliea, payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 215 appropriation for enforcing laws against.. 904 Moors Rock, Ark., Monroe, Hcmjy, bridge authorized across Arkansas River at 926 p¤ym¤¤§ of Fr¤¤<=!¤ ¤v¤¤¤¢i<>¤ ¢¤¤i¤¤ *0 wi- Morgan Memorial Amommm, Mmmm, mr., Mmmm 32E15S1mi0T Of ·--···---··-·---·--- 227 l loan of Revolutionary relics to ... 743 appropriation ror ooprorooooor of harbor- oo; MM" 8Sgg~·*;gMC··~d Tm R¤·#·><·d M Jammu, § d 6 . "" 'P ”?"§“"V·f appropriation for surveyor-general, clerks, 1 ° °x°n°¥;£§;°pm mn or army mw 1045 em ’‘'°‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘’‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘ 163*898 a, mcggto foroarr-i~zi-ni-tI""-vnu 405 for incidental expenses, Indian service, P y ’ y g m B ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ in _____________________________ 257, gg; Mmganwum, HC lh. for survey of boundary line with Idaho. 1117 budge ?uth°“z°J 3cm8a M0¤0¤8¤h€l¤ __ deficiency rglppropriation for surveyor- River at ··--·---·--····~-·--·-·- - - /1 gene .. 587,1056, 1057 Mormon Channel, (lvl., for incidentals, Indian service . 587 appropriation forimprovementof; canal 368, 1127