Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/179

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FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 563. 1902. 113 Clerks, four classes, graded in even hundreds of dollars, at nine C*°’*‘*· hundred, one thousand, one thousand one hundred, and not exceeding one thousand two hundred dollars per annum. _ Carriers at salary not exceeding six hundred dollars per annum and °“"‘€"‘ no other or further allowance or salary shall be made to said carriers. But the carriers shall not be prohibited from doing an express-package business provided it does not interfere with the discharge of their oflicial duties. Under such regulations as the Postmaster—General may prescribe, a S“*’“*‘“”° °°"*°”· substitute carrier may be employed, at the expense of the regular carrier, to temporarily perform the service on any rural free-delivery mail route. _ The Postmaster-General may allow such per diem and other inci- P" d*°*“· dental expenses in connection with the rural free-delivery service as ‘ Congress may from time to time provide. The Postmaster-General is hereby directed to investigate and report ,,,)*;***0**** ¤°*¤* *00** to Congress as soon as possible, the advisability and practicability of ` purchasing and adopting a uniform metal lock box at a price not to exceed fifty cents, for the purpose of selling the same to patrons on · rural free·delivery routes at cost.· lVhoever shall hereafter willfully or maliciously in`ure, tear down, 10§§‘{f§;§g’QQ“’*’ ‘° or destroy any letter box or other receptacle established by order of ' the Postmaster—General or approved or designated by nim for the receipt or delivery of mail matter on any rural free-delivery route, or "°**· P- ***5 shall break open the same, or willfully or maliciously injure, deface, or destroy any mail matter deposited therein, or shall wilfully take o1· steal such matter from or out of such letter box or other rece tacle, or shall willfully°aid or assist in any of the aforementioned o&nses, shall for every such offense be punished by a Hue of not more than one Pemmy. thousand dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than three years. That hereafter special agents, route inspectors, and examining in- 0¤¢*¤¤· spectors in the rural free-delivery service shall be authorized and empowered to administer oaths to carriers and other persons employed in said service or in connection with any business relating to the same. SUPPLY DIVISIONZ For stationery for postal service, seventy thou· §3§[*{;g*j***°”· sand dollars. " For wra ing twine and tying devices, one hundred and twenty-five *‘"*“‘*· thousand cibllars. For wrapping paper, forty thousand dollars. “"°¥’¥’*”¥ *’***’°’· For letter balances, scales, and test weights, and repairs to same, S°°*°*‘·°‘°· fifteen thousand dollars. For postmarking and rating stamps, and repairs to same, and ink s,f,g“Ff;**“"‘*"¥· °°°· gnd pa s for stamping and canceling purposes, forty-five thousand ollars. For rubber stamps and type, metal—bodied rubber type, dates, tig- R“*>*’°’ *‘*¤¤*P¤· ures, and holders, and ink an pads for rubber stamps, five thousand · dollars. . For packing boxes, sawdust, paste, and hardware, one thousand five *’¤¢*¤*¤¤ *><>¤<=¤,•¤¤<=· hundred dollars. For printing facing slips and cutting same, card slide labels, blanks *’**¤°*¤S- and books of an urgent nature, and manifold books for the postal and re istry service, fifty thousand dollars. Tlanks, blank books, printed matter, metal advertising signs, twine, B\¤¤k books. etc. carbon paper, and artic es pertaining to its use in the issue and pay- ment épf money orders, one hunfdregd iand fifteen thousand dollars: bmpé ed, That five er centum 0 the oregoing amount for blanks, *""¤"¤*··· blank books, and sb forth, may be available interchangeably for pdf<i§¥iJs?geubl°°x expenditure on the three following items, but no one of such items shall thereby be increased more than five per centum. voL xxxu, PT 1-18