Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/180

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114 F IFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Srzss. I. Ch. 563. 1902. m}f;,*;g***‘*°**m* Rubber and metal stamps and repairs thereto; ribbons, pads, and ' racks for the money-order service, eight thousand dollars. Copying presses, typewriting machines, envelope opening and sealing machines, adding machines and repairs thereto, for use of the money-order service, twenty thousand ollars. ` Exchange on drafts, stationery, and necessary miscellaneous expenses of the money-order service, fifteen thousand ollars. P,§g‘*'*°*° *°' *“1* And hereafter the Postmaster—General is authorized to contract for a term not exceediiag four years, for the supply of any or all articles enumerated under e head of "Supply Division," when, in his judg- _ ment, it shall appear to be for the best interests of the service. . ““°°“‘“°°“* Miscellaneous items in the office of the First Assistant Postmaster- General, one thousand dollars. _ P,,?$,,$,?§,‘},,{,’;$,“§“,§‘ orrrcn or mn snoorm assrszumr rosrmasrna-enunnan. gg); mil ¤¤¤¤¤- Ixrun mm. ramsroaurron: For inland transportation by star P°s¤¤ pim. routes, including temporary service to newly established offices, six §§,f’k"§,,,,,,c,,_ million seven hundre and fifteen thousand dollars: It·0*vided, That out of this appropriation the Postmaster-General is authorized to provide difficult or emergency mail service in Alaska, including the establishment and equipment of relay stations, in such manner as he may think advisable, without advertising therefor. S'°‘““l’°“"°“'°‘· For inland transportation by steamboat routes, six hundred and forty-one thousand doluars. "°”°“¥°’ “°"*°°- Flpr mail-messenger service, one million and eighty-three thousand dol rs. - ’“°“"°*“*°*“"°* For the transmission of mail b pneumatic tubes or other similar devices, five hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be °°”"*°'* necessary; and the Postmaster-General is hereby authorized to enter “"°'“'°"‘°°'~ into contracts for a period not exceeding four years, after public advertisement once a week for a period of six consecutive weeks in not less than five newspapers, one of which shall be published in each I“"°’**¤"*°°· city where the service rs to be performed. That the contracts for this servieeshall be subject to the provisions of the postal laws and regulations relating to the letting ot mail contracts, except as herein other- R°P°*'*· wise provided, and that no advertisement shall issue until after a careful investigation shall have been made as to the needs and practicability of such service and until a favorable report, in writing, shall have been submitted to the Postmaster-General by a commission of not less than three expert postal officials, to be named by him; nor shall such advertisement issue until in the judgment of the Postmaster- General the needs of the postal service are such as to justify the mvompeticivc Mc- expenditure involved. Advertisements shall state in general terms "` on y the requirements of the service and in form best calculated to _ _ invite competitive bidding. R°-‘°°“°“ "' *"‘*‘· That the Postmaster—General shall have the right to reject any and all bids: that no contract shall be awarded except to the lowest responsible bidder. tendering full and sufficient guaranties, to the satisfaction of the Postmaster—General, of his ability to perform satisfactory serv- B·>¤·*- ice, and such guaranties shall include an approval bond in double the _ _ amount of the bid. L"“" °‘ “°’"· That no contract shall be entered into in any city for the character of mail service herein provided which will create an ag regate annual rate of expenditure, including necessary power and labor to operate the tubes. and all other expenses of such service in excess of four per centpm of the gross postal revenue of said city for the last preceding _ tisca year. mmnmum °°“ p" That no contract shall be made in any citv providing for three miles or more of double lines of tube which shall involve an expenditure in