Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/181

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. on. seas. 1902. 1 15 excess of seventeen thousand dollars per mile per annum, and said compensation shall cover power, labor, and all operating expenses. That the Postmaster-General shall not, prior to June thirtieth, nine- t Limit 0* ‘¤P°¤*iiteen hundred and four, enter into contracts under the provisions of this ms` Act involving an annual expenditure in the aggregate in excess of eight hundred thousand dollars; and thereafter only such contracts shall be made as may from time to time be provided for in the annual appropriation Act for the postal service; and all provisions of law contrary to those herein contained are repealed. For regulation, screen, or other wagon service, eight hundred and ‘V*=8°¤»€°°-·¤€i'Vi¤¤· seventy-five thousand dollars. For mail bags, cord fasteners, label cases, and for labor and mate- M¤iii>°·8¤·°*°- rial necessary for repairing equipment, two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. For mail locks and keys, chains, tools, and machinery, and for labor L<>¤i=¤· k¤v¤· <>¤=· and material necessary for repairing same, forty-three thousand dollars. For rent of building for a mail—bag repair shop and lock—repair shop, Repair shop. and for fuel, , watchmen and charwomen, oil, and repair of machinery for said shbsps, eight thousand five hundred dollars. For inland transportation bg railroad routes, of which a sum not R¤ii¤¤¤i mumexceeding one hundred thousan dollars may be emiployed to pay freight on posta cards, stamped envelopes, and stampe paper, mail equipment, and other supplies from the manufactories to the post-ofiices and depots of distribution, thirty-six million two hundred and sixty thousand dollars. _ For railway st—oflice car service, five million one hundred and four P°“‘°“i°° °“”~ thousand nine hdndred and sixty dollars. RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE! One General Superintendent, at three v,§;`fi""°>' Mm S"' thousand five hundred dollars; one Assistant General Superintendent, Ggnml Superigat three thousand dollars; one chief clerk, office of General Superin— ;iiiS,cdtri¤`il°°;`ri;?w° ` tendent, at two thousand dollars; one assistant chief clerk, office of General Superintendent, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; eleven division superintendents, at two thousand seven hundred dollars each; eleven assistant division superintendents, at one— thousand eight hundred dollars each; twenty-two assistant superintendents, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; one hundred and nine chief clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; one thousand two hundred and ninety-two clerks, class live, at not exceeding one thousand four hundred dollars each; four hundred and ninet -0ne clerks, class tive, at not exceeding one thousand three hundred efhllars each; one thousand five hundred and four clerks, class four, at not exceeding one thousand two hundred dollars each; eight hundred and twenty-three clerks, class four, at not exceeding one thousand one hundred dollars each; three thousand four hundred and sixty-one clerks, class three, at not exceeding one thousand dollars each; two thousand one hundred and eighty-eight clerks, class two, at not exceeding nine hundred dollars each; six hundred and eighty clerks, class one, at not exceeding eight hundred dollars each. . _ _ ' For substitutes for clerks on vacation, forty thousand dollars: B·o- §l§},’f§,§f,f‘*° °i°'“ vided, That the Postmaster—General may allow railway postal clerks ab»g¤u¤;¤1 Mves <>f whose duties require them to work six days or more per week, fifty-` two weeks per year, an annual vacation of fifteen days with pay. For acting clerks, in place of clerks injured while on duty, and to gflgggigiiiifg cm enable the Postmaster—General to pay the sum of one thousand dollars or death. to the legal representatives of any railway postal clerk who shall be killed while on duty or who, being injured while on duty, shall die within one year thereafter as the result of such injury, forty-five thousand dollars. _ For actual and necessary expenses of General Superintendent, 'f“"°i“’g°‘¥’““°°'· Assistant General Superintendent, chief clerk office of General